Author Archives: GS.BS Park Sung Yong

nang mui han quoc duoc bao lau
Can Korean Rhinoplasty Give A Long-lasting Nose Shape?

Lots of customers nowadays are concerned about how long the new nose shape would last...

nang mui han quoc o dau dep
The Criteria for A Good Place for Korean Rhinoplasty

A good place for Korean rhinoplasty is a heated topic in many big cosmetic surgery...

nang mui cau truc co dau khong
Is Structural Rhinoplasty Painful? Experts Explain

One of the most concerned problems of customers is whether the structural rhinoplasty procedure is...

nang mui 5
Rhinoplasty with Autologous Cartilage: 11 Things That Few Knows About

Rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage is a technique used to redefine the nose shape by making...

nang mui cau truc co vinh vien khong
Does Structural Rhinoplasty Give Permanent Results?

Hello doctor. I’m not satisfied with my low nose shape so I plan to have...

nang mui ban cau truc 1
What is Semi Structural Rhinoplasty?

What is semi structural rhinoplasty? What is the difference between semi structural rhinoplasty and structural...

quy trinh nang mui boc sun tu than
What is The Standard Procedure of Cartilage Rhinoplasty?

To have a more natural, higher, and more beautiful nose shape in a short time,...

nang nguc
Learning The New Breast Augmentation Technology with Dr. Phung Manh Cuong

Manual breast implant placement is a commonly applied technique in breast augmentation surgery, but it...

tuyen content website
Bệnh Viện Thẩm Mỹ Gangwhoo Tuyển Dụng Vị Trí Content Website

BỆNH VIỆN THẨM MỸ GANGWHOO – Chất lượng dịch vụ chuẩn 5 Sao. Tâm niệm của...

Những điều cần biết về nâng mũi Không phẫu thuật
9 Things To Remember About Non-surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a relatively common rhinoplasty procedure. Although non-surgical rhinoplasty is commonly chosen, not...

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