Cập nhật: 13/12/2024.

8 Types Of Food That Treat Acne Effectively – Only 11% Of People Knows All Of Them

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

When having acne, we tend to abuse acne therapy products like face wash or ointments. However, dealing with those little problems by your diet is also something you can make good use of. For that reason, in this article, we will show your the 8 types of food that treat acne effectively and give you a general idea of what you shouldn’t eat when having acne.

The types of food that treat acne
The types of food that treat acne

The types of food that treat acne effectively

The types of food that treat acne effectively tend to have a lot of water, vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants to prevent, treat acne, and beautify the skin afterward.

The 8 types of food that treat acne that you should know about are:

1. Vegetables

Every time someone has acne conditions, all the experts will suggest they have more green in their daily meals. This is based on scientific evidence, not just some rumors and traditional beliefs.

Green vegetables are a type of food that treats acne, beautifies the skin, and improves our health that we should consume more.

Dark-green vegetables are a valuable source of vitamin C and antioxidants. These elements help to whiten the skin, improve the immune system, reduce dark spots, and heal acne damages effectively.

The fibers inside vegetables also improve the disgesting system, lower fat absorption, cool the body, and subside acne conditions like pimples. In addition, eating a lot of vegetables will help you to improve your shape as well.

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2. Fresh fruits

Aside from vegetables, you should also consume more fresh fruits every day, especially the juice ones.

Pursuant to some studies, fruits contain a variety of vitamins, antioxidants, and essential minerals. For that reason, eating fruits regularly for a long time will help you to improve your acne conditions, whiten your skin, and bring about natural beauty.

The cheap types of fruits that you can find almost everywhere are orange, pomelo, tangerine, strawberries, pear, guava, pitaya (dragon fruit), etc.

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3. Salmon

Salmon, or any type of fish, is the product that you should consume more in your daily meals.

Salmon contains a large volume of fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, which are needed for preventing infection and restoring the clogged pores but are very difficult to absorb in other edibles.

The protein inside salmon can also boost the skin regeneration and collagen production of the body to bring about beautiful skin.

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4. Fresh garlic

Garlic is one of the types of food that treat acne? This may sound fabricated but it is the truth. Fresh garlic has an allicin active element that can eliminate acne-causing bacteria and treat body infections.

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5. Whole cereal

Whole cereal contains lots of fiber, minerals, antioxidants, and a low level of sugar. Therefore, it is one of the kinds of food that treat acne effectively. Moreover, it also helps to lower your weight and bring you the perfect shape.

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6. Seeds

Seeds are the food that treat acne. Some of the mentionable names are almond, sunflower, walnut, or types of beans. They are rich in vitamin E, Omega 3, and essential minerals like Zinc, which is a type of mineral that helps to control acne conditions effectively.

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7. Green tea

Green tea for a long time has been considered as one of the types of food that treat acne. By drinking green tea every day, you will get to see the difference between your skin and the ones who don’t drink it.

Green tea contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances, as well as antioxidants. Drinking green tea regularly will help to detox the liver, aid the excrete glands, and support your acne therapy.

You can check out the way to treat acne using green tea HERE

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8. Artichoke

Similar to green tea, artichoke is also one of the kinds of food that treat acne effectively that you should have in your life. Drinking artichoke tea will supplement vitamins and fibers, and detox the body, improving the body’s immune system and get rid of skin conditions like acne, dark spots, or discoloration.

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What you shouldn’t eat when having acne

Aside from the types of food that treat acne, there are some products that can worsen pimple conditions. What are they? Here are the 4 kinds of products that you should avoid when having pimples.

1. Oily food

Food that contains lots of oil like fried, fast, or can food is the reason that causes your acne conditions to persist regardless of your treatments and therapies.

These products will make the sebaceous glands to be hyperactive and clog the pores, creating the perfect environment for pimples to develop. For that reason, you should limit this food in your daily meals to treat pimples.

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2. Sugary food

Products that are rich in sugar are the culprit behinds pimples. According to a study, sugar addict has a 30% higher chance of having pimples then regular folks.

Sugary food will boost the activity of the sebaceous glands that clog the pores, creating the perfect environment for pimples to develop. For that reason, you should limit this food in your daily meals to treat pimples.

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3. Chocolate

Chocolate has hot nature, causing those who eat this product to get acne easier than those who don’t. Although chocolate contains lots of antioxidants that can beautify the skin, they tend to be made with a lot of sugar that is not beneficial for acne skin.

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4. Spicy food

After having spicy food, the pores tend to create more sebaceous. This is the reason causing the follicles to be clogged and form pimples.

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Final words

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital has given you the 8 types of food that treat acne effectively and the 4 products that you should not eat when having pimples. We hope that this information will be helpful to you.

If you need to discuss with a dermatologist about your skin therapy, you can contact Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital by dialing 0901 666 879 or direct message our hospital fanpage.

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