Cập nhật: 12/01/2025.

Total Facelift – Keep You Young Till The End Of Time

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

A Total Facelift helps to rejuvenate the skin, stretch the deteriorated areas and tighten its regions. This method is very much adored by many as it helps to make the ladies look younger for 10 years or even more.

After the age of 25, the skin starts lacking Collagen, and hence the face begins to show signs of senescence. These signs include skin wrinkles, stretched muscles, etc. For this reason, many ladies begin looking for products and procedures to rejuvenate themselves.

Among those methods, the Total Facelift, with its Korean origin, is adored by many seekers.

What is a Total Facelift

A Total Facelift is known as a method of stretching and lifting the face muscle to help the skin become tightened and smooth. With this technique, the saggy and deteriorated skin regions will be completely improved. Thus the skin gets stronger and more youthful.

Different from the traditional facelift methods, this procedure is the latest and most advanced cosmetic technology. This method doesn’t cause any pain or leave any sign of cosmetic interference. As the result, you will get to witness positive changes on your face after one procedure of Total Facelift.

Every lady can get the beauty that they once had without needing any cosmetic cream or Collagen supplements. In addition, any concern about skin deterioration will be forgotten after one procedure.

The advantages of a Total Facelift

Recently, this method is becoming increasingly popular. This shows not only the tremendous need for a cosmetic makeover but also the procedure’s great attraction.

Here are some of the reasons why it has become the number one choice by many:

  • Lift the face muscle and tighten the rickety skin.
  • Improve the state of wrinkled and saggy skin.
  • Rejuvenate the face to bring about a young and beautiful look.
  • Cause no pain or cosmetic scar.
  • Offer a safe and outstanding outcome after one procedure.
  • Make use of the most advanced technology to bring about the modern beauty standard.
Total Facelift - A Complete Rejuvenation
Total Facelift – A Complete Rejuvenation

The international Facelift procedure

At Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital, the Total Facelift is one of the most requested services. Almost every lady cares about this technique and wants to experience it once in their life. For this reason, our hospital always tries its best to invest in state-of-the-art technology and perform it at a safe standard to guarantee the expected result.

To be more specific, this procedure is done within 5 steps with strict supervision from world-class experts. Here are the steps:

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

Step 1: Skin inspection

When arrived at the hospital, the guest’s facial skin will be inspected by our doctors for signs of wrinkled and saggy skin… In addition, all of the guest’s questions about the procedure will be answered.

Step 2: Complete general health examination

To undergo a Total Face Lift, the client must meet the health requirements (not having any dangerous diseases).

Step 3: Meticulous marking

The doctors will mark and line the skin regions with flaws. They then will determine the optimal ratio for the face to bring about the face’s beauty and natural look.

Step 4: Sterilization and Anesthetization

To prevent any risk of infection and inflammation, specialized disinfectants will be used. At the same time, the exclusive anesthesia technology will also be applied to ensure that the guest will not feel any pain or discomfort.

Step 5: Total Face Lift operation

First, the surgeons will make small incisions at the marked lines. From those cuts, the surgery will be done carefully and precisely to guarantee the client’s safety. Moreover, the latest machinery will also be used to ensure the best result.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

Step 6: Post-operative care

After the operation, the customer will then rest and witness the outcome. The doctors will offer guidance on the guest’s diet and routines after the surgery. Additionally, they will also prescribe the patient’s medications and schedule the next follow-up appointment.

Quy Trình Căng Da Mặt Total
Total Facelift Procedure

Facelift price list at Gangwhoo (VND)

Click the button below to see the latest discounts for face lifting at Gangwhoo


Perfect Forehead Lift45,000,000
Mini Face Lift60,000,000
Total Face Lift65,000,000
Perfect Face Lift90,000,000
3D Thread Lifting40,000,0001 – 2 years
4D Thread Lifting80,000,0003 years
6D Thread Lifting120,000,0005 years
Micro Collagen Skin Implant15,000,000

Receive discounts

Images of our customers before and after undergoing the Facelift

Căng Da Mặt Total - Tìm Lại Vẻ Đẹp Đôi Mươi
Total Facelift – Seek Back Your Youth
Căng Da Mặt Total Đánh Tan Mọi Nếp Nhăn
Total Facelift – Wipe Away All Wrinkles
Total Facelift
Total Facelift – Protect Oneself From Senescence
Căng Da Mặt Total - Tìm Lại Vẻ Đẹp Ngược Thời Gian
Total Facelift – Your Ticket Against The Current Of Time
Căng Da Mặt Total Mang Lại Phong Thái Tự Tin
Total Facelift – Take You On A 10 Year Younger Journey
Căng Da Mặt Total Mang Lại Nụ Cười Mỹ Mãn
Total Facelift – Put A Smile On Your Face

Why you should have a Total Facelift at Gangwhoo cosmetics hospital

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is entrusted by many to be the place with beautiful and safe Total Facelift for many reasons. Here are some of those reasons:

  • We have a team of outstanding doctors and world-class cosmetologists with both fundamental and professional training. They not only have years of experience but also possess great dexterity to bring about your reassurance.
  • We are constantly updating our technology and catching up with the latest trend. Therefore, you will get to experience a professional environment that is up to international standards.
  • Thanks to our exclusive anesthesia technology, we can make sure that our customers will have neither pain nor scar and hence offer nothing but comfort and satisfaction.
  • In addition, we also offer a wonderful post-operative service with outstanding warranty policies and reasonable costs which are suitable for the majority of women.

Total Facelift has proven itself to many customers as an ideal procedure with great benefits. Thus if you still care about your look and need skin rejuvenation, then why don’t you choose Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital for a makeover today!

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Tác Giả GS.BS Park Sung Yong

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