Cập nhật: 16/12/2024.

The Safe 7-Step Rhinoplasty Procedure

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

A safe, standardized, and professional procedure is extremely important to the success of a rhinoplasty sugery. Through this 7-step rhinoplasty procedure, you will get to understand how is a rhinoplasty surgey performed from the beginning to the end.

Understanding rhinoplasty

Having a makeover is a very normal human need and right. That is why rhinoplasty has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in recent years. Rhinoplasty helps to correct the nose flaw, bringing a new and improved appearance for the customers.

Rhinoplasty is a quick straightforward surgery. The surgeon will first make an incision, create the cavity at the nose for a cartilage implant to elevate the nasal dorsum. Aside from these steps, the doctors will also make some minor adjustments to create the most perfect nose contour. The entire rhinoplasty surgery will happen in just 45-60 minutes.

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Why should we need to know and comprehend the rhinoplasty procedure?

We all can agree that plastic surgery must follow strict medical standards to ensure the best result without causing any unwanted complications or problems to the customers.

That is why we must understand and know the professional rhinoplasty procedure to see how many steps will it take and what are they. In addition, knowing the procedure beforehand will allow you to be more comfortable before undergoing the rhinoplasty surgery.

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Discover the standardized 7-step rhinoplasty procedure

A safe and accurate rhinoplasty procedure will consist of the following 7 steps:

Step 1: Consultation with specialists

The patients will have their noses inspected directly by rhinoplasty experts. During this step, the doctors will analyze the flaws and the imperfect aspects of the nose that need correction to come up with the best rhinoplasty technique.

At the same time, the surgeons will listen and answer the questions from the customers on rhinoplasty in general and the technique that is going to be performed in particular. This is to help the customers to feel more comfortable and ready their minds before the surgery.

Step 2: General health examination

To ensure that the customers’ health is qualified for the rhinoplasty, the doctors will perform a health assessment on them. The examination will consist of a few basic tests for the heart rate, blood pressure, drug reaction, etc.

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During this step, the patients should tell the doctors their medical history, the types of drug that they are using so that they can prepare the procedure to be the safest for the customers.

Step 3: Meticulous marking

The doctors will mark the new nose contour with the data taken from the previous diagnosis. While thanks to the 3D render, the customers will get to see the nose contour even before the surgery could take place. From there, they can discuss with the doctors one last time for the most suitable and harmonious nose shape with the face.

Step 4: Sterilization and anesthetization

Surgical area and equipment sterilization is a very important step and must be performed to ensure the procedure happens medically. This is done to protect the wound from being intruded on by the bacteria that can cause infection.

Next, the nose will be put under local anesthesia. Once the anesthetic is in effect, the customers will not feel any pain during the entire surgery, helping them to be more comfortable and less afraid.

Unlike general anesthesia in which the patient will feel very tired afterward, local anesthesia will protect the health of the customers.

Step 5: Rhinoplasty surgery

The rhinoplasty surgery will be done carefully and precisely by a team of exceptional and experienced surgeons to minimize the amount of invasion into the body and offer the best result with the fastest recovery.

After the surgery, a splint and dressing will be carefully placed o the nose to secure it from displacement. After that, the customers can leave the operation room.

Step 6: Post-operative supervision

After the surgery, the patients will be asked to stay at the hospital for the doctors to monitor their vital and nose shape. If no problem occurs, they can return to their homes after receiving the prescribed medications, the care instruction, and the schedule for the follow-up appointments from the doctors.

Step 7: Follow-up appointments and suture removal

The staff will frequently call the customers to catch up with the recovery process of the customers and remind them about the follow-up appointments.

Once the date is due, the clients can return to the hospital for the doctors to inspect the nose for one last time and remove the splint and sutures, wrapping up the rhinoplasty procedure.

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How to take care of your nose at home after rhinoplasty

Post-operative care: Do you know the right way yet?

Post-operative care is a very important process in the rhinoplasty procedure. Do you know the correct way to do it or not? Let’s take a look at the content below:

  • Properly follow the doctor’s instructions.
  • Take prescribed medications, not over-the-counter ones without approval from the doctors.
  • Maintain nose hygiene: Don’t let the nose come in contact with water or dirt; clean the area around the nose regularly with saline.
  • Avoid all physical contact on the nose.
  • Stop doing high-intensity sports or movements.
  • Sleep lying sideways.
  • Don’t eat food like seafood, chicken, duck, glutinous products, spicy food, or stimulants, etc. as they can cause damages to the wound.
  • Consume more vegetables, fruits, and plenty of water every day (1.5-3 liters of water a day).

This article just present to you why you should now about a rhinoplasty procedure and what a complete rhinoplasty procedure will be like. We hope that this information will be useful to you. If you need any further explanation or consultation, contact Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital immediately!

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