Cập nhật: 19/12/2024.

Therapy exercises for facial palsy

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Physiotherapy is essential in every facial palsy treatment regimen. These exercises will help to restore the functions of the cranial nerve 7 quickly. This article will summarize all the therapy exercises for facial palsy for anyone interested.

Therapy exercises for facial palsy
Therapy exercises for facial palsy

What is facial paralysis (cranial nerve 7 paralysis)?

Cranial nerve 7 paralysis or facial palsy is a relatively common condition nowadays. The signs of this condition are malfunction and asymmetric of half the face. This, although, doesn’t endanger your life, can still affect your aesthetic and appearance.

What are the causes of facial palsy?

There are a variety of causes of this condition. The most common one is the sudden cold exposure of the cranial nerve 7 or inflammation due to a virus. Some other mentionable reasons are stroke, CNS tumor, temporal trauma, etc.

The symptoms of facial paralysis

The most noticeable symptoms of facial palsy are the malfunction of half the face, asymmetrical mouth, ptosis on one side, and inner ear pain. The patient will have difficulties eating, drinking, crocodile tears, and uncontrollable saliva.

Therapy exercises for facial palsy

Therapy exercises for facial palsy at the early stage

The most crucial factor in treating facial palsy is time. The sooner you have the treatment done, the better the recovery will be. At the early stage, you should do the following:

Step 1: Mix warm water with 2 – 3 tsp of salt, 2 small bowls of white wine, and 2 – 3 slices of ginger over a fire.

Step 2: Take a clean towel soaked in the mixture and apply to the face. Gently massage the from the nose to the 2 ears, up to the head, then down the chin and the neck. Do this constantly for 2 minutes.

Step 3: After cleaning the mixture, use 4 fingers on each hand (except the thumb) to place on the eyebrows and scratch upward the top of the head. Continue moving the fingers all over the face.

Step 4: rub the 2 hands together and touch the ears to keep the ears warm.

Step 5: Press onto the acupuncture points ST 4, LI 20, ST 6, CV 24, GV 26 ST 1, B 1.

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They are located at:

  • ST 4: Lateral to the corner of the mouth.
  • LI 20: At the midpoint lateral to the border of the ala nasi, in the nasolabial groove.
  • ST 6: On the cheek, in the depression one finger-breadth (middle finger) anterior and superior to the lower angle of the mandible where m. masseter attaches, at the prominence of the muscle when the teeth are clenched.
  • CV 24: At the center of the mentolabial groove directly below the lip.
  • GV 26: Midline below the nares.
  • ST 1: On the face, the point is directly below the pupil of the eye, between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge.
  • B 1: On the superior aspect of the scapular region, in the depression posterior to the acromial extremity of the clavicle and anterior to the scapular spine.

These therapy exercises for facial palsy can help blood circulation and expand the blood vessels to stimulate cranial nerve 7 paralysis activities.

Therapy exercises for facial palsy at the later stage

The therapy exercises for facial palsy above are done at the early stage of the condition. After having them done, the patient will need to head to a medical facility to receive appropriate treatment.

After undergoing the treatments the patient should spend 20 – 30 minutes a day to perform the following exercises:

Step 1: Use your thumb to massage the 2 tear troughs, up to the medial of the eyebrows, do this 10 times a day.

Step 2: Massage from the medial of the eyebrows to the temples 10 times.

Step 3: Rub around the eyes 5 to 10 times.

Step 4: Rub around the mouth 5 to 10 times.

Step 5: Rub the 2 cheeks 10 times.

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Take back the smile of the ladies who suffered 7 years of facial palsy

The heart-warming encouragement from the husband to his wife

The luck of a girl who managed to find her smile after such a long time

Therapy exercises for facial palsy after facial palsy surgery

Facial paralysis surgery is the method done for persistent facial palsy. The surgeon will use material from other parts of the body to reattach the damaged cranial nerve 7, restoring the functions of the face.

After undergoing the surgery, aside from practicing the therapy exercises for facial palsy, the patient should also have physiotherapy for the involved parts of the body as well.

For example, if the cranial nerve 12 is bonded, you must perform tongue exercises, while the cranial nerve 11 required shoulder exercises.

These are the therapy exercises for facial palsy that you should do frequently to assist the facial paralysis treatment. We hope that the article has provided you with useful information.

If you still have any questions, please leave a comment at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital or contact 0901666879!

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