Cập nhật: 19/12/2024.

What Is The Duration Of Swelling After Cheek Reduction? Tips To Minimize Swelling Quickly You Should Try

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

What is the duration of swelling after cheek reduction? Will it take long ? Does it affect your daily life? Let’s find out more about this issue with Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital in the article below!

after cheek reduction
What is the duration of swelling after cheek reduction? Tips to minimize swelling quickly you should try

What is the duration of swelling after cheek reduction?

The average time to reduce swelling after cheek reduction is usually 1-2 weeks. Through observation, you will see a significant improvement. However, for your face  to return to the stable and normal state, you will need to persevere for another 1-2 months after surgery.

>> See More: Hạ Gò Má Có Đau Không

Recovery phases after cheek reduction

To have a better understanding about the time to recover after cheek reduction, we have compiled the specific stages of each of these processes. Please follow closely to know exactly when it is time for you to have a completely healed face.

after cheek reduction
after 1-2 weeks of cheek reduction, the swelling will noticeably lessen
A few days after surgerySwelling, bruising and mild pain may occur and a face compression garment may be worn to stabilize the surgical results.
The first weekThe swelling in the face has gone down but some areas around the wound are still slightly numb.
2-4 weeksThe swelling has reduced significantly, the numbness has gradually decreased and you can feel the sensation of your face.
The next 1-2 months The face is stable, surgical scars gradually fade and you can return to normal activities and work.
3-6 months laterThe face is harmonious, balanced and naturally beautiful without being affected by post-surgery effects.

3 factors affect the recovery speed after cheek reduction

The time it takes for cheekbone reduction to heal will vary from person to person. This is completely understandable because it is affected by 3 main factors including:

>> See More: Tác Hại Của Hạ Gò Má

after cheek reduction
3 factors affect the recovery speed after cheek reduction
  • Personal condition: People with a healthy constitution will usually recover faster than people with a “bad” constitution.
  • Doctor’s skills: If you are lucky enough to be performed by a good doctor, with good skills and technical expertise, it will also help shorten the time it takes for cheek reduction to reduce swelling. When performed correctly, standard operations will help reduce damage and swelling after surgery.
  • Post-operative care: Don’t be subjective because how you care for yourself after surgery also affects the results of cheek reduction and how long it takes for the swelling to go down. Pay attention and follow your doctor’s instructions to promote a quick healing process.

Instructions for quick swelling recovery after cheek reduction

If you want to minimize the swelling time after cheek reduction quickly, here are some tips  we have compiled below. It will help you soon regain a confident face, without any swelling or bruising in a short time.

Proper diet

Pay attention to your diet after surgery, especially increase your intake of foods rich in vitamins and minerals such as green vegetables and fruits to help your body heal faster. Avoid spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, and stimulants after surgery.

Wear a face compression garment

The time to heal after cheek reduction procedure will also be shortened if you wear a compression garment regularly. Because it helps to fix the position of the cheekbones after surgery, effectively reduces swelling and prevents bleeding. Just  follow your doctor’s instructions to get the best results as expected.

after cheek reduction
Wearing a face compression garment is also something that should be maintained after surgery

Cold and warm compresses

Don’t forget to also apply warm and cold compresses after cheek reduction surgery. It also helps to decrease blood circulation and bruising effectively. Be sure to follow the instructions to avoid overuse.

Take medication as prescribed by your doctor.

Taking medication is always necessary because the effects of medication help relieve pain, fight inflammation and prevent infection effectively. You should strictly follow the dosage and duration of drugs prescribed by your doctor, do not adjust it yourself to avoid risks.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí
after cheek reduction
Swelling after cheekbone reduction will subside quickly if medication is taken as prescribed.

Limit facial muscle movements

After surgery, facial muscle movements are not recommended because of the risk of affecting the incision. In particular, excessive expressions such as laughing or talking loudly will hinder the recovery process.

Rest and Relax

Getting enough sleep and avoiding stress and anxiety will help your body recover quickly after surgery. Be sure to get to bed early and avoid staying up too late after surgery.

after cheek reduction
Take regular breaks after surgery.

Re-examination as indicated

Finally, do not forget to have follow-up examinations as your doctor prescribes to facilitate the recovery process and promptly handle any complications. Come on time to ensure a smooth recovery and achieve the best aesthetic results.

Abnormal signs that require seeing a doctor after cheek reduction

If you observe the following abnormal signs after surgery, be careful to detect them early and go to the doctor for a timely examination.

  • Prolonged swelling is a sign of infection or hematoma.
  • Heavy bleeding that does not stop and strange fluid appears.
  • Unusual pain that does not improve even after taking painkillers
  • Some other signs such as high fever, red, hot or swollen incision, accompanied by difficulty breathing or painful swallowing,…

(**) Note: When you see any of these symptom, go get checked soon, don’t hesitate because it will cause many dangerous complications if delayed even for a few days.

Hopefully, through the article above, you will have more confidence in the issue of “What is the duration of swelling after cheek reduction?”. Thereby, you can apply proper caring methods to recover soon in a short time.

For a FREE CONSULTATION, don’t be shy to contact Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital if you still have a lot of questions that need to be solved right away!

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