Cập nhật: 12/12/2024.

New Born Skin Rejuvenation – For The Elastic And Youthful Skin

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

A New Born Skin Rejuvenation procedure improve the state of saggy and dark skin a thousand time better than the traditional method. As the result, the fresh new youthful skin is brought back to the ladies.

Trẻ Hóa Da New Born Skin
New Born Skin Rejuvenation

What is the New Born Skin Rejuvenation procedure?

New Born Skin Rejuvenation is the modern method of making the skin become youthful, elastic, and tightened. This procedure possesses all 3 elements of deep impact on the skin, recovery essence, and skin moisture. According to the experts, one procedure of the New Born Skin Rejuvenation can bring about the effect of 1000 traditional skincare.

  • HA Essence: – also known as Hyaluronic Acid. These are the natural ingredients inside the skin with the ability to moisturize the skin surface. Normally, 1g or HA can hold at least 6 liters of water. Besides, HA essence can also increase the density of the skin to make it stronger and more elastic. The most important thing is that it stimulates the generation of new Collagen to improve the state of deteriorated and damaged skin.
  • Amino Acid Compound: This is considered to be the “vehicle” that takes the HA Essence to every single place, restores the biological structure of the skin, and stimulates the accumulating process of Collagen and Elastin.
  • Choline – the precursor of Acetyl Choline: This element maintains the elasticity and strength of the skin, as well as prevents the saggy state. Vitamin B is a necessity that helps to make the skin naturally stronger and pinker.

New Born Skin Rejuvenation is suitable for customer with skin deterioration that wants to lift the muscle and improve the elasticity of the skin. In addition, customers with young but dry and wrinkled skin can also undergo this procedure. Likewise, people with dark and disproportionate skin tone can also consider taking this method.

Trẻ Hóa Da New Born Skin - Làn Da Luôn Tươi Trẻ
Nano Collagen Skin Rejuvenation – Make the skin young forever

The advantages of a New Born Skin Rejuvenation procedure

New Born Skin Rejuvenation brings about many benefits to the skin. Here are some of its benefits:

  • Restore the deteriorated, damaged skin with many flaws.
  • Supplement the amount of deficient Collagen under the skin.
  • Bring back the young, elastic, soft, and lively skin and prevent skin drought.
  • Slow down the skin deterioration.
  • Require neither invasion nor incision during the procedure
  • Offer a safe, swelling-free procedure and limit the amount of required rest.
  • Limit the creation of skin pigment, as well as balance the sebaceous glands without causing any skin allergic reaction.
Trẻ Hóa Da New Born Skin - Làn Da Khỏe Đẹp
Nano Collagen Skin Rejuvenation – Let your skin be healthy as always

The process of the New Born Skin Rejuvenation

New Born Skin Rejuvenation is directly transferred to Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital from Korea and is under strict supervision from leading experts. A standard procedure includes these steps:

  • Step 1: The dermatologist analyzes the skin condition of the customers to understand the damage to the skin structure and thus propose a suitable cosmetic solution.
  • Step 2: The skin will be cleansed from dirt and makeup. At the same time, the skin will be exfoliated to get rid of all the scales on the surface.
  • Step 3: The doctors will begin to apply anesthetic with the exclusive anesthesia technology to limit the swelling and pain.
  • Step 4: The entire skin surface will be disinfected to avoid it from getting infected and inflamed.
  • Step 5: The dermatologist will begin the procedure by directly injecting the essence into the skin to nurture and restore the damaged skin. At the same time, the regeneration of Collagen will be stimulated to improve the flaws of the skin.
  • Step 6: The doctors will then use Cool-Relax 2 to apply electroporation cooling on the skin surface so that the skin can fully absorb the nutrition.
  • Step 7: A layer of cream will be applied to the skin to make it moist. At the same time, sunscreen will be used to limit the damage from the sunlight.
  • Step 8: For the final step, the doctors will take care of the patient after the surgery and provide guidance on home skincare to offer the most beautiful result and avoid any skin damage.

Why should you choose the New Born Skin Rejuvenation procedure at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital?

The New Born Skin Rejuvenation is considered to be the most effective among all the skin rejuvenation methods. Therefore, the majority of customers coming to Gangwhoo seek this form of treatment to change the flaws of their skin.

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is the most reputable facility that guarantees your safety and quality service. The method of New Born Skin Rejuvenation is done by well-trained and experienced doctors. In addition, the hospital is also equipped with much supportive equipment and machinery that is up to the Ministry of Health standard. Thus the sisters can always believe in us to have yourself the perfect youthful skin.

If this is not your option, we still have plenty of different procedures at Gangwhoo to please even the toughest customers. Every flaw of the body can now be fixed to bring about confidence and attractiveness to the ladies.

In conclusion, the New Born Skin Rejuvenation will help the ladies to improve and restore the state of the skin effectively. Therefore, if you are having the need to rejuvenate yourself, Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is the place for you to receive the best consultation and service!

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