Cập nhật: 15/12/2024.

The Procedure Of Cosmetic Circumcision

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Nowadays, circumcision is one of the most popular services chosen by many men in dealing with the problem of long and narrow foreskin. So what is circumcision? How is the circumcision procedure carried out? What are the benefits of circumcision? Please refer to the following article.


Cosmetic circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin covering the glans penis. This minor surgery can be performed on adults or children. For young children, minor circumcision is usually done if they are healthy. As for adults, minor circumcision will usually be performed when a man has learned that they have narrow foreskins, inflammation of the foreskin, or tight foreskin.

The Procedure of Circumcision
The Procedure of Circumcision


  • Helps men avoid painful urination (dysuria), difficulty urinating, hot and burning urination, lymphatic edema, swollen penis (penis edema).
  • Prevent cystitis, urinary tract infections.
  • Men who undergo this procedure after the age of 35 have a 45% reduction in risks of prostate cancer.
  • According to research, from 70 to 90% of men get penile cancer because of narrow foreskin. Therefore, circumcision will help men prevent penile cancer.
  • Men who underwent circumcision are less likely to get HPV (the virus that causes genital warts) than men who do not.
  • Lots of men who have narrow or long foreskin often have premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction. But after circumcision, premature ejaculation was stopped, sex life became more fulfilling.
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS, circumcision is a method to promote public health, potentially helping to prevent HIV and AIDS.


The circumcision procedure is quite simple that can be done in a short time and usually goes through 3 basic steps as follows:

  • Step 1: Clinical examination

The doctor will conduct a clinical examination to check the patient’s actual condition. At the same time, the doctor will evaluate the penis for any inflammatory problems. If there is an infection, it will be treated first before processing to the circumcision procedure. In addition, the doctor will ask about the patient’s drug allergy history to avoid dangerous complications.

Read more: Male makeover

  • Step 2: Start the procedure

The circumcision procedure is normally carried out as follows:

First, the doctor will disinfect and clean the foreskin with an antiseptic solution. In order to reduce pain and discomfort for the patient, the doctor will numb the vein in the glans penis. Then, the doctor will stretch and widen the foreskin, then use physiological saline to clean and mark the position to be removed. Next, they will proceed to cut off the foreskin at the marked position. Finally, the doctors will stop the bleeding, suture the wound with self-dissolving thread, and cover the wound with gauze.

  • Step 3: Post-operative care

After the surgery is completed, the patient will be monitored and cared for. If nothing abnormal happens, the doctor will send the patient home with instructions on how to do self-care at home, along with a prescription and a follow-up appointment for examinations.

The Circumcision Procedure
The Circumcision Procedure


  • After circumcision, the tip of the penis may be sore, red, or mildly bruised. The wound may bleed mildly. These are all normal signs.
  • If you use antibiotics, pain relievers, and anti-inflammatory drugs, but the wound is still painful, swollen, has a bad smell, or cloudy discharge, it may be a sign of infection. You should see your doctor early for diagnosis and treatment.

Read more: Why should you undergo circumcision?

  • Patients need to change the gauze once a day for 3-4 days after surgery at a medical facility or at home. However, they must ensure sterility.
  • Post-operative care is extremely necessary to keep the wound dry for 24 hours after surgery.
  • One day after circumcision, the patient can shower but must prevent the wound to get wet as this can cause infection. After 1 week, when the wound has healed, patients can shower normally.
  • Customers should let the foreskin heal completely for at least 1 month before having sex. If patients have sex early, and with early erection, it can tear the wound, cause bleeding, and increase the risk of infection.
  • Eat more vegetables and fruits. Avoid using stimulants such as tobacco, beer, and alcohol, etc.,

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Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

Direct contact to Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital for further consultation

  • Address: 576 – 578 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Hotline/Zalo: 0901 666 879
  • Email: info@gangwhoo.com 
  • Website: gangwhoohospital.vn
  • Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/GangwhooHospital
  • TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@benhviengangwho
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benhvienthammygangwhoo/
  • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/benhvienthammygangwhoo

We hope you’ve had enough useful information about the circumcision service. If you have any further questions or concerns, please leave a comment or contact Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital or our Hotline: 0901.666.879 for the most thoughtful advice and guidance!

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