Cập nhật: 24/12/2024.

Tattoo Removal with Laser – Safe Way To Remove Your Tattoo

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

The Tattoo Removal with Laser technology helps customers to remove tattoos that they no longer like. However, some customers are still asking questions such as “What is tattoo removal with laser?”, “Does it hurt?”… You will have your answers after reading the article below.

Tattoo Removal With Laser

What is tattoo removal with laser?

Tattoo removal with laser is a technology that applies light waves on the tattoo area to destroy the structure of the tattoo and the microscopic ink particles, then slowly eliminate it out of the body.

There are no tattoo removal methods that can be compared to the tattoo removal with the laser method. This method gives a quick, safe and effective outcome. However, it depends on your natural disposition so that whether you would feel any pain or not.

Tattoo Removal With Laser

The advantages of tattoo removal with laser

The new and safe way to remove your tattoo with new laser technology

The older tattoo removal with laser method has only one level of laser energy but it is incapable of cooling. You will feel burned and in pain after using the old method.

In addition, the old method can cause bad results to the skin such as burning, scratching, blistering, skin ulcer…that can lead to keloid scars.

However, thanks to the advanced tattoo removal with laser technology, you will no longer have to worry about your tattoos again. Specifically, the new laser machine is improved regarding the operating principle that overcomes the old method’s weaknesses.

Erase tattoos on your skin

It depends on the technology you choose to have your tattoo completely removed. The tattoo removal service at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital will help you to eliminate the tattoo ink particles out of your body.

The tattoo removal with laser method will include 4-6 courses of treatment, each course will be 2-3 weeks from each other. You will see a big change after each course of treatment. Especially, this method also helps erase discolored tattooed eyebrows after only one course of treatment.

Tattoo Removal With Laser

The process of tattoo removal with laser

To ensure a positive outcome of a tattoo removal treatment, the procedure must follow the following steps:

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí
  • Step 1: The doctor will examine, inspect the skin and assess the tattoo ink’s current condition to suggest the most suitable method.
  • Step 2: The doctor will carefully perform skin hygiene on the surgical areas and apply the numb gel. The numb gel will help the customer to feel relaxed and painless during the procedure.
  • Step 3: The doctor will perform tattoo removal using the laser. He will adjust the suitable laser frequency for the tattoo size.
  • Step 4: The doctor will apply cold compresses on the area of surgical skin. Then, you will have moistures applied to regenerate your skin.
  • Step 5: The doctor will instruct the customer on how to do skincare for the best result.

Tattoo Removal With Laser

Tattoo Removal and Tattoo Spray Price List At Gangwhoo Cosmetics

Depending on the size of the tattoo, the price of the tattoo removal method will fluctuate from 1.000.000 to 8.000.000 Vnđ

Click the button below to see the latest discounts for tattooing services at Gangwhoo


ServicePriceDiscounted price
Heaven Powder Brow Spraying2,000,000
3D Effect Ombre Brow Straying4,000,000

Perfect Microneedles Brow Spraying


Shading Luxury Brow Spraying


Anthropology Brow Spraying


Discolored Brows Treatment


Brow Revision (Mildly Damaged Brow)


Brow Revision


Upper Lid Spraying


Lower Lid Spraying


Diamond Lip Spraying


Pink Smile Lip Spraying


TBG Lip Needling Spraying


Nano Lippi Lip Spraying


Dark Lip Lightening for Men/Women


Nipple Lightening


Multi-Line Brow Sculpting


Sculpture Revision (Mildly Damaged Brow)


Meliora 9D Brow Sculpting


Ordill Sculpting


Sculpting Revision


Tattoo Removal With Laser

Why Should You Choose Tattoo Removal With Laser Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital?

You can find hundreds of results about tattoo removal using laser on social networks. However, not every result you find is a quality result you are looking for.

If you are looking for a professional and prestigious place for tattoo removal, you should come to Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital. With years of experience in the field, we understand what our customers need the most when they come to Gangwhoo.

At Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, you will have a chance to experience:

  • A team of doctors who had years of experience in the cosmetics field and tattoo removal methods. Thus, our customers can always rest assured of the best result.
  • The tattoo removal using laser method is transferred directly from Korea to Gang hospital to ensure the best result.
  • Because it is the latest tattoo removal using laser technology, so we ensure 100% painless, non-invasive procedures for our customers.
  • Reasonable price: To help our customers to remove tattoos that they are no longer interested in, Gangwhoo hospital always offers the most reasonable price for every customer.

Tattoo removal is a big problem for most customers. And to have a safe and quick tattoo removal procedure, you must visit Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital.

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Tác Giả GS.BS Park Sung Yong

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