Cập nhật: 11/12/2024.

Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty – For The Dove-like Big Googling Eyes

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Dove Eyes is a popular non-incisional blepharoplasty method nowadays. This procedure takes a short amount of time without the need for any surgery; hence is extremely safe and painless. Moreover, the double-lid eyes are formed immediately and the patient is not required to take any long recovery period.

Bấm Mí Dove Eyes - Sở hữu ngay mắt bồ câu
Get yourself the dove eyes with Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty

Many methods of creating double-lid eyes were invented and brought to use thanks to nowadays technology. Each of these methods has its technique. Among all of them, Dove Eyes is the highly recommended solution for beautiful eyes.

What is Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty?

Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty is a procedure that originated in Korea with many outstanding advantages. First of all, this method requires zero invasion on the eyelids. Thus, this process is safe, painless, and free from bleeding for the entire duration.

The Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty procedure creates a chain of connections between the brows cartilage and the upper eyelids skin. Instead of using the brows lifting muscle, the procedure uses the brows cartilage with higher durability and elasticity. Hence, the Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty process gives much more natural and lasting double-lid eyes.

The advantages of Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty

This is an advanced method that is highly recommended by many customers with many outstanding advantages:

  • Create visible and big double lid eyes Form natural, proportionate, and symmetrical creases.
  • Cause no pain, bleeding, and scars thanks to the non-incisional method.
  • The thread is made from natural material with high adaptability to sensitive eyes skin.
  • The entire process happens quickly in a sterile environment to eliminate the risk of complications.
  • Requires minimal resting time.
Bấm Mí Dove Eyes giúp ánh nhìn có hồn hơn
Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty – Breathe new life to your eyes

Who is suitable for a Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty method?

Dove Eyes can be effectively applied for both men and women. The most suitable candidates are:

  • People, 18 years or older, with normal body condition.
  • Customers with eyelid liner, ptosis, disproportionate eyelids, monolid, or small eyes…
  • Those who have never undergone any form of eye makeover.
  • People with young eyes skin with no sign of aging.

People with Hemophilia, diabetes, mental issues or pregnant and breastfeeding woman… needs to consider their blepharoplasty desire thoroughly.

The 5-star procedure

At Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital, your safety is always our number one priority. Hence our Dove Eyes procedure must always be up to standard with the following steps:

  • Step 1: Inspect and check for customer’s eyes flaws. Review the best cosmetic solution for the client. Answer any question from the patient and explain the details of the Dove Eyes procedure.
  • Step 2: Measure the eyelids skin of the customer. Mark new and improved creases that are suitable for the client’s face.
  • Step 3: Sterilize the medical equipment and the eyelids skin to ensure patient safety.
  • Step 4: Apply local anesthesia to limit any discomfort during the thread twisting process.
  • Step 5: Begin twisting the suture as the marking. The procedure should last for around 15 – 20 minutes depends on each case.
  • Step 6: After finishing the double suture twisting, the customer will be moved to the post-operative care unit. You can leave the hospital within the day following the Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty.

Eye makeover price list at Gangwhoo

Click the button below to see the latest discounts for blepharoplasty at Gangwhoo

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí
Korean Blepharoplasty3503 years
Dove Eyes Blepharoplasty4405 years
Permanent Blepharoplasty520Permanent
Perfect Blepharoplasty1,080Permanent
Eyelid Method Blepharoplasty4405 years
4 in 1 Blepharoplasty700Permanent
Eyelid Excess Skin Removal440Cases vary
Endoscopic Fat Removal220Cases vary
Plasma Dissection220
Perfect Lower Eydlid Blepharoplasty620Cases Vary
Endoscopic Eyelid Fat Removal360Cases vary
Endoscopic Eyebrow Lift6603 – 5 years
Upper Lid Excess Skin Removal Through Eyebrow4403 – 5 years
Mini Medical Canthoplasty310Cases vary
Medical Canthoplasty660Permanent
Lateral Canthoplasty870Permanent
Single Lid Ptosis Correction660Permanent
Asymmetrical Eye Correction870Permanent
Eyes Enlargement Surgery1,300Permanent

Images of our customers before and after having Blepharoplasty

Bấm Mí Dove Eyes khiến đôi mắt thần thái hơn
Get more elegant eyes with Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty
Bấm Mí Dove Eyes khiến cửa sổ tâm hồn thêm hoàn thiện
Fulfill your “window to the soul” with Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty
Bấm Mí Dove Eyes cải thiện vận mệnh
Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty – Improve your fate today

Guidance for post-eyelids-surgery care

Along with the procedure, post-operative care will also play an important role in the results. You will need to memorize the exact guidance from the doctors to have the most logical eyes care:

  • For the first few days, the eyes will have swellings and bruises. This can be reduced with icing or fomentation.
  • Cotton swaps and saline should be constantly used to clean the skin area.
  • Avoid direct sunlight and interaction with the eyes’ skin.
  • Consume plenty of water, vegetables, and fruits. Limit the consumption of products that can cause purulence and swell like fizzy drinks, alcohol, and stimulants.
  • Take logical rest to prevent the eyes from getting tired.
  • Take prescribed medications and attend follow-up appointments as scheduled.

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is the safest and quickest place to have a correction for the “cosmetic disaster”, and the consequence of having blepharoplasty at disreputable facilities.

Why should you have a blepharoplasty at Gangwhoo

At Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital, we have a team of well-trained doctors with more than 15 years of experience in the cosmetic field and constant training in foreign countries.

Additionally, our nurses not only had received fundamental training and working license but also are dedicated and professional. Thus we guarantee to offer you nothing but the very best.

We also have the advanced and hygiene infrastructure that is up to the Ministry of Health standard.

Bấm Mí Dove Eyes không sưng bầm nhiều
No more swelling when you get Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty

The risk of having blepharoplasty at disreputable facilities

Many facilities are non-prestigious and cannot guarantee the requirements for the procedure to succeed. Hence you should only seek a reputable hospital to have your eyes makeover. Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital will help to make your dream come true in a quick yet effective way. At the non-prestigious cosmetic facilities, you can easily become the victims of their unprofessional works. Here are some of the foreseeable risks:

  • Incisional or non-incisional blepharoplasty and other surgeries can cause certain complications if they are done in cosmetic facilities with unsanitary equipment and operating room.
  • The doctors and nurses at these facilities have very limited experience with little expertise…
  • The results could be not what you desire (asymmetrical lids, bad scars…)
  • The structure and eyes function could be affected (inflammation, sight reduction…)

To maximize safeness, as well as to achieve the desired results, the experts at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital suggest everyone do their research thoroughly and choose a reputable cosmetic facility.

Frequent questions after having a Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty

How long will a Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty last?

Each method of forming double-lid eyes has a different expiration date. Among them, Dove Eyes non-incisional blepharoplasty procedure is considered to have rather lasting results. You could have yourself beautiful two lidded eyes for 5 – 7 years, or even 10 years.

The longevity of the results depends on many different elements: The skills and the expertise of the doctors, the patient’s condition, the current state of the lids, the post-procedure care regime… For the most elegant and everlasting eyelids, it is recommended to follow all the doctor’s guidance on diet, resting time, and hygiene.

Is it safe to get a Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty method?

Compare to other forms of blepharoplasty, the Dove Eyes non-incisional blepharoplasty offers much greater safety. In addition, the entire procedure happens rather quickly with no incision, pain, or bleeding.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

How long does it take until you have to take the second Dove Eyes Non-incisional Blepharoplasty?

A non-incisional blepharoplasty can last for a very long time. However, you can redo the procedure if you feel that the creases are fading away. If you are unsatisfied with your previous lift, you can have it redo the process or get an incisional one once the wound is completely healed.

If the crease is becoming less visible and beautiful, you could extend its longevity with a new incisional or non-incisional eyelids lift.

Here at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital, we also apply the standard procedure in our service. The entire process will be done in completely sterile rooms and equipment. For that reason, your safety at Gangwhoo will always be maximized.

Nowadays, Dove Eyes has become more and more popular among Vietnamese. This is thanks to its quick yet painless procedure at a reasonable price. We are always open to your questions with great enthusiasm!

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