Cập nhật: 02/01/2025.

Is Abdominal Liposuction Effective?

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

“Is liposuction effective?” raises a lot of differing opinions. Many people swear on its effectiveness, many others remains doubtful. So what is the truth about this? We at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital to give our own views on the matter!

Is Abdominal Liposuction Effective?
Is Abdominal Liposuction Effective?


Abdominal liposuction is an advanced and effective method that helps remove excess fat quickly. Considered a high-end solution, performing liposuction requires medical professionals and advanced equipment. Qualified and skilled doctors will perform techniques to remove stubborn fat and transfer it to a container.
Thereby, excess fat can be thoroughly removed and returned you a beautiful and slim figure. Done correctly, it’s unlikely to cause any complications or discomfort.


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As stated above, Abdominal Liposuction is a major surgery method, requiring a strict procedure – so whether this method is effective or not will depend on a lot of criteria such as the liposuction technology, the doctor’s qualifications, and the cosmetic facility.

In general, undergoing liposuction can give surprisingly amazing results. Surely, to achieve the best effect as well as to ensure your safety, you need to choose the most prestigious cosmetic facility to have liposuction. For example, you can pay a visit to Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital.


According to Dr. Park Sung Yong, abdominal liposuction is a popular and highly effective procedure for removing excess fat from the body. Thereby helping customers to have a slimmer, well-shaped, and sexier body. In some places, this procedure is carried out quite quickly (such as at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, it only takes 60 minutes for the liposuction surgery), without any downtime and it does not take much time for recovery. Hence, this procedure is favored by lots of cosmetic facilities.

Besides positively the amazing advantages of abdominal liposuction, it also has many potential risks and complications. Special acute complications are very common during surgery, within the first 24 hours are dangerous complications such as hypothermia, anaphylaxis, acute pulmonary edema, pulmonary embolism, heart failure, lidocaine poisoning… even death. Therefore, patients need to consider carefully in choosing a reputable and quality cosmetic facility to have liposuction.” – Dr. Park Sung Yong shared.

Hematoma and fluid accumulation after liposuction are the 2 most common complications after undergoing liposuction. The amount of serum and blood stasis in the fat cavity can cause inflammation, when it remains for a long time, it causes infection. The mild hematoma and fluid accumulation only cause bruising and swelling that will disappear after a while.

In addition, bleeding complications can also occur after all types of surgery and liposuction – when using a sharp suction tube, the force of destroying fat tissue is so strong that it ruptures the blood vessels.

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You may have an infection in the liposuction area when operating in a non-sterile environment, with poor post-operative care. If the infection is not treated well, it can also leave abscesses or progress to sepsis. Skin necrosis can also occur when improper liposuction damages many of the vascular systems that nourish the skin.

According to Dr. Park Sung Yong, these complications can usually be detected from 2 to a few weeks after surgery. Customers need to go to a medical facility soon for treatment and to treat complications.

Besides complications that affect your health, undergoing liposuction can also leave aesthetic problems such as bad scars and contour irregularities. When it comes to contour irregularities after liposuction, this is a big issue for women because this complication can cause severe aesthetic loss.

Is Abdominal Liposuction Effective?
Is Abdominal Liposuction Effective?


The liposuction method shows a lot of advantages, but there are also potential risks.

Surely, before deciding to have liposuction, you must consider it carefully because anything can carry potential risks. However, compared with the very rare risks that you may encounter, the benefits of the liposuction method for removing excess fat are still amazingly great.

So we advise you to plan to do research carefully before deciding to have abdominal liposuction to improve the quality of your life as well as ensure your safety.


Everyone likes being beautiful, especially women – because being beautiful is also a women’s privilege. This is what has made the beauty market become more and more exciting than ever with liposuction services… but that’s also why the unreputable cosmetic facilities are established, making customers lose their confidence and trust in the beauty industry.

Proud to be one of the first cosmetic hospitals to own and implement advanced liposuction technology “Lipo Ultrasound” from Korea. Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital has been trusted by thousands of customers who want to lose fat and become beautiful for years. So, we can undoubtedly say that, if you want to have the top quality and safest abdominal liposuction. Come to Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital for the most satisfactory experience ever.

At Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, you will experience one of the most professional medical environments under the standard of the Ministry of Health. We have the most highly qualified and well-trained doctors from abroad. We also focus on improving equipment and machinery as well as updating the latest beauty technology and trends from around the world. Annually, our doctors are invited by leading cosmetic organizations in the world (such as Germany, the USA, Korea, India …) to attend seminars and conferences for research and work publishments. Thereby contributing to the development and reputation of the hospital more than before.

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Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

Especially the High-tech Lipo Ultrasound Liposuction Technology of Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital. With outstanding advantages as follows:

  • Liquefy and completely remove subcutaneous fat quickly (only about 60 minutes), giving the best result after only 1 procedure.
  • Safe technology with minimally invasive, no pain, no danger to the body.
  • Advanced and safe liposuction technology without causing any skin irritation.
  • Can be applied to many body parts of fat accumulation such as the waist, buttocks, thighs, calves, biceps, cheeks, and under the chin…
  • Significantly improve your weight and body measurements and reduce the risks of diseases caused by fat.
  • The ultrasonic waves have the ability to liquefy fatty tissues quickly, even long-term fat accumulations.
  • No bad scars. No downtime. No fat accumulation.


We hope you’ve had enough useful information about our abdominal liposuction services. If you have any further questions or concerns, please leave a comment below, contact Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, or via our Hotline: 0901.666.879 for the most thoughtful advice and guidance!

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