Cập nhật: 25/07/2022.

Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser – Lighten Your Genital Area Naturally

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser is the procedure that brings back the youthful look to the vagina. Its greatest advantage is that the result can be “feel” easily after one quick session. As the result, the ladies can now be more confident in their “nightlife”.

Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser
Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser

A female genital (or in a less formal word – a vagina) is a rather sensitive body part that requires plenty of care to not become deteriorated. Some vagina issues that can plunge the woman’s confidence include vaginitis (vagina inflammation), itchy or smelly genital, etc. can greatly affect the sexual life of the ladies.

Additionally, anyone with dark, asymmetrical lips (labia) or a wider vagina due to childbirth, constant sex must pay more attention to this body part. Instead of using a time-consuming method that offers low effectiveness, you can always try the Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital.

What is a Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser procedure?

Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser is the most advanced method of creating a strong and pink vagina. For this procedure, the doctors will beam specialized medical laser deep inside the genital area to stimulate the regeneration of tissues and collagen layers under the skin.

Once entered the vagina, the laser will make the muscle contracted to create its firmness. At the same time, the heat from the laser will improve the elasticity of the tissues and help to tighten the vagina cavity.

Additionally, the laser will also affect the external labia by lightening them. This method also quickly destroys the melanin pigments, increases the blood flows through the vagina to make it smoother and pinker.

A Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser technique is a rather safe and quick procedure that causes no complication or discomfort to the customers. Being a non-surgery cosmetic process, the clients will also be completely painless and free from swelling.

The advantages of a Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser procedure

For every 10 women, 9 of them want their genitalia changed. A vagina is not only the most attractive area of the girl’s body but also the way to keep the man around. Thus the procedure of Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser is very much adored by many.

Some great benefits of this procedure are:

  • Improve the state of aging and withered vagina.
  • Lighten the dark and uneven color labia.
  • Tighten the vagina cavity and increase its elasticity.
  • Keep the genital soft by stimulating the generation of collagen.
  • Offer a lasting result after a quick surgery.
  • Bring no pain or discomfort with the non-surgical procedure.
  • Require no rest.
  • Offer a safe, harmless, and complication-free experience.

The international Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser procedure

Although this is a non-incisional process, a Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser still requires expertise and dexterity from the operator. Moreover, to ensure the safety of the customer, specialized supporting equipment is necessary.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

At Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital, this procedure is done within these steps:

  • Step 1: Coming to Gangwhoo, the client’s genital area will be directly checked and evaluated by the physicians.
  • Step 2: A general health examination is also required to guarantee that the patient is not contracted with dangerous diseases.
  • Step 3: The vagina will be cleansed to ensure its hygiene. After that, the doctors will disinfect the genital area to limit the risk of infection and invasion.
  • Step 4: Laser technology will be used to rejuvenate the area, especially the dark and stretched regions. The collagen will be naturally regenerated to make the vagina tighten and pink.
  • Step 5: After the procedure is done, the doctors will let the patient home without any further rest. However, guidance for home care will be given to the customer beforehand.

Genital makeover price list at Gangwhoo (VND)

Click the button below to see the latest discounts for breast makeover services at Gangwhoo


Endoscopic Breast Augmentation – Nano Implants Without Chip75,000,000Permanent
Endoscopic Breast Augmentation – Nano Implants With Chip85,000,000Permanent
Endoscopic Breast Augmentation – Ergonomix95,000,000Permanent
1 Side Inverted Nipple Correction10,000,000
2-Side Nipple Reduction10,000,000
2-Side Areola Reduction10,000,000
Accessory Breast Removal (1-2 breasts)35,000,000
Gynecomastia Treatment
Breast Reduction45 – 65,000,000
Breast Lift45 – 65,000,000
(Cases vary)
Nipple Lightening15,000,000

Why should you choose Gangwhoo cosmetics hospital as the place to have a Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser procedure?

Customers with the need for a Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser procedure should seek a reputable hospital like Gangwhoo. We, with our infrastructure, technique, and expertise, are among the top cosmetic hospitals in Vietnam.

Additionally, at Gangwhoo, there are still plenty of different services for you to experience. These services can correct the flaws of many different body parts of one’s body. As the result, the ladies can be totally confident in your look when coming to us.

We hope that this method of Genital Rejuvenation Using Laser will help you to get a beautiful and attractive reproductive area. Having a gorgeous appearance is just winning the battle. It is the inside that helps you win the war. Come to Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital and let us help you to make your dream come true!

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