Cập nhật: 13/12/2024.

How much is SLine Rhinoplasty?

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

The price of the SLine rhinoplasty is a big concern of many women and sisters when they look for a solution to improve their nose shapes. if you also want to know the price of the SLine rhinoplasty, please follow the article below for your answers.

How much is SLine Rhinoplasty?
How much is SLine Rhinoplasty?

What is SLine rhinoplasty?

SLine rhinoplasty or SLine structural rhinoplasty, which is one of the top rhinoplasty techniques nowadays. This method will help women and sisters to have a gentle and delicate Korean S-shaped nose.

As it was named structural rhinoplasty, this method will affect and alter the whole structure of the nose, and improve all the defects of the nose.

The SLine rhinoplasty involves using 2 types of cartilage that are artificial and autologous cartilage to form a new nose structure. The artificial cartilage is used to lift the nose bridge and autologous cartilage (helix cartilage, rib cartilage, septum cartilage) is used to cover, shape, and protect the nose better.

In general, the SLine structural rhinoplasty is a quite complicated technique, so the price for this method is quite expensive. Therefore, lots of women and sisters who want to undergo this method, are very concerned about the price of the SLine rhinoplasty service. You can find your answer right below, please follow.

SLine Rhinoplasty
SLine Rhinoplasty

How much is SLine Rhinoplasty?

How much is SLine Rhinoplasty? You cannot find a fixed price for the SLine rhinoplasty service. The price of a SLine rhinoplasty surgery normally costs from 35 – 90 million VND. The price of the SLine rhinoplasty services is different at different cosmetic facilities.

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Factors affect the price of the SLine rhinoplasty

Doctors’ qualification

Structural rhinoplasty is an advanced and complex rhinoplasty technique, so it needs to be performed by an excellent nose cosmetologist with years of experience to ensure the best final result.

At a prestigious cosmetic facility with talented doctors, the price of the rhinoplasty service is always higher than illegal, non-licensed cosmetic facilities.

Types of cartilage used in rhinoplasty

The type of cartilage used in rhinoplasty is a factor affecting greatly the price of rhinoplasty. Nowadays, there are lots of kinds of cartilage with different qualities used in rhinoplasty.

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Choosing the right, high compatible type of cartilage can help you to have a much more natural nose shape. However, this will make the price more expensive. In contrast, undergoing rhinoplasty with low-quality cartilage can reduce the need expense, but it is more potentially risky.

The level of surgical intervention

A nose shape with lots of defects needs a deep surgical intervention to reshape the nose. As a result, its cost will be higher compared to a nose with fewer defects.


Rhinoplasty cases involve a variety of modern machines, equipment, and technologies, the prices will be more expensive, but ensure the best and safest results for the nose after surgery.

When we decide to have a rhinoplasty

The type of cartilage used in rhinoplasty is a factor affecting greatly the price of rhinoplasty. If you choose to have rhinoplasty when the cosmetic facility is offering a discount, promotional programs, or installment-purchase programs, the price you need to pay will be than usual.

Rhinoplasty, Nose Revision Price List at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Korean Rhinoplasty8705 years
Cartilage Rhinoplasty1,09010 years
3D Sline – 3D Lline Structural Rhinoplasty1,72015 years
4D Sline – 4D Lline Structural Rhinoplasty2,15015 years
6D Sline – 6D Lline Structural Rhinoplasty3,000Permanent
3D Nanoform Rhinoplasty1,720
4D Nanoform Rhinoplasty2,150
6D Nanoform Rhinoplasty3,000
Rib Cartilage Rhinoplasty4,290Permanent
Nose Revision (Cases vary)230 – 310Permanent
Alar Base Reduction440Permanent
Nasal Hump Removal879Permanent
Nose Tip Reduction (Soft Tissues)1,080Permanent
Nose Tip Reduction + Nose Tip Enhancement1,300Permanent
Nasal Bone Correction870Cases vary
Bio Rib Cartilage1,470Cases vary
Bio Ear Cartilage
Zose Rhinoplasty (Rhinoplasty for GenZ)1890 

Where To Find Good S-Line Rhinoplasty Service in HCM City?

Doctors advise that customers should not worry about the price of the SLine Rhinoplasty too much and miss the chance of having a high-quality service at a prestigious cosmetic facility. Because this is the main factor for having a quality, safe rhinoplasty service and ensure the best result.

If customers have rhinoplasty service at an illegal cosmetic facility, the risk of having complications is tremendous. And remember, the price of a nose revision surgery, is much more expensive than a normal rhinoplasty. Therefore, having rhinoplasty at a prestigious cosmetic facility is a way of saving your money.

Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital is the top cosmetic hospital that provides the highest quality rhinoplasty service nowadays.

Our hospital is licensed by The Ministry of Health. Our hospital is also equipped with state-of-the-art machinery systems and facilities, which ensure the most comfortable experience for customers and surgical conditions at the same time.

The team of doctors at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital has high qualifications, years of experience working in developed countries such as Korea, France, the U.S.

Therefore, it is wise to choose SLine Rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital.

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Images of our customers before & after rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

nang mui han quoc boc sun

nang mui han quoc

nang mui boc sun 1 1

nang mui cau truc bvtm gangwhoo 2

nang mui bvtm gangwhoo 78


Customers are very concerned about the price of the SLine rhinoplasty service. The price normally fluctuates from 35 – 90 million VND. It may change due to the cosmetic facility you choose, the cartilage type, and when you decide to have a rhinoplasty.

We hope you’ve had enough useful information about the price of the SLine rhinoplasty service. Thank you for reading.

If you have any more questions. Please contact Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital by commenting below, or call the Hotline: 0901666879, or contact our fanpage: www.facebook.com/benhvienthammygangwhoo!

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