Cập nhật: 24/12/2024.

Dentures Reinstall and Recovery

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

The dentures reinstall and recovery method gives aesthetic to your dentures, and improves chewing function without invading and affecting other teeth. This method is considered the safest and simplest method that is suitable for most customers.

dentures reinstall
Reinstall and Recover Dentures

Tooth loss, snagged-tooth, gap-toothed…badly affect your appearance and how you communicate and eat every day. Nowadays, with advanced and developed dentistry technology, the reinstall and recovery method for dentures has become easier than ever. The reinstall and recovery method is the most popular thanks to the reasonable price, simple technique, and good results.

What are the dentures reinstall and recovery methods?

Dentures Reinstall and recovery is a dental correction method that uses a mold resembling natural gum tissues, inside there are dentures made from plastic or porcelain. When you wear this mold, your dentures would look as beautiful as a natural denture.

Because the mold was designed specifically for each customer so the number of false teeth will be the same as the lost teeth. After installing the dentures and filling in the gaps, the chewing function would be ensured.

The reinstall and reinstall and recovery (dentures) method is considered safe, simple, painless and non-swelling, and easy to clean. Thus this method is often applied to the elderly.

The advantages of dentures reinstall and recovery

Improve dental problems

The reinstall and recovery (dentures) method helps cover dental defects, realigns teeth, and ensures chewing function. Your dentures will have bright and natural colors.

Safe and easy to replace

The dentures are made from plastic or metallic authorized by The Ministry of Health, which ensures the safety and benign. They are easy to replace and compatible with the jawbone, hence they would not affect the surrounding gum and tissue area.

Ensure chewing function

The dentures are designed according to each customer’s bite marks, which guarantees real feelings while eating.

Easy to remove for cleaning

Compared to the dental implant method, this technique makes it easier for you to do a daily toothbrush, especially when you want to get rid of food crumbs, bacterias to prevent dental diseases.

Quick, painless, and non-swelling procedure

This method does not include surgical intervention so the customer will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. The dentures are designed in a short time thanks to advanced equipment. After the procedure, the customer can come back to normal life without having to rest.

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Reasonable price

Compared to other dental methods, this technique is considered suitable for most customers at a reasonable price.

The dentures reinstall and recovery procedure

At Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, the reinstall and recovery (dentures) procedure follows these steps:

  • Step 1: The doctor will examine the customer’s current dental condition regarding tooth loss, snagged tooth… Then the doctor will scan the jawbone to understand the structure and give a suitable method.
  • Step 2: Clean and sterilize the oral cavity to eliminate bacteria and food crumbs. This step is to prevent oral infection.
  • Step 3: Measuring the jaw frame, the positions for the dentures as well as getting the bite marks. This information will be transferred to the Labo room to design the most compatible dentures.
  • Step 4: After the dentures are finished, the doctor shall install them in the right positions so the customer can move their jaw freely.
  • Step 5: The customer will be instructed on how to care for their dentures at home.

Dentures reinstall and recovery price list at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Click the button below to see the latest discounts for dentistry services at Gangwhoo


IMPLANTIPM Dentium Implant (Korea) + Post780
IPM Dentium Implant (US) + Post860
IPM Tekka Impalnt (France) + Post990
IPM Strauman Implant (Swiss)1,250
Bone Grafting140 – 220
Single Bone Grafting220
Dental Tray (Bone tray)140
COSMETIC CERAMICDental Veneer (good)220
Porcelain Veneer (thin – transparent)310
Metal Porcelain60
Titanium Porcelain80
Full Porcelain Zirconia140
Full Zirconia160
Full Porcelain Cercon180
Full Porcelain Cercon HT220
Full Porcelain LAVA310
Full Porcelain INLAY_ONLAY130
Full Porcelain INLAY_ONLAY – High Quality
Full Porcelain Titanium45
Full Zirconia Porcelain120
Metal post25
Carbon post50
Normal metal post30
Titanium post35
Zirconia post50
Temporary crown8
16 Zirconia Full Porcelain Teeth2,060
16 Full Metal Teeth1,170
16 Cercon Porcelain Teeth2,740
16 Lava Porcelain Teeth4,795
16 Veneer (good)3,430
16 Veneer (thin – transparent)4,795
ORTHODONTICS – DENTAL BRACESInvisalign Invisible Braces2,999 – 5,990
Metal Braces (Level 1 – 3)1,080 – 1,290
Automated Metal Braces (Level 1 – 3)1,290 – 1,720
Ceramic Braces (Level 1 – 3)1,720 – 2,150
Automated Ceramic Braces (Level 1 – 3)2,150 – 2,580
DENTURE (FALSE TEETH)Vietnam Denture15
Japan or US Denture18
Composite Denture20
German Vita Porcelain Denture (1 – 3 units)55 – 70
German Vita Porcelain Denture (more than 4 units)55 – 70
German Vita Porcelain Denture (more than 12 units)50 – 60
Dutch Porcelain Denture (1 – 3 units)55 – 70
Dutch Porcelain Denture (more than 4 units)55 – 70
Dutch Porcelain Denture (more than 12 units)45 – 60
Tempered denture frame65
Tempered plastic denture frame70
Flexible denture frame40
Full flexible denture frame60
Metal denture frame (not including false teeth)70
Titanium denture frame (not including false teeth)100
Attachment denture (chromium or titanium)120
Attachment denture (ceramic teeth)160
CANAL TREATMENT (ENDODONTICS)Canal treatment for kids (milk tooth)20
Canal treatment for permanent single-rooted teeth30
Canal repeated treatment for permanent single-rooted teeth40
Canal treatment for permanent multi-rooted teeth38 – 45
Canal repeated treatment for permanent multi-rooted teeth68 – 90
PERIODONTAL DISEASESTartar Removal and Teeth Whitening12 – 20
Tartar Removal and Teeth Whitening for kids6
Pericoronitis treatment12
Periodontitis treatment15
TEETH WHITENINGLed or Laser teeth whitening110
Teeth whitening tray at home68
Teeth whitening strips25
DENTAL FILLINGCosmetic filling15 – 25
Fuji filling10 – 15
Cosmetic filling for tooth surface20 – 30
Dental filling for milk tooth6
Tooth root extraction12 – 20
Loose permanent teeth15 – 25
Permanent tooth extraction (simple)25
Permanent tooth extraction (complex)32 – 45
Wisdom tooth removal / upper jaw45 – 59
Wisdom tooth removal / lower jaw66 – 89

Why should you choose reinstall and recovery at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital?

A lot of customers have trusted and chosen the reinstall and recovery (dentures) method at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital. Gangwhoo is highly evaluated by experts thanks to the following criteria:

– The team of doctors with high expertise understand deeply the jawbone structure and dental methods nowadays. The doctors were trained and practiced domestically and abroad for the best cosmetics result.

– Modern facilities and state-of-the-art machinery system. In addition, Gangwhoo constantly updates the latest cosmetics technology in the world.

– The reinstall and recovery (dentures) procedure is carried out in a closed and sterile room. Safety must be guaranteed in every step of the procedure for the best result.

– The staffs show friendliness, politeness, and care to every customer. The customer service shows high quality and dedication to the customers.

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