Cập nhật: 02/01/2025.

The Cost of Thread Lift

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

To regain youth and live in younger years again is every women’ dream, thread lift is one of the most chosen methods by women and sisters. In addition, the price is also a big concern of every customer.

en cang da mat bang chi gia bao nhieu

What is a thread lift?

Time is the biggest enemy of beauty. Over time, the elasticity of the skin degrades, which forms wrinkles, crow’s feet on the skin. The skin becomes loose and droopy, which makes the face older.

There are plenty of methods women and sisters can choose to rejuvenate the skin, one of them is the thread lift or collagen thread lift. This type of thread has tiny spikes that can attach to the tissues and muscles beneath the skin and tighten the skin.

The collagen thread will be inserted beneath the skin to form a frame that can tighten the skin. Thanks to that, the skin will become smoother and softer.

 Grandma becomes 20-years younger thanks to the thread lift

How much is a thread lift?

The price of the thread lift service is a big concern of women and sisters. The price of the thread lift is quite costly that fluctuates from 60 – 200 million VND for a course of treatment.

Facelift price list


Korean Rhinoplasty8705 years
Cartilage Rhinoplasty1,09010 years
3D Sline – 3D Lline Structural Rhinoplasty1,72015 years
4D Sline – 4D Lline Structural Rhinoplasty2,15015 years
6D Sline – 6D Lline Structural Rhinoplasty3,000Permanent
3D Nanoform Rhinoplasty1,720
4D Nanoform Rhinoplasty2,150
6D Nanoform Rhinoplasty3,000
Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty4,290Permanent
Nose Revision (Cases vary)230 – 310Permanent
Alar Base Reduction440Permanent
Nasal Hump Removal879Permanent
Nose Tip Reduction (Soft Tissues)1,080Permanent
Nose Tip Reduction + Nose Tip Enhancement1,300Permanent
Nasal Bone Correction870Cases vary
Bio Rib Cartilage1,510Cases vary

The price of a lift consists of the following step:

  • Examination and consultation
  • General health check
  • Start the lift procedure
  • Transfer the customer to the post-operative care room
  • At-home care, prescription
  • Following check-ups

Factors affect the price of the thread lift

The price of the collagen thread lift service depends on the following factors:

The cosmetic facility

The reputation of the cosmetic facility affects significantly the price of the thread lift service. Each cosmetic facility has its own price of the thread lift, and because of the influence of the brand, there can be a big difference between the prices.

Cosmetic facilities have advanced technology, highly qualified doctors that can ensure the best safety for customers shall not provide services at the same price as illegal cosmetic facilities.

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Collagen thread

The non-surgical thread lift may involve using different kinds of thread, each shall cost differently from others.

The area undergoing a lift

The wider the area of skin is, the higher cost of undergoing thread lift becomes and vice versa.

The aging condition

If the aging condition of the skin is too complex, the harder it gets to undergo a thread lift, hence the price of the thread lift service will be more costly.

Where to find a prestigious thread lift?

Thread lift is a safe rejuvenation method but also a complicated technique and not every doctor can perform it. Therefore, customers must have thread lift at a prestigious cosmetic facility that has highly qualified doctors with years of experience.

To find a prestigious cosmetic facility for a thread lift, make thorough research from various sources of information, images of customers, from your friends and relatives.

Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital is a prestigious hospital that provides high-quality thread lift in HCM City. Gangwhoo Hospital is licensed by the Department of Health Ho Chi Minh City, Gangwhoo has state-of-the-art machinery systems, sterile operation room.

Doctors at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital are highly qualified with years of experience. The doctors have successfully performed dozen of facelift cases in general and thread lift cases in particular for customers.

The procedure of thread lift

  • Step 1: Examination and consultation
  • Step 2: General health check
  • Step 3: Marking the skin area
  • Step 4: Sterilize and anesthetize the skin area
  • Step 5: Start the thread lift procedure
  • Step 6: Post-operative care and health check
  • Step 7: Following check-ups

Images of our customers before & after thread lift

Images of our customers before & after thread lift

Images of our customers before & after thread lift

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Images of our customers before & after thread lift

Images of our customers before & after thread lift

Images of our customers before & after thread lift

Images of our customers before & after thread lift

Images of our customers before & after thread lift

Images of our customers before & after thread lift

Images of our customers before & after thread lift

Images of our customers before & after thread lift

Customers’ feedbacks about the thread lift at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

“I’m very satisfied with the final result of the thread lift at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital. The doctors here are dedicated and talented, they consult me thoroughly and perform the procedure perfectly, which makes me hardly feel any pain at all. After the procedure, all of my wrinkles are gone.”

“My friend suggested I go to Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital. I really like the professionalism here. I did not feel any pain during the procedure. After a month, my skin looked much younger.”

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí


We hope you’ve had enough useful information about the price of the thread lift, if you have any further concerns or questions, please contact us by leaving a comment below. Thanks for reading.

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