Cập nhật: 12/12/2024.

Liposuction for men – Not only for women?

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Many know that like women, men are also very much concerned about their body image. A significant number of men are considering getting liposuction. Is abdomen liposuction for men any different than that of women? Gangwhoo is here with our experts to answer your questions.

Should men have liposuction?

Nowadays, men concerns about their body image are increasingly reaching the general awareness.

One common issue that are prevalent in men are abdominal obesity. Due to hormonal difference, excess fat in men tends to accumulates in the abdominal area.

As modern lifestyle become increasingly sedentary, heighten prevalence of processed food and stressful work without time for proper diet and exercise, more and more people are afflicted with obesity

Check out: Should you have abdomen liposuction?

Abdominal obesity makes men less confident in themselves, not to mentioned the associated risk of health-related diseases due to accumulated fat.

Liposuction can help bring about a more pleasing body image, increase self esteem and minor physiological health benefit.

Abdomen liposuction for men
Abdomen liposuction for men

What do you know about abdomen liposuction for men?

Abdomen liposuction is the technique that can help you to achieve the perfect shape by combining modern medicine and advanced machinery.

In fact, for the abdomen liposuction technique, the experts will use a specialized and high-tech endoscopic tool. Therefore, you can freely express your body without worrying about scars or health effects.

What are the differences between liposuction for men and for women?

Is there any difference between liposuction for men and for women? This is also the question of many. Let’s find out about that right now.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

The density of fat inside the body

According to the experts, getting rid of fat for men is much more difficult than for women. This is because the density of fat for men is thicker than that of women. In addition, men’s fat tends to bond with the muscle and is fibrous. Therefore, removing men’s fat is harder than for women.

The amount of fat reduced

The main goal of a woman when having abdomen liposuction is to own a slim and well-shaped body. In contrast, the men will care more about the abs and having a well-built body. This can also affect the volume and the amount of fat removed. Logically, the amount of fat removed for a man is moderate and less than that of a woman.

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The position for liposuction

Men will mostly aim for the abdomen. Women, on the other hand, will have the procedure done at the thighs, abdomen, arms, calves, etc.

The cost of the two sex

As mentioned above, men’s fat will be tougher to get rid of than that of women. This can affect the price of the service. In addition, men’s body tends to be larger in size, making the aftercare and treatment much more costly. Therefore, the price of abdomen liposuction for men will always be higher than that of a woman.

These are the differences between the procedure of abdomen liposuction of men and women. We hope that this will be helpful for you.

Some notices when having abdomen liposuction for men

  • You should not be ashamed as body makeover is a very basic need in nowadays society.
  • You should choose a reputable and high-quality facility with positive feedback.
  • Before undergoing abdomen liposuction for men, you should go through a general health assessment and blood test for safety.
  • If you have any special condition related to the heart or diabetes, you would need to inform your doctors immediately.
  • Abdomen liposuction for men must be done at a hospital by the Ministry of Health regulation.

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A quality and reputable place to have abdomen liposuction for men

Nowadays, many makeover services are invented. Aside from all the prestigious places to have them, there are plenty of unprofessional facilities as well. This is why finding a high-quality hospital for the service is something that many are concerning about.

The name that is widely mentioned nowadays is Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital with its high ranking. This is a facility with years of experience and a team of exceptional doctors and experts. All of the specialists at Gangwhoo are well-trained and chosen from the top medical schools. In addition to all of that is the advanced machinery and equipment at the place. Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is surely a trustworthy facility for all the customers. With its great services and professional work ethics, you can place all of your trust in Gangwhoo.

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Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

In addition to that, the price of liposuction at Gangwhoo is also reasonable and affordable. If you are interested in the services at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital, you can contact our website. We will have you experience the best services and most detailed consultations from our team of staff!

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