Cập nhật: 13/12/2024.

How Long Will The New Nose Last After Rhinoplasty?

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Lots of people nowadays are concerning about how long the new nose shape can last after rhinoplasty. Through the article below, Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital shall give all the information to our beloved customers. Stay tuned!

How Long Will The New Nose Last After Rhinoplasty?
How Long Will The New Nose Last After Rhinoplasty?

S Line/ L Line Rhinoplasty

Korean S Line /L Line rhinoplasty is the most popular rhinoplasty technique nowadays. This method helps to create a soft, well-proportioned S Line or L Line shape with the face.

According to Dr. Phung Manh Cuong, if Korean rhinoplasty is performed by good and experienced specialists at a prestigious cosmetic facility, the final result can be maintained for a lifetime without complications.

Read Dr. Phung Manh Cuong’s explanation about Korean Rhinoplasty HERE.

Korean Rhinoplasty can give a permanent nose shape
Korean Rhinoplasty can give a permanent nose shape

Cartilage Rhinoplasty

Cartilage rhinoplasty is an advanced and modern technique. This method involves forming a beautiful nose shape by combining artificial cartilage to raise the nose bridge and autologous cartilage to coat the nose tip. This technique is highly evaluated to be safe without any complications.

Therefore, cartilage rhinoplasty can give a long-lasting nose shape. Specifically, cartilage rhinoplasty can give a new nose shape that can last for 15-25 years. Even longer if you take care of your nose well.

Structural Rhinoplasty

Structural rhinoplasty is an effective solution for noses that have too many defects or damaged noses after undergoing a failed rhinoplasty or an accident. This technique shall handle the cases that other rhinoplasty techniques cannot handle. Because structural rhinoplasty will restructure the entire nose, creating a new nose shape without any defects.

Structural rhinoplasty is a high-tech, modern, safe technique with a very risk of complication. Therefore, the new nose shape can last for a long time. The new nose after structural rhinoplasty can last from 20 to 30 years or even permanently.

Structural rhinoplasty can give a long-lasting nose shape
Structural rhinoplasty can give a long-lasting nose shape

Rib cartilage Rhinoplasty

Rib cartilage rhinoplasty is a technique using completely autologous cartilage material (rib cartilage) to correct the nose. This method helps to get rid of many common nose defects of Vietnamese people.

However, after the rib cartilage is extracted for rhinoplasty, there will be a gradual loss of cartilage cells. This condition leads to protrusions part of your body and complications. Usually, rib cartilage rhinoplasty can only give the best nose shape for 3 years, but it cannot be maintained permanently. Then the nose shall begin to have problems that needed to be handled promptly.

European Standard Rhinoplasty

A lot of people like to have a European nose because it gives highlights to their faces. However, Dr. Phung Manh Cuong warns that those who choose to have European rhinoplasty, sooner or later, will have complications.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

According to Dr. Phung Manh Cuong, a lot of damaged nose cases at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital originate from undergoing European standard rhinoplasty. The doctor explained that the reason is due to the thin nose skin of Vietnamese people, the nose bridge is low, so after 1-2 years of rhinoplasty, the nose will shrink and lose its original beauty.

Nano and Autologous Cartilage Rhinoplasty

If you are worried that whether rhinoplasty can give a permanent nose shape or not, you should choose the nano and autologous cartilage rhinoplasty. Dr. Phung Manh Cuong said that this rhinoplasty technique will help create an extremely solid nose structure and it can last permanently.

Dr. Phung Manh Cuong explains, nano cartilage is hard, durable, and does not dissolve over time. On the surface of the cartilage, there are micro-holes that enhance the flow of nutrients to the autologous cartilage, specifically the autologous ear cartilage that is used to coat the nose tip. Moreover, ear cartilage has great endurance and does not need a lot of nutrients.

Thanks to the advantages, Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital applies this as the main rhinoplasty technique. Rhinoplasty services applying this technique at Gangwhoo include Korean Rhinoplasty, Nanoform Rhinoplasty, Surgiform Rhinoplasty, Cartilage Rhinoplasty, and Structural Rhinoplasty.

Nano cartilage rhinoplasty can give a lifetime nose shape
Nano cartilage rhinoplasty can give a lifetime nose shape

Septum Cartilage Rhinoplasty

Regarding the septum cartilage rhinoplasty, Dr. Phung Manh Cuong said that the septum cartilage of the Vietnamese people is very weak and has a large curvature. Therefore, septum cartilage is not used much in rhinoplasty. Moreover, this method cannot give a long-lasting nose shape and the risk of complications is very high.

Filler Rhinoplasty

Filler rhinoplasty is the most popular non-surgical rhinoplasty nowadays. This method is suitable for those who have a few defects on the nose, concerned about undergoing surgery, want to have quick and short-term results.

Therefore, filler rhinoplasty cannot give a long-lasting result. Specifically, filler rhinoplasty can only give a new nose shape that lasts about 12-18 months. When the amount of filler injected into the nose dissolves, the nose will return to its original shape

Factors affect the lasting efficiency after rhinoplasty

Based on the information above, the factors that determine how long the new nose after rhinoplasty will last are as follows:

Doctors’ qualifications and experience

This is an extremely important factor that affects how long a new nose after rhinoplasty will last. Dr. Phung Manh Cuong advises us to have rhinoplasty at a prestigious cosmetic facility that has good and experienced experts. Avoid having rhinoplasty done by inexperienced or poorly skilled doctors.

Cartilage material

The quality of the cartilage material has a direct impact on how long the new nose will last. In order for the new nose to last for years, or for a lifetime, it is necessary to choose high-quality cartilage. Nano cartilage combined with autologous ear cartilage used at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital is considered the best nowadays.

Rhinoplasty technique

Nowadays, there are 2 techniques to place cartilage for rhinoplasty: place cartilage on the periosteum and put cartilage under the periosteum.

Placing cartilage on the periosteum is easy to be performed, so it is applied in many cosmetic facilities because it does not require too much skill and experience of the doctor. Its disadvantage is that it forms a nose with low stability.

Placing cartilage under the periosteum is a difficult technique, requiring a highly skilled and experienced doctor. In return, this technique brings a stable, solid, long-lasting nose. This is the technique applied at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital.

Post-operative care

The importance of post-operative care is undeniable. Careful care will help the nose last for a long time. On the contrary, being careless in post-operative care not only reduces the “life expectancy” of the nose but also increases the risk of complications.

Prestigious cosmetic facilities for rhinoplasty in HCM City

Having good, highly qualified, experienced, and skilled doctors who practice in Korea, have Korean advisors. Moreover, being a 5-star facility with state-of-the-art machinery and equipment. Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital is a reliable destination for customers.

Images of our customers before & after rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

Images of our customers before & after rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Images of our customers before & after rhinoplasty at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital


The rhinoplasty technique, doctors’ qualifications, cartilage material, cartilage placement technique, and post-operative care have a tremendous impact on how long the new nose shape will last. Therefore, you must come to a prestigious cosmetic facility for rhinoplasty to have a long-lasting result.

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