Author Archives: GS.BS Park Sung Yong

nang mui bang sun tu than gia bao nhieu bvtm gangwhoo 1
Autologous Cartilage Rhinoplasty – How Much is it at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital?

The price of the autologous cartilage rhinoplasty service is a big concern of many people...

Nâng mũi được bao nhiêu năm
How Long Will The New Nose Last After Rhinoplasty?

Lots of people nowadays are concerning about how long the new nose shape can last...

Nâng Mũi Có Ảnh Hưởng Gì Không?
Are There Any Harms After Undergoing Rhinoplasty? [Experts Explain]

Suffering from side effects or complications is a big concern of many customers who want...

Các Dấu Hiệu Nhiễm Trùng Sau Khi Nâng Mũi
Signs of Infection after Rhinoplasty

Infection after rhinoplasty is a dangerous complication that no one wants it to happen. But...

Nâng mũi xong có được nằm nghiêng không?
Can You Lie On The Side After Rhinoplasty?

Can we lie on the side after rhinoplasty? This is the question that has been...

Có nên Nâng mũi 3 triệu, Nâng mũi 5 triệu, Nâng mũi 7 triệu?
Should We Have Rhinoplasty Service at 3 – 5 – 7 Million VND?

Cheap rhinoplasty at 3, 5, or 7 million VND ads are appearing abundantly on Facebook....

Cách chườm đá sau khi nâng mũi
How To Apply Ice Compresses After Rhinoplasty

Applying ice compresses after rhinoplasty can help ease the pain the swelling. However, not everyone...

Phân biệt liệt mặt trung ương và liệt mặt ngoại biên
Differences Between Central and Peripheral Facial Paralysis

Distinguishing central and peripheral facial paralysis is not easy for those who do not study...

nang mui han quoc gia bao nhieu tien
Korean Rhinoplasty – What is the price?

The price of beauty services is the biggest concern of customers and the same for...

phung manh cuong 1
Dr. Phung Manh Cuong warns about the dangers of silicone injection in beauty makeover

Recently, the news has covered a story about a group of adults buy and inject...

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