Cập nhật: 23/12/2024.

Facial Paralysis (Cranial Nerve 7 Paralysis): Treatment, Symptoms, and Causes

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

A Cranial nerve 7 paralysis is a condition that can happen to everyone regardless of their age. Without timely treatment, this can cause greater complications. There are multiple methods of treating facial paralysis. However, the surgical method is showing positive results in returning the function and the look to the patient.

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The Best Facial Paralysis (Cranial Nerve 7 Paralysis) Treatment In Vietnam

What is a Cranial Nerve 7 Paralysis (Facial paralysis)?

A facial paralysis (Cranial nerve 7 paralysis) is a condition caused by the paralysis of the 7th nerve (the one that controls the function of the face’s muscle) that leads to the partly or completely loss of half the face function.

When this is damaged, the muscle won’t be able to move naturally and hence the patient can hardly show simple facial expression. In addition, with half the face dropped and stiff, the appearance, as well as the patient confidence will be greatly affected. You can check out more information about facial paralysis here.

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The cause of a Cranial Nerve 7 Paralysis

There are many reasons behind facial paralysis. The first reason for Cranial nerve 7 paralysis is (Bell paralysis) is believed to be due to peripheral nerve VII paralysis.

However, nowadays, facial paralysis is considered to be a distinguished clinical syndrome. Therefore, the definition of Bell Palsy is no longer relevant to the primary cranial nerve VII paralysis. 50% of the cases of facial paralysis are due to primary cranial nerve 7 paralysis.

The most common causes of cranial nerve VII paralysis are due to sudden cold exposure, virus, flu, or trauma that damage the nerve and cause it to be paralyzed.

The two most common viruses that cause cranial nerve 7 paralysis are gerpes simplex and zona. Besides, some viruses can also cause facial paralysis like adenovirus, Epstein-Barr, cytomegalovirus, coxsackievirus, rubella, mumps, and B flu virus.

Edema that puts pressure on the nerve and causes it to run out of blood is also one of the reasons that cause facial paralysis. Aside from that, some diseases cause cranial nerve VII facial paralysis like Lyme, sarcoidosis.

Some conditions that cause peripheral nerve paralysis include:

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  • Lyme.
  • Mastoid bone or middle-ear infection.
  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Genital herpes (Ramsay Hunt syndrome due to Zona).
  • Broken petrous.
  • Melanoma or acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
  • Chronic meningitis
  • Diabetes.

Cranial Nerve 7 Paralysis symptoms

Patients before having facial paralysis tend to feel ear pain, with a complete paralysis or partial to complete paralysis from within 48 to 72 hours. The patients will feel their faces heavier, numb, with the paralyzed side losing the ability to show expression and the face, eyes, and wrinkle muscles losing their functions. Inability to close the eyes or expanded eyes that lead to dryness and corneal irritation in severe cases. For other cases in which the patient has damaged nerves near the cranial nerve VII, the ability to create saliva and tear, as well as the sense of taste are also affected.

The sign of a Cranial Nerve 7 Paralysis

The most noticeable signs of facial paralysis are:

  • The face becomes stiff with the mouth is dropped to one side which causes eating problems.
  • The eye on the paralyzed half cannot be closed due to the paralysis of the orbicularis oculi (eyelid muscle).
  • The patient cannot show normal facial expressions like smiling, squinting…
  • The patient has difficulties in moving the face or feels headache and inner ear pain.
  • Loss of taste, with the increase in saliva when eating and crocodile tear syndrome are possible.

Who can easily get Cranial Nerve 7 Paralysis

  • Pregnant woman.
  • Weak people with Immunodeficiency.
  • People with heart rate or atherosclerosis medical history.
  • People with little exercise and outside interactions.
  • Drinkers.
  • Those who stay up late or suffer constant stress.
  • Early bird and latecomer that easily get cold.

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How to avoid getting a Cranial Nerve 7 Paralysis

  • Keep the body warm when it’s cold. Close the window when sleeping or traveling to avoid a sudden breeze. Avoid going out at night. Prevent fans or conditioners from pointing directly at the face in the hot season.
  • Seek treatment for facial paralysis culprits like ear, nose, mouth infection and watch out for skull damage at the temples or the Mastoid bone.
  • Seek immediate treatment at Neurology hospital so that the doctors can find out the cause and the treatment for the condition.

Where to get a Facial Paralysis Treatment

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital for a long time has been a reputable place for patients with this condition to get treatment and recover their facial function.

These cases will be directly inspected and performed by Dr. Phung Manh Cuong. Dr. Phung Manh Cuong at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital has been treating facial paralysis for many patients with a persistent condition.

After discussing with the doctors in Korea, Dr. Phung Manh Cuong will perform the surgery with autologous thighs muscle as the material used to adjust the face.

Nearly one hour after the surgery, the patient has recovered most of the face function and aesthetic. This has brought tremendous joy to both the patient and her family.

After 20 years of not being able to put on a smile, Gangwhoo has done her a miracle.

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Gangwhoo to the eyes of the press

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The result after 2 months of Facial Paralysis Treatment

The Facial Paralysis Treatment procedure at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital

The facial paralysis treatment procedure at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital:

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Step 1: Dr. Phung Manh Cuong gives consultation directly

All the cases of facial paralysis or cranial nerve 7 paralysis will be directly inspected and have their questions answered by Dr. Phung Manh Cuong.

In case of severe paralysis, Dr. Phung Manh Cuong will discuss with experts in Korea to give out the best treatment.

Step 2: General health examination

To ensure the patient’s health during the surgery, the doctor will have the patient’s health, drug reaction, blood sugar, and heart rate tested with a CT scan…

Step 3: Sterilization and anesthetization

The doctor will begin to sterilize the area before the surgery to ensure that the wound will be complication-free during the procedure.

Next, the doctor will apply an anesthetic with the exclusive anesthesia method to ensure that no pain will be felt by the patient.

Step 4: Conducting facial paralysis treatment

Depends on the previous inspection result, the surgeon will perform the most optimal surgical procedure.

Step 5: Post-surgery care guidance

The doctors take care of the patient at the post-anesthesia care unit to monitor the patient’s recovery.

When leaving the hospital, the patient will be given advice on the homecare regime to have the best result.

How to take care of yourself after a Facial Paralysis Treatment

The patient with cranial nerve 7 paralysis can read the information below to have the best post-surgery care:

  • Maintain the humidity of the face.
  • Keep the face warm at night, when it is windy or when going out.
  • Massage the face and try to move its muscle as much as possible.
  • Maintain great dental hygiene.
  • Have a logical and resting regime.

Images of our customers before and after having Facial Paralysis Treatment

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Feedback from our customers after having a Facial Paralysis Treatment

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Questions on Cranial Nerve 7 Paralysis Treatment

Is Facial Paralysis dangerous?

Aside from causing many difficulties in the patient’s routines, this condition can also cause dangerous complications if is not treated on time.

  • Eyes complications: Conjunctivitis, keratitis, ectropion. These complications can be avoided by wearing glasses, using eye-drop, complete or partial lid cartilage stitching.
  • Synkinesis (Linked movement): Unintentional muscle contraction combines with voluntary action. E.g: the Levator anguli oris (the smiling muscle) is contracted simultaneously when closing the eyes. There is a method of treating facial paralysis and Occupational therapy that can lessen this condition.
  • Post-paralysis half-face contraction: This complication can occur at major nerve damage with partial nerve redistribution.
  • Crocodile tear syndrome: This is a rare complication of facial paralysis The symptom of it is the sudden drop of tear when eating.

Can Facial Paralysis heal on itself?

Sadly, the Cranial nerve 7 paralysis cannot become healthy again on itself but only through treatment, Occupational therapy, or surgery.

Will Facial Paralysis occur again?

Time is an important factor in treating facial paralysis. The most optimal time for treatment is around 2-3 months after the first sign of the condition.

However, a Cranial nerve 7 paralysis can reoccur right after having the treatment, especially for cases of cold exposure. Therefore, the patient should try to keep warm after the treatment.

What should you avoid eating when having Facial Paralysis?

A patient with Cranial nerve 7 paralysis should avoid eating these types of food:

  • Food that is high in fat and cholesterol.
  • Alcohol in general and fizzy drink.
  • Refined cereals.
  • Food that is rich in Arginine amino acid.

Instead, the patient should try to eat more of this food:

  • Garlic.
  • Dark green vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Different types of seed.
  • Green tea.

How much does Facial Paralysis Treatment cost?

The cost for a facial paralysis surgery depends on the severity of the case, so in order to know the exact price, the client should contact and come to Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital.

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital’s contact information

  • Fanpage: facebook.com/benhvienthamygangwhoo
  • Address: 576 – 578 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Hotline: 0901 666 879
  • Website: benhvienthammygangwhoo.vn
  • Email: info@benhvienthammygangwhoo.vn
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