Cập nhật: 15/12/2024.

Nutritionist from New Zealand Visits Gangwhoo for a Facelift ‘Youthful’ Transformation and the Outcome

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May Kristin Ann, a nutritionist, traveled thousands of miles to Vietnam with the hope of ‘rejuvenating’. Was she disappointed or satisfied with the results? Let’s follow her surprising story and Facelift journey to ‘rediscover her youth’ . Explore now!


Time’s Unforgiving March: May Kristin Ann’s Skin Fades with Age

May Kristin Ann, a healthcare nutritionist living in Auckland, New Zealand, has led a successful and happy life. However, one thing that upsets her is her ‘aging’ skin.

Her skin condition has severely sagged and wrinkled, aging rapidly. This makes her look older than her actual age. Despite her beautiful facial features, her sagging and wrinkled skin has ‘blurred’ her natural beauty. This has made her feel less confident and decide to undergo skin tightening to regain her youth.


Of course, before proceeding, May Kristin Ann had many concerns and thoughts. Thinking back to 10 years ago, her skin was still beautiful and smooth, but now everything has changed. Like everyone else, she couldn’t avoid this, but was there a secret to regaining ‘youth’?

Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital: Facelift -The ‘Rejuvenation’ Destination Chosen by the Nutritionist from New Zealand

At a point where she has everything like May Kristin Ann, enjoying life is the number one priority. But for complete happiness, youthful beauty is what she believes will make her better. Although it can’t be maintained forever, at least it gives her the most ‘fulfilling’ enjoyment.

For a foreigner from faraway New Zealand to choose Vietnam, and specifically Gangwhoo, was it a wise choice?


May Kristin Ann shared, “Having a facelift in New Zealand is not easy. Private surgery hospitals in New Zealand are very expensive. I didn’t want to spend too much money on one surgery, but also wanted to have a new and exciting experience.”

A truly risky decision, but very meticulous. When May Kristin Ann didn’t choose Gangwhoo by chance or randomly. Above all, it’s the careful research when she contacted 3 major hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City. Finally, Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital is the choice where she trusts and entrusts her skin.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

Neat, Professional – What May Kristin Ann Praised Gangwhoo For

To be ‘noticed’ by May Kristin Ann, at Gangwhoo, it’s not just professionalism but also dedication and meticulousness. Not to mention the results, but the convenience and facilitation when Gangwhoo consulted on WhatsApp has left an impression and trust for May Kristin Ann.

Just like the real results that May Kristin saw through videos from many international customers, it further affirmed her self-confidence as correct. That made her not regret giving ‘winged’ compliments to Gangwhoo.

Healthcare nutritionist May Kristin Ann shared, “You guys are very professional from the website to technology investment. But what impressed me the most is the enthusiasm and thoughtfulness you bring.”


The facelift results truly overwhelmed May Kristin Ann when she saw her skin become youthful and radiant. Signs of sagging, aging, and drooping disappeared completely. In return, she got firm, lifted, and elastic skin.

Smas Facelift at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, the ‘Golden’ Technique that Made the Brand

The Smas facelift technique at Gangwhoo has made a name for itself and is trusted by many domestic and international customers. A golden technique, with deep action, helps tighten the surface and nourish the skin wonderfully. Something that has made a difference between Gangwhoo and other cosmetic units.


  • The technique deeply affects the Smas muscle layer – the most important muscle layer that shapes the face.
  • It addresses skin issues such as wrinkles, sagging, aging, making the skin smooth, firm, and youthful over time.
  • The procedure is performed by a cosmetic and shaping specialist with over 15 years of experience and reputation in the field.
  • The most advanced technologies are applied to facelifts, including 4K endoscopic devices that allow true image reflection up to 10 times into surgery.
  • This supports easy dissection and brings optimal results. It leaves no scars, is non-invasive, requires no surgery, no convalescence, does not affect the customer’s life and work.

A wonderful facelift journey and an interesting experience, May Kristin Ann received a lot in return. Something everyone desires like returning to youth, socializing, discovering a new culture, experiencing the rich cuisine of Vietnam. With her excellent results, it will be a huge motivation for those who want to have a facelift but are still ‘hesitant’. Be like May Kristin, confidently dare to change to fully enjoy your youth in the most complete and meaningful way.

Contact Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital directly for further consultation

  • No: 576 – 578 Cong Hoa, W.13, D. Tan Binh, HCMC
  • Hotline/zalo: 0901 666 879
  • Email: info@gangwhoo.com
  • Website: https://benhvienthammygangwhoo.vn/
  • Fanpage: www.facebook.com/benhvienthammygangwhoo
  • Tiktok: https://tiktok.com/@benhviengangwhoo
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benhvienthammygangwhoo/
  • Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/benhvienthammygangwhoo
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Tác Giả Bác sĩ Trương Hoàng Minh – Chuyên Khoa Nam Học Của BVTM Gangwhoo

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