Cập nhật: 06/01/2025.

Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty – Get Rid of All Excess Skin at The Lower Eyelid

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

When mentioning eye makeover technology, one must definitely mention the Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty, which is popular in the beauty market in recent times. This method will remove the condition of large eye bags, dark lower eyelids, sagging, thereby giving you perfect radiant eyes. All defects of the eyes will be completely corrected after just one quick procedure.

What is Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty?

Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty is popular in recent times and is considered the perfect technology in giving you beautiful and radiant eyes.

The main purpose of the Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty is to remove fat under the eyes, so it is suitable for all customers with aging eyes and excess skin and fat.

The operation is also quite simple. After making a thin incision in the lower eyelid, the doctor will remove excess fat bags and skin. Finally, they close the wound gently without leaving a scar.

The advantages of Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty

Here are some benefits of Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty that you should consider:

A quick procedure

The operation time of Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty is rather quick. You will only need to spend 20 – 30 minutes to have a wonderful pair of eyes.

A perfectly safe technology

Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty is a modern cosmetic technique and it only requires a minor surgical procedure that does not interfere with the eye structure, so it does not affect vision.

Besides, after the end of the surgical process, the doctor will close the wound with specialized threads to ensure that no unpleasant scars are left. You can definitely achieve beautiful eyes after having this technique.

Cause no pain or discomfort

Many customers have the question of “Is Perfect lower blepharoplasty painful?”. In fact, you will never have the be worried about any pain when having this surgery as your eyes will be locally anesthetized. No discomfort or pain will occur to you during the entire procedure.

The 5-star blepharoplasty procedure

  • Step 1: Consultation

In this step, the doctor will diagnose and evaluate the condition of the lower eyelids. After that, they will provide a suitable way to take care of your imperfect eyes. You can ask any relevant questions during this step.

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  • Step 2: General Health Assessment 

Before the surgery could begin, you must undergo a general health check to see if your body is capable of handling the surgery or not. The tests are for your heart rate, blood pressure, etc.

Be completely honest when answering questions from the doctors to receive the best medical care.

  • Step 3: Lower Eyelid Meticulous Marking

The surgeon will measure the ratio of the lower eyelid so that the final results will be natural and harmonious.

  • Step 4: Sterilization and Anesthetization

To ensure that the wound will recover quickly without leaving any dangerous complications, disinfection is a must. After that, the surgeon will apply local anesthesia onto your eyes to make sure that you will be comfortable when undergoing the operation.

  • Step 5: Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty

First, the surgeon will create a tiny incision at the lower eyelids to get rid of the fat. After that, the incisions will be closed with cosmetic threads. All will be done carefully and gently.

The price of Blepharoplasty at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital

Korean Blepharoplasty3503 years
Dove Eyes Blepharoplasty4405 years
Permanent Blepharoplasty520Permanent
Perfect Blepharoplasty1,080Permanent
Eyelid Method Blepharoplasty4405 years
4 in 1 Blepharoplasty700Permanent
Eyelid Excess Skin Removal440Cases vary
Endoscopic Fat Removal220Cases vary
Plasma Dissection220
Perfect Lower Eydlid Blepharoplasty620Cases Vary
Endoscopic Eyelid Fat Removal360Cases vary
Endoscopic Eyebrow Lift6603 – 5 years
Upper Lid Excess Skin Removal Through Eyebrow4403 – 5 years
Mini Medical Canthoplasty310Cases vary
Medical Canthoplasty660Permanent
Lateral Canthoplasty870Permanent
Single Lid Ptosis Correction660Permanent
Asymmetrical Eye Correction870Permanent
Eyes Enlargement Surgery1,300Permanent

Images of our customers before and after having Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty

Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty

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How to take care of your eyelid after the operation

Many people have the concept that you will only need a good doctor or a reputable cosmetic address to help you have a natural beautiful double eyelid. This is absolutely not true because it also depends on many other factors such as location, post-operative care, etc.

In surgery, the skill level of the doctor will determine the success of that surgery. But after surgery, for the best results, care and nutrition are extremely important. You can immediately see how to take care of your eyelid after having Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty here:

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight because it contains UV rays that will affect the eyes after surgery. If you want to go out, wear sunglasses.
  • After having Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty, usually, the eye area will be slightly swollen. This is normal due to the body’s reaction. To reduce swelling, you should apply ice for 20 minutes a day. Remember to clean the towel that wraps the ice to avoid infection.
  • Maintain good eye hygiene and do not touch the stitches with your hands. Instead, use sterile gauze and saline to clean the eye area. It should be done twice a day, morning and evening.
  • Avoid direct impact on the eye area such as rubbing, eye massage, or pressing on the eyes.
  • Avoid vigorous exercise or sports that use strong movements such as swimming, soccer, or jogging.
  • Always keep the stitches dry to prevent the sutures from coming out.
  • Go to bed early, get enough sleep, and avoid lying on the side so as not to rub against pillows and blankets.
  • Don’t sit on the TV or surfing the phone for too long as this will affect the healing of the stitches.
  • Take your medicine regularly as directed by your doctor. Do not arbitrarily use other prescription drugs without the consent of the doctor.
  • Attend follow-up appointments that have been scheduled.

Your diet after having blepharoplasty

Whether your healing process will be quick or not depend greatly on the nutrients that you consume every day. After having blepharoplasty, you should have a logical resting and diet to ensure the best results possible.

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Types of necessary food and drink

The supplementation of the following food will accelerate the recovery speed of the body: products that are rich in protein, beans, green vegetables, vitamins, minerals, and 2 liters of water daily.

Types of food and drink to avoid

You should not eat the following food as it can affect the sutures: seafood, red meat, eggs, water spinach, oily and spicy products, stimulants such as alcohol, etc.

Why should you choose to have Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty at Gangwhoo?

Although the Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty is a simple technique, to avoid possible complications, you should look for a quality place to perform your operation.
If you want to have beautiful eyes after having the services, please choose Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital! We are a prestigious cosmetic hospital that promises to bring real beauty results to satisfy all customers. Over the years, Gangwhoo has served thousands of patients and prove the quality that we deliver.
The skill of the doctor at Gangwhoo Hospital is also the reason that makes the place so highly recommended. Our team of doctors is guaranteed to have practice certificates from the Ministry of Health and are trained in knowledge and skills in developed countries. We guarantee that our customers will have the most radiant and perfect eyes.
Hopefully, with the information shared above, you have gained more useful knowledge about the service of Perfect Lower Blepharoplasty. Come to Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital from now on for the most dedicated support and advice! You will surely be satisfied with our service.
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