Cập nhật: 16/12/2024.

Overbite Treatment and Sliding Genioplasty

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên
Overbite treatment and sliding genioplasty are two of the common cosmetic treatments to form a symmetrical and natural face. In some cases, to shorten the treatment time, doctors will combine overbite treatment with sliding genioplasty.
Overbite Treatment and Sliding Genioplasty
Overbite Treatment and Sliding Genioplasty

Who should have overbite treatment and sliding genioplasty?

Overbite treatment and sliding genioplasty

Overbite treatment is a surgical method that involves cutting and realigning the jawbone in cases where the upper jaw bone grows too much, protruding outward, causing the chewing and biting joints to be misaligned.

The overbite surgery is performed for those who have overbite due to congenital, genetic, protruding teeth, habits of eating hard food, pushing the tongue, or jaw injuries. These conditions need to be fixed quickly for high efficiency.

Sliding genioplasty

Sliding genioplasty is a surgical method to adjust the jawbone in case the lower jaw develops slower than the upper jaw, making the jaw shape short that affects the function of the jaw and facial aesthetics.

Sliding genioplasty surgery is performed to correct shortened lower chin, the lower jaw is reduced due to tooth extraction, the lower jaw is congenitally deformed or due to strong trauma.

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Overbite treatment and sliding genioplasty

The doctor will combine both methods in cases both the upper and lower jaws overgrows and deviate from each other as well as making the face asymmetrical.

During surgery, the upper jawbone will be cut and pushed in, and the lower jawbone will be cut and slid out so that the chewing joint and bite joint are close together, the length of the two jaws is proportional and aesthetic.

The advantages of overbite treatment and sliding genioplasty

Quick treatment and high efficiency

By applying both overbite treatment and sliding genioplasty, the treatment procedure will be much quicker. After the surgery, the defects of the jawbone will be thoroughly and quickly resolved, giving the customer a natural, elegant, and harmonious face so that they would be more confident in daily communication.

Highly safe

At Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, by focusing on investing in and applying modern technology and equipment, the treatment procedure will be carried out more quickly. Before surgery, the doctor will examine and give customers the expected results so that they’d know which treatment method is most suitable for them.

The doctors at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital are experienced and highly qualified in overbite treatment and sliding genioplasty to ensure the customers’ safety.

The surgery is carried out inside the oral cavity, so the scar and cosmetic traces are well hidden.

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Long-lasting result

After the surgery, the customer’s new facial appearance can be maintained for a long time, even permanently if they focus on health care and strictly comply with the doctor’s instruction.

The overbite treatment and sliding genioplasty procedure

Step 1: Examination and consultation

The doctor will directly examine the customer’s current jawbone condition and suggest the most appropriate treatment method.

Step 2: General health check

The customer will have a general health check and tests to determine whether they are qualified for the surgery or not.

Step 3: Outlining the surgical areas

The doctor will measure and mark the expected bone areas that need to be removed before the surgery.

Step 4: Anesthesia 

The doctor will anesthetize the customer so that they will not feel any pain during the surgery.

Step 5: Start the overbite treatment and sliding genioplasty

Through the incision inside the oral cavity, the doctor will dissect the mucosa to expose the jawbone. Then the doctor will remove and realign the position of the lower and upper jawbone to improve the facial aesthetic without affecting the biting function.

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Step 6: Close the wound, fix the jawbone

After the surgery, the doctor will close the wound inside the oral cavity. Then the doctor will use compression bandages to fix the upper jaw and chin to shape the new jawbone shape.

Step 7: Post-operative care

The customer will rest for 1 day at the hospital for further health monitoring to ensure no problems arise.

Maxillofacial surgery price list at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

ServicePrice (VND)Discounted price

Cleft Chin Creation


Gummy Smile Treatment


Korea Implant Genioplasty


USA Implant Genioplasty


Nasolabial Folds Augmentation


Cheek Augmentation

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Forehead Augmentation


Temple Augmentation


Zygoma Reduction Plasty


V-line Maxillofacial Trim


Malocclusion Treatment

65 – 75.000.000

Large Piercing Hole Treatment


Dimple Creation One Side


Dimple Creation On Both Side


Lip Reduction – Lip Shaping (1 lip)


Heart Lip Shaping


Wrinkle Removal, Facial Makeover


Images of our customers before & after overbite treatment

Things to remember after undergoing overbite treatment and sliding genioplasty

  • Keep compression bandages on the jaw area for the first week after surgery.
  • To reduce swelling of the surgical site, cold compresses should be used regularly for the first few days.
  • Avoid intense exercise or sports to limit damage to the jawbone area.
  • Perform oral hygiene with an antiseptic solution, limit the use of toothbrushes that impacts the incision.
  • Have liquid and soft foods, avoid hard and chewy foods, avoid alcohol, beer, or other stimulants.
  • Take the following check-ups and thread removal as scheduled.
  • Take medicines as prescribed by the doctor.
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