Cập nhật: 02/01/2025.

Understanding Breast Augmentation Using Autologous Fat with Dr. Phung Manh Cuong

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Breast augmentation using autologous fat method is one of the most popular cosmetic makeovers methods nowadays. The following article shall give you information about this breast augmentation method shared by Dr. Phung Manh Cuong – Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital. Stay tuned!

Dr. Phung Manh Cuong explains breast augmentation using autologous fat

Dr. Phung Manh Cuong explains breast augmentation using autologous fat

What is breast augmentation using autologous fat? What are the advantages?

On a woman’s body, there are many areas of excess fat such as the abdomen, hips, armpits, biceps… This excess fat can be removed from the body by applying Lipo Ultrasound technology.

After being removed from the body, this amount of fat will be screened and centrifuged to get the best amount of fat with the most stem cells for redistributing and implanting to areas that lack fat such as the face, area buttocks, chest area, …

Did you know that the chest area includes chest muscles, mammary glands, subcutaneous fat, and breast skin? In particular, the most suitable area for autologous fat transplantation is the subcutaneous fat area of the chest. Fat transplant into the muscle or mammary gland can not last long.

Who should have breast augmentation using autologous fat?

Firstly, the breast augmentation method using fat will be suitable for women who already have naturally big breast shapes with a few defects. For this case, the recommended amount of fat should be less than 200cc to ensure the fat can last long. On the contrary, if too much fat is implanted, it will not survive, and cause calcifications or lumpy areas on the chest.

Second, the breast augmentation method using fat is suitable for women who have naturally big breast shapes without sagging and just need to transplant fat to make the breasts more beautiful.

Third, this method is for women who want to undergo both breast augmentation with breast implants and autologous fat transplantation to have a more well-proportioned breast shape.

Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

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Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital Images of our customers before & after breast augmentation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

What does the news say about the breast augmentation service at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital?

VnExpress: https://vnexpress.net/hai-phuong-phap-nang-nguc-tai-benh-vien-tham-my-gangwhoo-4214691.html

Nguoi Dua Tin News: https://www.nguoiduatin.vn/nang-nguc-tai-benh-vien-tham-my-gangwhoo-dep-tu-nhien-quyen-ru-a502874.html

Suc khoe & Doi song News: https://suckhoedoisong.vn/den-benh-vien-tham-my-gangwhoo-bau-nguc-cang-tron-khong-con-sa-tre-n188203.html

About Dr. Phung Manh Cuong

First Level Specialist Phung Manh Cuong is the top expert at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital. He has more than 15 years of experience working in the cosmetic industry and has years of training in Korea. He is a visiting professor at Catholic University – one of the 3 best medical universities in Korea. His topic was highly evaluated by experts at the International Plastic Surgery Conference. Currently, Doctor Phung Manh Cuong is widely known by many people thanks to his outstanding achievements in rhinoplasty surgery, nose revision, eyelid revision, facial paralysis treatment, temple augmentation, breast augmentation, cheek reduction…
  • Read more about First Level Specialist Phung Manh Cuong HERE
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