Cập nhật: 24/12/2024.

Lipo Ultrasound Fat Reduction – A Safe Non-Surgical Fat Reduction Procedure

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Lipo Ultrasound is a fat reduction solution that requires no surgery, yet still provides an exceptional result after one use. According to cosmetic experts, this procedure helps to reduce 15 – 20 cm of the waist size, improves the states of thighs, buttocks, arms fat…

Lipo Ultrasound Fat Reduction Before After

An irregular diet with lots of fat, little exercises, etc. is the culprits that lead to the accumulation of fat and excessive weight. Losing weight has never been an easy thing for many people. But worry not. With Lipo Ultrasound fat reduction technology, all of your body shortcomings can be treated.

What is a Lipo Ultrasound procedure?

Lipo Ultrasound is an exclusive method of cosmetic that we have at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital. This is the technology that is delivered directly without going through any third party and is international certified with outstanding results.

This technology uses convergent ultrasound at a microscopic level to have a deep and direct impact upon the fat layer underneath the skin, which will melt down the excess fat.

Lipo Ultrasound is better than the traditional fat reduction method because it requires no surgery, no incision, separation, and causes no damage to our customers. The excess fat will be liquified and got pushed outside through the sweat glands.

Besides, Lipo Ultrasound will also remove a certain amount of inner toxin which helps to strengthen and tighten the skin layer. This procedure will also stimulate the production of collagen to rejuvenate the skin.

The advantages of Lipo Ultrasound fat reduction procedure

Lipo Ultrasound is considered to be an important invention, a big leap in the fat reduction field. For that reason, it has been among the most famous cosmetic technologies in the world. Many advantages of this procedure will certainly draw your attention.

  • Completely remove all excess fat in a fast and effective way after one use.
  • Use a safe, non-surgical, and painless fat burning technique.
  • Cause no allergic reaction.
  • Can be applied to many areas within the body like the waist, thighs, calves, arms…
  • Prevent diseases caused by excessive fat with complete control over your weight and body measurements.
  • Ultrasound can quickly burn away fat tissue, even the everlasting one.
  • State-of-the-art technology with certification and inspection provided by U.S FDA.
  • Positive results can be seen after each session.

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The 5-star standard Lipo Ultrasound fat reduction procedure

Lipo Ultrasound can be used on many different types of customers, especially those who are suffering from weight problems and excessive fat. This procedure can be done at multiple areas of fat at the same time. Hence burn away all the fat and deliver a fit body shape with reasonable weight.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

At Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital, we highly value Lipo Ultrasound as it not only an exclusive procedure to us, but it also requires specialized equipment and techniques. That is why, when undergoing this procedure, our customers will be monitored carefully to ensure that no problem can occur.

  • Step 1: Check customers’ state and inspect their area of excess fat After that, check for general health to see if the customers are qualified for the procedures
  • Step 2: Measure the weight, their body measurements At the same time, determine the amount of fat that needs to be removed, give the solutions and assurance after undergoing Lipo Ultrasound
  • Step 3: For the area of fat that needs to be removed, the doctors will carefully clean them with warm towels and ventilate the sweat glands.
  • Step 4: Press the acupuncture points and massage using essential oil. This step will dilate the skin, make it become softer and create a path for the essence, ultrasound to enter to break the structure and the bond between fat tissue
  • Step 5: Use Lipo Ultrasound technology to deeply impact the fat tissue to push them out through the body’s sweat glands
  • Step 6: Analyze the outcome and compare it with the previous data to see the results. Schedule the next check-up and give guidance on the customers’ diet and how to take care of themselves at home.

Liposuction & Fat Reduction price list at Gangwhoo (USD)

Click the button below to see the latest discounts for liposuction at Gangwhoo



BMI from 22 – 22,9

Below 60cm3,430
From 60cm – 70cm4,720

BMI from 23 – 26

From 70cm – 75cm5,150
From 75cm – 80cm5,570
From 80cm – 85cm5,990
BMI from 26 – 30From 85cm – 90cm6,420
BMI above 30From 90cm – 95cm10,270
BMI above 30From 95cm – 100cm13,700
BMI above 30Over 100cm13,700 + 440 USD/cm
Below 28cm1,720
From 28cm – 35cm2,150
Above 35cm2,570
Inner thigh
Below 55 cm4,280
From 55cm – 65cm4,710
From 65cm – 70cm5,140
From 70cm – 75cm5,570
From 75cm5,990
Tummy tuck1,730 – 6,430
Nasolabial fold fat grafting 660
Temple fat grafting870
Forehead fat grafting870

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Gangwhoo to the eyes of the press

Xa Luan News http://xaluan.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=3024592

Ngoi Sao News:https://ngoisao.vn/lam-dep/cong-nghe-lam-dep/dien-vien-tam-thanh-giam-6kg-nho-giam-beo-tai-benh-vien-tham-my-gangwhoo-315665.htm

Vimed News: https://vimed.org/review/benh-vien-tham-my-gangwhoo

Images of our customers before and after undergoing the Lipo Ultrasound fat reduction procedure

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Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

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Why should you choose the fat reduction procedure at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital

Gangwhoo is proud to be the first cosmetic hospital to own and perform Lipo Ultrasound fat reduction procedure. This not only is our exclusive technology with safe procedures but also gives out positive results that help our customers achieve their dream body quickly.

At Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, you will get to experience a professional environment and consults up to international standards. Our doctors are qualified with years of training. Not only that, but our hospital also pays close attention to improving our equipment and the latest cosmetic procedure.

It is the belief and our customers’ satisfaction after so many years that keep us going and becoming the leading brand in the cosmetic field.

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital’s contact information


  • Address: 576 – 578 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Hotline: 0901 666 879
  • Website: benhvienthammygangwhoo.vn/en/
  • Email: info@gangwhoo.com
  • Fanpage: facebook.com/benhvienthamygangwhoo
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