You probably already what foods to avoid eating after undergoing surgery, but we are sure that you still do not know how long is the best time to avoid eating them. I will depend a lot on each person’s health status. The article below will provide you the information about this problem.
Depending on each person’s health status and how long the rhinoplasty surgery is. However, customers normally should avoid these types of food for at least 1 month to be able to reduce swelling and enhance the recovery process.
For customers who have their nose reconstructed, have rib cartilage rhinoplasty, they must avoid specific types of food for at least 1 month and 15 days.
1. Seafood makes it longer to heal the wounds
After surgery, eating too much protein food will backfire on the health of the client. All kinds of seafood: crab, shrimp, fish, snail, squid, … it is best to avoid until further instructions from the doctor.
Note: For those who have filler rhinoplasty and accidentally eat seafood, it will cause allergic reactions, itchiness, redness on the body.
2. Should we avoid eating fruits?
Fruits contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients that are useful for the healing process after surgery. However, you should also limit some juices such as Centella Asiatica juice, coconut water because they can cause a lot of bleeding in open wounds.
In addition, when you undergo filler rhinoplasty, you should also limit eating hard fruits that you must use facial and jaw muscles too much, which can make your new nose take a long time to stabilize.
3. Beef, water spinach that can cause keloid scars
Beef and water spinach are two types of food that need to be limited in the meal if you do not want to have keloids.
In the process of growing young skin, eating beef will increase the risk of bruises, uneven skin tone, and loss of aesthetics.
4. Spicy food and stimulants
Spices that cause spicy, irritating, especially for the nose area such as chili, pepper, mustard, etc. also need to be avoided after rhinoplasty. Because their smell can make you sneeze constantly, affecting the shape of the nose when it is not yet stable.
You should also not use strong stimulant drinks such as beer, alcohol, even drugs, which will make the wound heal much longer than someone who doesn’t use it.
5. Sticky rice, chicken can cause inflammation and swelling
Usually, customers after surgery are in a worse health state than the average person, so they need to abstain from warm, indigestible foods such as dog meat, sticky rice, chicken, etc.
Asides from easily causing inflammation, chicken meat can cause excess protein, causing digestive disorders, affecting the body’s metabolism, making wounds heal slower.
In addition to limiting inflammation, preventing scarring, what to eat after rhinoplasty also supports wound healing. The followings are some types of food and fruits that help balance collagen levels, reduce the formation of concave and keloid scars as well as limit inflammation, prevent scarring, and enhance wound healing.
1. Organic fruit juice
In addition to vegetables, meat, and animal organs, fruits also provide the body with many important vitamins. Therefore, after surgery, you should eat more fruits such as guava, strawberry, orange, kiwi, black currant, …
In fact, the nose area after surgery is very vulnerable, it is necessary to avoid jaw muscle movements (talking, chewing, …). Therefore, customers should take fruits juice to drink after rhinoplasty.
However, you should choose organic fruits meaning clean fruits without preservatives, etc. These fruits are often strictly tested so the quality will be good, ensuring the customer’s health after rhinoplasty.
2. Grains and nuts
Providing energy and adding plant sugars from cereals and nuts.
Besides rice, dishes made from green beans, red beans, oats, black beans, etc. will help customers have good health, the body will have high resistance and the surgical incision will heal quickly.
3. Food highly contains A and C vitamins
Eating a lot of foods rich in vitamins is not only good for the wound to heal quickly but also has a positive impact on human health.
With the ability to enhance human resistance, the recovery process after rhinoplasty will be faster.
- Green vegetables: spinach, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, etc.
- Fruit: citrus, grapefruit, kiwi, strawberry, blueberry…
- Low-fat dishes: soups, boiled food, etc.
We hope you’ve had enough useful information about the types of food that you should and should not eat after undergoing rhinoplasty. If you gave any further questions or concerns, please contact Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital for the most thoughtful advice and guidance!