Cập nhật: 15/12/2024.

Brow Revision – Completely Restore The Faulty Eyebrows

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Correct faulty brows are one of the deepest desires of many women. Placing your fate in the wrong hand or choosing the old technology to have a brows makeover can bring unwanted side effects. To avoid losing money for nothing, the ladies should read the article below to understand this technology

What is Brow Revision

A Brow Revision is a cosmetic method that helps to restore discolored, unmatched, or asymmetrical eyebrows. With the latest technology, a brow revision can bring about great effectiveness and suitable eyebrows for your face.

You won’t have to worry about anything after the procedure as this technology is very safe can complication-free.

Xử Lý Chân Mày Hư - Hỏng Cỡ Nào Cũng Sửa Được Hết
Brow Revision– Fix Both Your Brows And Your Worry With Ease

The advantages of a Brow Revision

With the rapid development of the cosmetic industry, the Brow Revision technology can bring about these great benefits:

Quick procedure:

After just 45 – 60 minutes of procedure, your brows will be mildly swollen for the first few days. But you should rest assured as this is a very normal sign after the process. 

Get rid of 90% of the old ink and reshape the new brows:

The old ink and shape will be completely eliminated with laser technology. Each action taken in this procedure must be careful and precise to make sure that your skin wouldn’t be heavily impacted.

The specialists will create the new brows shape for you to ensure that the brows is naturally beautiful and smooth. This is because the new and suitable brows shape for the face will be anticipated beforehand.

Brow Revision
Faded Ink Brow Fix– Take Care Of The Discolored Brows Once And For All

The procedure of the Brow Revision 

A Brow Revision procedure must be done within these 5 fundamental steps:

  • Step 1: The specialists will inspect and evaluate the condition of the brows to determine the correct wavelength and laser intensity. 
  • Step 2: The skin of the brows must be cleaned thoroughly. In addition, any equipment that is going to be used in the procedure will also need to be cleaned to avoid cross-contamination.
  • Step 3: The brows will be sedated for 30 minutes to ensure that no pain is felt during the entire procedure. This step is to ensure that the procedure will happen safely and hence leaves no bad effect on the skin like irritation or swelling.
  • Step 4: The specialists will make use of laser, choose the wavelength, frequency and the appropriate amount of energy to be used to eliminate the ink color of the old brows. 
  • If the customer has any demand for a new brows shape to be made, an appointment will be scheduled. 
  • Step 5: The method of taking care of the brows after the revision will be given to the client. This must be done carefully and exactly as the guidance from the doctors. Therefore, you must be very cautious in taking care of your own brows to ensure the best possible result.
Quy Trình Xử Lý Chân Mày Hư
Brow Revision Procedure

The Brow Revision price list at Gangwhoo 

Click the button below to see the latest discounts for tattooing services at Gangwhoo

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí


Heaven Powder Brow Spraying2,000,000
3D Effect Ombre Brow Straying4,000,000
Perfect Particles Brow Spraying5,000,000
Shading Luxury Brow Spraying6,000,000
Physiognomy Brow Spraying8,000,000
Faded Ink Correction6,000,000
Brow Revision (For little damaged eyebrow)6,000,000
Brow Revision10,000,000
Upper Lid Spraying2,800,000
Lower Lid Spraying2,000,000
Diamond Lip Spraying5,000,000
Pink Smile Lip Spraying5,000,000
TBG Microneedles Lip Spraying10,000,000
Nano Lippi Lip Spraying7,000,000
Lip Lightening5,000,000
Nipple Lightening8,000,000
Multi-Line Brow Sculpting3,000,000
Sculpting Revision (For little damaged eyebrow)6,000,000
9D Meliora Brow Sculpting6,000,000
Ordill Fiber Sculpting9,000,000
Sculpting Revision10,000,000
Xử Lý Chân Mày Hư An Toàn
Safely correct the faulty brows

Why should you choose Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital as the place to have the Brow Revision procedure?

Although Vietnam has hundred of facilities that perform brows revision, only Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is the reputable place for the customers to take care of their faulty brows.

That is the result of countless years of determination and effort. Here are some noticeable things that you need to know about Gangwhoo:

We have the best and most experienced experts and thus we know how to take care of faulty brows without causing any pain or taking too much of customers’ time and effort.

We fully possess the most advanced and modern specialized tools in taking care of faulty brows.

The environment where the procedure takes place is completely sterilized to ensure that the customers won’t have to worry about any infection. In addition, Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital also offers 5-star services that can please even the toughest customers.

We hope with the information that we have shared, you now understand more about the benefits of the Brow Revision technology. Feel free to consult our doctors directly at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital to have yourself the best support today!

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