Cập nhật: 13/12/2024.

Rhinoplasty with Autologous Cartilage: 11 Things That Few Knows About

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage is a technique used to redefine the nose shape by making use of the autologous cartilage taken from the patient’s body. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage? Let’s find out in the article below!

What is rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage?
What is rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage?

What is rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage?

The trend of having safe cosmetic procedures using autologous material has been rising. This leads to the invention of rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage.

Rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage is a Korean technology that reshapes the tip of the nose and the dorsum using the autologous cartilage taken from the body. This can create the S-Line or L-Line look. The surgeon will coat the tip of the nose using ear cartilage and elevate the projection of the nose with rib cartilage.

The autologous cartilage rhinoplasty has exceptional safety and is used for nose revision, broken nose, or cases of artificial cartilage allergy. Therefore, the technique can reconstruct the nose safely with lasting results.

Nowadays, rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage technology is separated into 2 different techniques. They are rhinoplasty with 100% autologous cartilage and rhinoplasty with a combination of both autologous and artificial cartilage.

  • Complete autologous cartilage rhinoplasty: This is the rhinoplasty technique that uses autologous cartilage entirely to reshape the nose for a more natural and harmonious look.
  • Autologous & Artificial cartilage rhinoplasty: This service of nose job combines the use of artificial cartilage to elevate the dorsum and autologous cartilage to coat and protect the nose tip. The ratio between the two types of cartilage is different for each technique. For instance, 3D rhinoplasty has 30% of autologous cartilage, 4D rhinoplasty has 40% of autologous cartilage, and 6D rhinoplasty has 60% of autologous cartilage.

Compare between autologous cartilage and artificial cartilage

To let you have the most accurate view of these 2 types of cartilage, we will compare the 2 materials in the table below:

The material usedThe cartilage is taken from body parts like the ears, the nasal septum, or the rib of the patient’s body.Premium biological cartilage from Korea or America.
BenefitsA natural results with little to no body rejection

High compatibility to the body

Take care of the dorsum exposure and nose redness problem.

The material can easily be shaped to fit different types of nose shape

Great durability and lasting results

Nhược điểmThe cost will be higher than the other techniqueSuitable for nose shape with few flaws
An advanced cartilage extraction surgery is needed Should not be applied in case of allergy or revision surgery

Different types of autologous cartilage used in rhinoplasty

How many types of autologous cartilage can be used in rhinoplasty?
How many types of autologous cartilage can be used in rhinoplasty?

The 3 types of autologous cartilage that can be used in rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage are:

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  • Nasal septum cartilage: This is the cartilage taken from the nasal septum. As it is taken from the nose, it will have much higher compatibility with the body. The natures of this type of cartilage are soft and easy-to-be-shaped.
  • Ear cartilage: This is a common type of autologous cartilage for rhinoplasty as it is widely used in cosmetic procedures. The ear cartilage is soft and is used to coat the peak of the nose to prevent complications.
  • Rib cartilage: This kind of cartilage is just recently used in nose revision as these cases tend to lack nasal septum cartilage. The rib cartilage is quite hard and can be used to create the columella with great safety.

Each type of autologous cartilage has its pros and cons. Therefore, when performing rhinoplasty, the surgeon will need to understand the use in each operation to ensure the most lasting result.

Is rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage good?

The technique of elevating the nose using autologous cartilage can bring about great compatibility with the body regardless if it is not 100%. For this reason, the safety criteria of this technique are extremely high. In addition, the rhinoplasty technique can also offer a naturally beautiful nose with wonderful symmetric and harmony, making it a fantastic choice for nose improvement.

The pros and cons of rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage

The advantages of rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage
The advantages of rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage

The advantages of rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage

Autologous cartilage rhinoplasty can ensure the safety of the patient. Nowadays, this technique is applied for the creation of S-Line or L-Line contour. For that reason, the flaws of the nose will be completely improved, bringing wonderful advantages like:

A naturally beautiful nose:

The nose shape after undergoing the surgery will have either the S or L shape. Therefore, when looking directly at the nose, it will resemble the letter A with nostrils being as small as lemon seeds.

No complications:

The use of 100% autologous cartilage to coat the tip and elevate the projection will ensure the safety of the nose. The cartilage exists inside the body without causing any rejection or allergy.

Lasting results:

Once the patient has chosen the autologous cartilage rhinoplasty, they have chosen the procedure with lasting impact. This is because the S-Line or L-Line technique will allow the cartilage to settle quickly inside the nose, allowing the nose shape to remain for a long time.

The disadvantages of rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage

Although it can bring about many advantages, autologous cartilage rhinoplasty also suffers some limitations:

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Require a long operation:

As the cartilage is taken from the patient’s body, the surgeon will have to be extra careful when drawing the nose shape and performing the operation. Therefore, this technique will take more time than the other techniques.

A complicated aftercare procedure:

After the placement of the cartilage is completed, aside from the incision on the nose, the incisions at the cartilage extraction areas will also have to be closed. Therefore, you will have to take care of the area where the cartilage was taken from, in addition to the nose suture.

A surgeon must have great expertise

The technique used to extract the autologous cartilage is quite complicated. Therefore, to ensure safety and the limited amount of scars, the surgeon must be exceptionally good. For that reason, before having the autologous cartilage rhinoplasty, you must do your research carefully and choose yourself a reputable facility with both quality and reputation.

Who is suitable for rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage

The technique of rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage is suitable for the following candidates:

  • Men/Women over 18 years of age.
  • People with thin nose skin.
  • Client with a relatively defined nose from the start.
  • Customer with few flaws on the nose.
  • Anyone who wishes not to have their nose structure deeply interfered.

The price of rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage

Nowadays, there are plenty of autologous cartilage techniques that are applied by cosmetic facilities. Therefore, the price will depend on the technique applied.

At Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital – the prestigious cosmetic hospital in Vietnam, the discount price of autologous cartilage rhinoplasty is 14,500,000 VND. In addition, you can also check out the detailed price of all the rhinoplasty services at Gangwhoo.

Some notices when having rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage:

You should not raise the nose too high:

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The higher the dorsum, the less durable the nose is, leading to dorsum exposure or nose redness…

You should not extend the nose or raise the nose tip too much:

The nature of this technique is to shape the nasal dorsum. However, if you use this to extend the nose or the tip, there is a chance that the nose will be snubbed.

You should choose autologous cartilage to coat the nose tip:

Autologous cartilage is taken from the person’s body; therefore, it is relatively safe to use in rhinoplasty, allowing the nose contour to last for a long time without being rejected out of the body.

A reputable and safe place for autologous cartilage rhinoplasty

Where is a place to experience a safe and beautiful rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage? Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital, the top reputable hospital in Vietnam is the answer to this question thanks to its safe services.

The doctors of Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is always the pioneers in performing autologous cartilage rhinoplasty. With their expertise and experience, they can easily analyse and extract the rib cartilage precisely. After that, the cartilage will be carved to match the shape of the nose with an appropriate height.

Dr. Phung Manh Cuong has performed multiple cases of rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage. With his expertise and advanced equipment, your nose is definitely in good hands.

The results of autologous cartilage rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is always guaranteed to be safe, natural, and harmonious. In addition, the patient will also be guided to have a correct aftercare regime.

The images and videos of our customers having rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage

Our client’s thoughts after having autologous cartilage rhinoplasty

Actor Au Thanh Cat chose Gangwhoo to have rhinoplasty

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The words of the press on the technique of autologous cartilage rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital

  • Health & Life: https://suckhoedoisong.vn/nang-mui-sun-suon-tai-benh-vien-tham-my-gangwhoo-moi-dip-cuoi-nam-169185180.html
  • Dan Sinh News: https://baodansinh.vn/bvtm-gangwhoo-he-lo-ky-thuat-nang-mui-nanoform-doc-quyen-20210122142347932.html

 The standardized procedure of rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage

To ensure the maximum amount of safety for the patient, Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital apply an enclosed procedure, including the following steps:

  • Step 1: Consultation
  • Step 2: General health assessment
  • Step 3: Meticulous marking
  • Step 4: Anesthesia and sterilization
  • Step 5: Extract the autologous out of the body and process the cartilage
  • Step 6: Rhinoplasty
  • Step 7: Aftercare guidance
  • Step 8: Follow-up appointments

How to take care of the nose after having autologous cartilage rhinoplasty

Proper post-surgery aftercare will accelerate the healing process and prevent any unwanted problems. Check out the following guide to know the best way to take care of your nose after rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage:

  • Follow the strict instructions of the doctor, take prescribed medications, and attend follow-up appointments as scheduled.
  • Maintain the sanitation of the nose with saline.
  • Apply cold compress frequently to prevent swelling and bruises.
  • Avoid any contact on the nose.
  • Do not perform intense exercises like playing sports or lifting heavy objects.
  • Do not consume beef, chicken, seafood, alcohol, etc.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.

How to take care of the nose after rhinoplasty with autologous cartilage

Is rhinoplasty with ear cartilage good?

Ear cartilage is a common material used in autologous cartilage rhinoplasty. The cartilage has great durability and compatibility with the body, bringing about lasting results.

Is rhinoplasty with artificial cartilage good?

The outcome of this type of rhinoplasty depends greatly on the expertise of the surgeon and the material used. If the surgery is performed at a non-prestigious facility by a low tier surgeon with low-quality cartilage, the chance of having complications is rather high and must be corrected by removing the silicone inside the nose via a nose revision.

Is the result of rhinoplasty with artificial cartilage permanent?

The rhinoplasty technique using silicone (or rhinoplasty with artificial cartilage) has improved greatly in both the technique and the material. Therefore, it can surely bring you a lasting nose as long as you have it done by a great surgeon.

This is the information about the rhinoplasty with autologous cartialge. We hope that this article will be useful to you. If you still have any questions, feel free to contact Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital by dialing our hotline 0901666879

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