Cập nhật: 15/12/2024.

Fat Grafting For Breast Augmentation – A Natural And Free From Complication Method

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Fat Grafting For Breast Augmentation is a safe and effective non-surgical method that brings about a beautiful and splendid pair of breasts for those who are afraid of pain and complications.

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Fat Grafting For Breast Augmentation – Get yourself the voluptuous breast

What is Fat Grafting for Breast Augmentation?

The procedure of Fat Grafting For Breast Augmentation is a non-surgical method that “pump” the autologous fat into the breast cavity to make them bigger.

Fat Grafting For Breast Augmentation is the method of creating natural-looking breasts without exposing any sign of cosmetic interference. Additionally, this method can also help you to reduce fat in some areas of the body.

However, no more than 300cc of fat can be grafted each time for each side of the breast. Thus this method cannot be applied for those who want their breasts to change dramatically. Furthermore, one augmentation can only last for 3-5 years. After this period, the fat will be completely dissolved and thus a new augmentation must be done to regain the shape again.

Fat Grafting For Breast Augmentation is a method of injecting autologous fat into the breasts
Fat Grafting For Breast Augmentation is a method of injecting autologous fat into the breasts

Suitable candidates for a Breast Augmentation

Non-surgical Breast Augmentation is a safe and relatively quick procedure that is suitable for:

  • People with small breasts due to the lack of lobules.
  • Those with asymmetrical and disproportionate breasts
  • Women who want their breasts to look even bigger.
  • Ladies with abundant buttocks, abdomen, or thighs fat but lack breast fat.
  • Individual who is unsatisfied with their previous augmentation.

However, customers with cardiac problems, hemophilia, diabetes, clients who are going through mental therapy, menstruation, or new mothers who are still breastfeeding their babies should not undergo this procedure to protect their safety.

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The Fat Grafting for Breast Augmentation standard procedure

The procedure of Fat Grafting For Breast Augmentation consists of these phases:

Phase 1: Autologous fat Liposuction

Doctors will inspect and determine the areas with excess fat on the body. Next, a piece of endoscopic equipment with a camera will draw the liquified fat tissue outside.

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This excess fat tends to be on the abdomen, buttocks, or thighs.

Doctor Phung Manh Cuong introduce the standard equipment use in fat grafting

Phase 2: Fat separation with centrifuge

The fat once drawn from the body will contain blood plasma, cells’ fluid, and other substances. However, with the use of a centrifuge, all the foreign matters and weak cells will be eliminated, leaving only strong cells for grafting.

Until being used for Breast Augmentation, this fat will remain in a completely sterilized and quality environment.

Phase 3: Fat grafting for breast augmentation

Depends on the condition and the requirement of the client, the doctors will form a precise regimen of the locations on the breast and the amount of fat that will be injected.

Then the doctors will use cylinder tools to “pump” fat into the chosen areas. During this step, the doctors will carefully and precisely perform the augmentation for the guest.

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Breast Augmentation price list at Gangwhoo cosmetics hospital

The price for Fat grafting for breast augmentation is from 70,000,000 – 100,000,000 VND.

Click the button below to see the latest discounts for breast makeover services at Gangwhoo

Laparoscopic Breast Augmentation – Gsoft Implant 2,149
Laparoscopic Breast Augmentation – Nano Implant Without Chip3,159
Laparoscopic Breast Augmentation – Nano Implant With Chip3,639
Laparoscopic Breast Augmentation – Ergonomix4,710
Laparoscopic Breast Augmentation – Arion3,650
Nipple lightening (Free cream)650
Nipple Reduction on both sides870
Areola Reduction on both sides1,080
Accessory Breast Removal (1 – 2 breasts)1,520
Gynecomastia treatment1,730
Breast Reduction1,940 – 2,790
Breast Lift1,940 – 2,790
Laparoscopic Buttock Augmentation – Polytech4,280
Laparoscopic Buttock Augmentation – Ergonomix3,000 – 4,290
Breast Fat Grafting2,150
Buttock Fat Grafting3,000 – 4,290

Do 1, get 1 free – Outstanding waist and big breasts

How to take care of yourself after a Breast Augmentation

  • After the augmentation, the client will have to stay and rest at the hospital for 1-2 days so that the patient can be monitored further.
  • The Breast Displacement Strap must be used for 1 month to keep the breasts in shape.
  • Saline or disinfectant can be used to clean the chest.
  • The consumption of beef, chicken, water spinach, corn, etc. is not recommended for one month after the procedure.
  • After 3-4 weeks, the breasts should be massaged under the doctors’ guidance.
  • Try to avoid any impact on the chest area.
  • Limit the number of intense exercises or physical activities when the shape is not yet stable.
  • Attend check-ups as appointed and take prescription medications on time.
  • If any issues occur, you must rush to the doctors for immediate treatment.
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