Cập nhật: 24/12/2024.

Frontalis Muscle Immobilization – Gives Smooth and Bright Face

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Frontalis muscle immobilization is one of the most popular beauty services nowadays. This is the optimal method to remove your forehead wrinkles – the cause of your old and unlively looking.

Frontalis Muscle Immobilization
Frontalis Muscle Immobilization

Things to know about non-surgical frontalis muscle immobilization method

Forehead wrinkle is everyone’s problem, it tends to appear when people are over 25 years old. although you can improve forehead wrinkles by using cosmetics, makeup, or getting your hair done. However, the optimal solution is undergoing frontalis muscle immobilization cosmetic method.

Thanks to the great development in the cosmetic field nowadays, frontalis muscle immobilization can be done surgically or non-surgically.

  • Botox injection: Botox is a special nerve-controlling chemical. With enough dose of botox, it can temporarily limit the movements of the facial muscles to reduce the wrinkles and prevent new wrinkles from forming. The result can last for a couple of months, and you need to have the following botox injection to get the best result.
  • Filler injection: After injecting into the forehead area, it will help remove the wrinkles and make the skin smoother.
  • Brow lift surgery: An endoscopic brows lift surgery will be done to limit invasion. After making a small incision at the scalp area, then the doctor will tighten the tissues to smoothen the skin, and simultaneously lift the brows so that the face will become more well-proportioned and sharper. This is the most effective frontalis muscle immobilization for its long-lasting result.

Frontalis Muscle Immobilization

The advantages of the frontalis muscle immobilization method 

Based on the nature of the wrinkles removal methods and how they are carried out, they all have benefits that are suitable for the customers.

The advantages of the non-surgical forehead wrinkles removal:

  • Painless and non-surgical procedure.
  • Short recovery period.
  • The procedure lasts for a couple of minutes and gives immediate results making the skin smoother and younger.
  • The procedure does not cause allergies.
  • The procedure does not leave any surgical traces or scars.
  • Originally quality filler authorized by FDA.
  • Low price

Despite the endoscopic forehead wrinkles removal surgery involves surgical intervention, the risks of getting scars are extremely low thanks to the highly improved ways of surgical execution compared to other non-surgical methods. Compared to the filler/botox injection method that temporarily disables the movements of the facial muscles, the surgical method helps completely remove the wrinkles. As a result, the result can last for years.

Frontalis Muscle Immobilization

The frontalis muscle immobilization procedure

Frontalis muscle immobilization or any other method all have to follow a strict and safe procedure as follows:

Step 1: Examination and Consultation

The doctor will examine the customer’s current forehead wrinkles condition. At the same time, the doctor will listen and answer carefully your questions about the technique. Finally, the doctor gathers and concludes information to suggest the most suitable method.

Step 2: General Health Check

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

To ensure that you are qualified for the procedure, you will need to have a general health check regarding blood pressure, heartbeat, blood tests… At the same time, the doctor will ask for your medical history, underlying diseases, and medicines you are using.

Step 3: Measurement and sketch

This is an important step of the surgery. The doctor identifies the areas with defects that need to be fixed and marks the areas that need an injection or surgical intervention.

Step 4: Sterilization and Anesthesia

To protect you from being infected, the doctor shall sterilize the surgical areas before the surgery. Then, to the customers who have the surgical methods, they will have anesthesia in order not to feel any pain during the procedure.

Step 5: Performing the surgery

The doctor will perform the surgery or filler/botox injection.

After the procedure, you need to follow the doctor’s instructions in terms of skincare to quickly recover and preserve the result.

Even though this method can remove the ugly forehead wrinkles, but it can stop you from aging. You should have a healthy lifestyle, avoid direct sunlight for a long time and avoid getting stressed. These will help you preserve the cosmetic result longer, and simultaneously keep your skin healthy.

Quy Trình Xóa Nhăn Cơ Trán
The Frontalis Muscle Immobilization Procedure

Frontalis Muscle Immobilization Price List at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Click the button below to see the latest discounts for non-surgical beauty services at Gangwhoo

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí


Jowls botox injection440
Cheek botox injection310
Crow’s feet botox injection310
Glabella botox injection310
Forehead botox injection440
Chin filler injectionDepending on the type of filler used:
+ Korean filler 220 USD/cc
+Juvederm 650 USD/cc
+Restylane 390 USD/cc
Temple filler injection
Nose filler injection
Cheek filler injection
Vaginal rejuvenation with filler injection
Lip filler injection
Nasolabial folds filler injection
Pitted scar filler injection
Filler dissolving140

Frontalis Muscle Immobilization

Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital – Prestigious hospital for high-quality Frontalis Muscle Immobilization service in HCM City

To have the best cosmetic result, the surgical implementation must be precise and careful. And the surgery must be conducted by specialists, cosmetologists who have licenses in cosmetology.

Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital has a team of experienced, highly qualified, and dedicated doctors and staff that can offer the best frontalis muscle immobilization service to our customers. Furthermore, Gangwhoo has all the requirements to be a prestigious and high-quality cosmetic facility:

  • Modern facility with full equipment.
  • A team of highly experienced doctors who constantly enrich their skills through many domestic and foreign training courses.
  • Gangwhoo constantly updates the latest beauty trends.
  • Various makeover services that meet all clients’ desires.
  • The safe procedure complies with The Ministry of Health’s Regulations.
  • Thoughtful and dedicated post-operative care.
  • The post-surgery warranty policy is clear which ensures clients’ rights and interests.

The forehead area accounts for half of the face and affects greatly the facial appearance. Therefore, a smooth and delicate forehead will help you to look much younger. The frontalis muscle immobilization service at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital will help you to achieve your desired beauty. Contact us now for the most thoughtful advice and consultation.

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