Cập nhật: 12/08/2023.

Signs of Damaged Eyelids and Treatments

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên
PNO – Many people have plastic surgery, typically eyelid surgery also known as blepharoplasty to bring more charm to their eyes. However, this method still has many unpredictable risks if done incorrectly. To avoid wasting money, let’s learn more about this beauty method with Dr. Phung Manh Cuong about plastic surgery, typically blepharoplasty.

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What is blepharoplasty?

Over time, the signs of aging become more and more obvious, the eyelids stretch and the levator muscles gradually weaken, plus the accumulation of excess fat, causing the eyelids to droop and sag on the upper eyelid, or eye bags to the lower eyelid. The eyes will look old and tired.

Eyelid surgery also known as blepharoplasty is the optimal solution that will solve this situation. In eyelid surgery, excess fat and excess sagging eyelid skin will be removed, so that the eyes will regain the vitality of youth. The face also looks younger and more radiant.

Causes and treatment for damaged eyelids

Blepharoplasty is a very delicate technique because it is performed in a sensitive area of ​​the face, even a small mistake can lead to unfortunate consequences. Some common causes of damaged eyelids: having eyelid surgery in illegal cosmetic facilities that have outdated machinery, poorly trained professionals, unlicensed facilities … These facilities cannot perform an eyelid surgery well, making the lid creases larger, upturned eyelids;…

According to Dr. Phung Manh Cuong, the damaged eyelid can be recovered if the customer chooses the right doctor who has experience in eyelid revision surgery and “golden time” for surgery.

It normally takes 3-6 months after the first surgery for the doctor to continue to perform surgery. The eyelid revision cases were consulted by Dr. Phung Manh Cuong and Korean plastic surgeons. Depending on the severity of the eyelid damage, there will be a specific treatment regimen.

Upturned eyelids, eyelid skin not enough to close eyes

You must have eyelid revision surgery to removing the new lid creases. After that, you need rest for a while for the eyes to recover, then have eyelid surgery to create a moderate lid crease. If you want immediate surgery, the doctor can use the skin of a similar part of the body to apply to the eyelid area.

Swelling eyes after having eyelid surgery

You must wash the eyelid area carefully with physiological saline and cotton swabs to avoid infection. If the eye is severely infected, festering, go to the doctor immediately to treat the pus and correct the lid creases. Depending on the severity, the doctor will have an appropriate treatment regimen.

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Oversized and unnatural lid creases

You must have eyelid revision surgery to correct the lid creases. It is best to find a reputable cosmetic hospital to have surgery performed by an experienced doctor.

Sleepy eyes

This condition will be treated by applying surgery to reconnect the damaged levator muscle. At the same time, the doctor shall remove excess skin and excess fat. By specific measurement, the doctor will create well-proportioned lid creases. If the upper part of the eyes has a lot of excess skin and fat, the eyelids are still unbalanced, an eyebrow lift can be applied.

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Unbalanced lid creases

The doctor shall remove the old lid creases and reshape the eyelids. The new lid creases must be measured from the beginning to determine the most suitable proportions and avoid the risk of unbalanced lid creases. After the second surgery, you must be really careful, because it is easy to have bad scars. Depending on the healing process of the eye, there is an appropriate care regimen. When the tissues are healing, avoid contact with water.

Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

As the top brand, Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital constantly updates the most advanced technology, focuses on the customers’ safety, and shortens recovery time.

Among the outstanding achievements, Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital also has scientific topics presented in the international reference held in Korea about blepharoplasty, facelift, Nose revision, Eyelid revision. In particular, blepharoplasty with plasma technology combined with minimally invasive microsurgery is highly appreciated by domestic and foreign cosmetologists such as Korean blepharoplasty, Eyelid method blepharoplasty, 4 in 1 blepharoplasty, perfect blepharoplasty.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí
Doctors and staff at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital
Doctors and staff at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital
Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital
Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital
Beauty is the right and a need of women, but experts recommend that if you don’t want to experience complications, as well as ensure the long-lasting results of plastic surgery, it is important to learn carefully about the cosmetic doctor as well as the cosmetic facility. 

Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

  • Address: 576 – 578 Cong Hoa St., 13 Ward, Tan Binh Dist, HCM City
  • Hotline: 0901.666.879
  • Email: info@gangwhoo.com

Source: Phu Nu Online News


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