Cập nhật: 10/01/2025.

Low Interest Installment Fat Reduction At Gangwhoo

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

To own a slim and fit body, many have chosen to undergo installment fat reduction. Therefore, this service has become the hottest among all cosmetic procedures. And thanks to the ability to pay through installment, many can now get the S-Line body that they desire.

Understanding the installment fat reduction

Product is not the only thing that can be purchased through installment payment since nowadays, installment payment is also applied for many cosmetic services.

For that reason, the installment fat reduction procedure is no longer a stranger thing. This method is known as a way for the customers to divide their services purchase into many separate payments.

To explain it more clearly, the cosmetic facility will cooperate with a middle-party credit union to pay the fat reduction cost in advance for the customer. This method is based on the unsecured loan; therefore, the customer will only have to pay part of the services beforehand. The remaining amount can be paid monthly.

However, not everyone can be allowed to have installment fat reduction. The conditions for the loan require the customer to make an application. The application will then have to be fully certified by the credit union.

Installment Fat Reduction
Installment Fat Reduction

How will the payment be fulfilled?

The customers will not have to pay any interest money. Instead, they have to pay at least 2 types of fee:

  • Transaction money for the installment fat reduction: The customer will pay the services directly at the facility. Whether if this fee is costly or cheap is entirely depends on the location.
  • Transaction fee from the credit union: This is the fee that the customer will have to pay on due. It can be every 1, 3, 4, 6, etc. months or even a year.

Pros and Cons of the Installment Fat Reduction

The procedure might sound relatively easy, however, many are still full of doubt about it as they are still wondering if they should undergo the services or not. Therefore, we would like to provide you with the information you need to clear your mind.

The disadvantages:

  • Some unions might require complex procedures and applications that cause a lot of time and effort.
  • The client cannot obtain some particular promotions or discounts.
  • The total payment is usually higher than the one-time purchase.
  • The customer’s information can easily be leaked to other credit unions.

The advantages:

Many candidates, especially those with low income, are suitable for the method.

The client does not have to prepare a large sum of money for the first payment.

The remaining amount can easily be paid in small payments by the end of the due term.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

Although installment fat reduction can cause many issues, it is undeniable that this method also brings many benefits. Therefore, the client should consider their own financial situation. Additionally, patients should only choose a reputable facility with a transparent installment payment procedure to avoid usury.

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital – The most reputable installment fat reduction service in HCMC

Normally, each cosmetic facility offers a different percentage of interest. However, the 0% interest payment is getting more popular and being applied by many centers. Gangwhoo is one of them.

Being one of the few pioneers in cosmetic services, Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital has been bringing our customers the latest and most advanced cosmetic procedures like Lipo Ultrasound, Lipo Thin Max, or Lipo Minfat.

Along with the advanced techniques, Gangwhoo also pertains the cutting-edge equipment and machinery to bring about the safest and most effective fat reduction

Understanding the concern of our customers on the cost of fat reduction when choosing a cosmetic facility, Gangwhoo has cooperated with many different credit unions to be able to offer the low-interest installment fat reduction for our patients.

  • The available balance can reach up to 70 MILLION VND.
  • The paying period can be from 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24, or even 36 months for all customers.
  • Clients will only have to pay from 30% – 50% of the fat reduction services cost in advance.

With Gangwhoo’s installment fat reduction procedure, our customers can now have total confidence when using our services without worrying about the price.

Hình ảnh khách hàng trước và sau khi giảm mỡ
Images of our customers before and after having fat reduction
Hình ảnh khách hàng trước và sau khi giảm mỡ
Images of our customers before and after having fat reduction
Hình ảnh khách hàng trước và sau khi giảm mỡ
Images of our customers before and after having fat reduction
Hình ảnh khách hàng trước và sau khi giảm mỡ
Images of our customers before and after having fat reduction

If you want to experience Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital’s installment fat reduction, contact us now through our 24/7 hotline: 0901.666.879, or just simply seek our facility to receive the details.

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