Cập nhật: 03/01/2025.

Can You Eat Salmon After Rhinoplasty? How Long Can You Eat Salmon?

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

You have often wondered “Can I eat salmon after rhinoplasty?” ” Does it affect the cosmetic results?” Let’s clarify this issue with Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital through the content below!

Can You Eat Salmon After Rhinoplasty?

Although salmon contains a lot of omega-3 and protein, unfortunately, eating salmon after rhinoplasty is ABSOLUTELY NOT RECOMMENDED. Especially because this area is more sensitive and easily irritated than ever.

Eat Salmon After Rhinoplasty
Can You Eat Salmon After Rhinoplasty?

>> See More: Is Korean rhinoplasty permanent?

Why you should not eat salmon after rhinoplasty right away

There are many compelling reasons why eating salmon after rhinoplasty should be avoided, including the following:

salmon after rhinoplasty
You should not eat salmon after rhinoplasty because of the high possibility of irritation.
  • Slows down the recovery process: The possibility of eating salmon will cause swelling and inflammation, which can easily affect the recovery process after surgery.
  • Causing irritation: After a nose job, the surgical area is quite sensitive, consuming a large amount of salmon will easily cause irritation, swelling, and inflammation.
  • Affecting the aesthetic results: In many unfortunate cases, overeating salmon will lead to many complications that can affect the final aesthetic results.

How long can you eat salmon after rhinoplasty?

After rhinoplasty, the ideal time to start eating salmon is about 3 – 4 weeks. But be careful to only eat a small amount and monitor your body’s reaction to avoid unwanted reactions.

salmon after rhinoplasty
After 3-4 weeks of rhinoplasty, you can eat salmon normally.

>>See More: Types of Food We Should and Should Not Eat After Having Rhinoplasty

Other foods to avoid besides salmon

In the same way saying NO to the question “Can I eat salmon after rhinoplasty?”, there is a list of other food groups that you should remember to stay away from. Because it is likely to have an impact on the appearance and outcome of your nose job if you are negligent and pay little attention.

salmon after rhinoplasty
Diet after rhinoplasty besides salmon should be noted.
  • Beef: Beef contains a lot of protein, which can easily cause dark scars on the wound after surgery, affecting the aesthetics
  • Water spinach: The ability to overproduce collagen can easily cause keloid scars, so it is especially necessary to avoid after surgery.
  • Sticky rice: Dishes such as sticky rice, sticky sweet soup, banh chung, etc. must also be avoided because they can cause inflammation and pus, making the wound difficult to heal.
  • Seafood: Although many people love seafood, unfortunately after a nose job, you should not eat it because it can also easily cause itching and discomfort, which can easily affect the healing process.
  • Chicken: This is no exception because it can also cause allergies, irritation, and itching at the surgical site, so it is also necessary to “say no” after a nose job.
  • Stimulants: This is a group of foods that must be avoided because it can cause swelling, inflammation and increase the risk of infection after surgery.

In addition to the question “Can I eat salmon after rhinoplasty?”, the Hospital also frequently receives other related questions. Therefore, we have answered in detail below, please follow now!

Besides salmon, what other fish should you avoid after rhinoplasty?

Sea fish such as tuna, mackerel, sardines, herring… and other saltwater fish should also be avoided. Temporarily eliminate seafish from your diet to protect the results of rhinoplasty so that it goes smoothly and successfully.

Can I have freshwater fish after rhinoplasty?

After rhinoplasty, usually only seawater fish consumption is limited, but freshwater fish can still be eaten normally. However, when choosing, you should also pay attention to only eating fatty and easily digestible fish such as snakehead or basa fish and should only eat a moderate amount to ensure safety.

What should I do if I accidentally ate salmon after rhinoplasty?

In case you accidentally ate salmon after rhinoplasty, carefully monitor your health. Stop eating and watch your body’s reaction if you detect it in time. If there are any unusual symptoms, contact your doctor immediately for early treatment.

Hopefully, the content of the above article has helped you better understand the issue of “Can you eat salmon after rhinoplasty?”. The information provided by Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital above should be helpful to you in creating a scientific diet.

If you have a lot more questions that need to be addressed and supported, please get in touch with us!

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