Cập nhật: 22/07/2022.

What do you know about non-surgical abdomen liposuction?

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Abdomen liposuction is a quite popular technique nowadays. There are plenty of options and facilities for you to have the procedure. However, you must have never heard about non-surgical abdomen liposuction. Let’s understand this technique more in the article below.

What is non-surgical abdomen liposuction?

As you are already known, liposuction can be done in areas with excess fat like the abdomen, arms, thighs, etc. The fat will be taken out of the body using advanced technology. This can be either through an endoscope, excess skin removal, or non-surgical abdomen liposuction.

For people with a big waist measurement and lots of excess fat, this is a viable option. The procedure will ensure the safety of the customers without causing any complications. There are plenty of techniques for you to choose from but non-surgical abdomen liposuction is one of the most highly recommended ones.

This technique is non-invasive, unlike the traditional method. Non-surgical abdomen liposuction will allow the patient to function normally after getting the procedure. This is why it is much better reviewed than the old way. Nowadays, many people choose to have non-surgical liposuction.

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What do you know about non-surgical abdomen liposuction?

The advantages of non-surgical abdomen liposuction

Why should you learn about non-surgical abdomen liposuction? This is to help you evaluate the pros and cons of the technique, allowing you to make the best decision possible. Non-surgical abdomen liposuction allows you to experience a much more superior technique than the old-fashioned way.

  • This method ensures no sign of surgical scars.
  • It can be done safely.
  • It can effectively get rid of the abdomen fat.
  • The technique can help to relocate fat to other body regions.
  • It can help to create tight and beautiful skin.

Non-surgical abdomen liposuction is non-invasive, painless, and causes no bleeding or welling. These are the reason why it is highly recommended by many. After just 7 – 11 weeks, you will get to witness the results. If you are looking for a safe, quick, and reasonably priced procedure, non-surgical abdomen liposuction is for you.

The procedure of non-surgical abdomen liposuction

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is the only facility at the moment to successfully apply the non-surgical abdomen liposuction by the Ministry of Health standards, bringing you the slim and safe waist measurement.

  • Step 1: Direct consultation with doctors
  • Step 2: General health assessment
  • Step 3: Anesthetization
  • Step 4: Non-surgical abdomen liposuction
  • Step 5: 1-night of inpatient
  • Step 6: Aftercare

Quy trình hút mỡ tại bệnh viện thẩm mỹ Gangwhoo

The duration and cost of having non-surgical abdomen liposuction

The cost of non-surgical abdomen liposuction and the duration of the procedure depends on many factors with 2 of which being the expertise of the surgeons and the advanced technology. To ensure that the operation happens safely, you will need to find a reputable facility at the right cost. You should not seek a low-quality facility just because of the cheap price as they might lack the equipment needed to deal with unexpected scenarios.

  • Operation time: 45 – 60 minutes.
  • Method: non-surgical.

The liposuction price at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí
Under 60cm 40.000.000
From 60cm to 70cm 55.000.000
From 70cm to 75cm 60.000.00
From over 75cm – 80cm 65.000.000
From over 80cm – 85cm 70.000.000
From over 85cm – 90cm 75.000.000
From over 90cm 110.000.000 – 200.000.000
Under 28cm 20.000.000
From 28cm – 35cm 25.000.000
Over 35cm 30.000.000
Small thighs – Under 55cm 30.000.000
From 55cm – 65cm 40.000.000
From over 65cm – 70cm 60.000.000
From over 70cm – 75cm 65.000.000
Over 75cm 70.000.000
Double chin 15.000.000 – 20.000.000
Hips 15.000.000 – 20.000.000
Armpits 25.000.000 – 35.000.000
Back 40.000.000 – 50.000.000

How to properly take care of yourself after having non-surgical abdomen liposuction

After undergoing liposuction, there will be signs of mild swelling and plasma leaking. These are completely normal. The customers just need to follow the following things:

  • Replace your dressing every day and sterilize the puncture under the guidance of the nurses.
  • Apply cold compression for 1 – 2 days to subside the swelling.
  • From 10 – 12 hours after having abdomen liposuction, you should be very careful when moving around to prevent leaking.
  • Supplement your body with nutrients to enhance your immune system and hasten the recovery process with food that is rich in Zinc, Iron, and vitamins like vegetables, juices, salmon, etc.
  • Wear a compression garment for the first month to stabilize the waist.
  • Avoid doing heavy exercises, playing sports, or eating food that can cause scarring like chicken, water spinach, etc.
  • For women, wearing tight clothing or high heels is forbidden in the first 1 – 2 weeks after having abdomen liposuction.

some notices when having non-surgical abdomen liposuction

To ensure your safety when having the procedure, you should keep the following things in mind.

Choose a reputable facility

Non-surgical abdomen liposuction can quickly and safely get rid of the fat inside. However, for that to happen, it must be done by the hands of experienced doctors with dedicated work ethics.

This is one of the key elements in determining whether the non-surgical abdomen liposuction is a success or not. A good doctor will advise their patient with an appropriate technique, as well as locate the regions with fat and the amount of fat needed to be removed. This is done to ensure the surrounding areas will suffer no damage.

The operation time 

Before entering the procedure, you should find of about its technique, technology, and process. How long is the operation time of abdomen liposuction? According to experts, 60-minute is the duration needed for the best operation possible.

If the operation runs any faster than that, there will be no guarantee that the excess fat is entirely removed. Finding out about the technology is very much needed. This is why major cosmetic facility tends to receive more popularity as cutting-edge equipment and machinery will bring about the perfect service.

Where should you have abdomen liposuction?

Many people with the need for abdomen liposuction don’t know the exact place for safe abdomen liposuction. To ensure effectiveness, you should only seek a reputable facility, especially the facilities that are licensed by the Ministry of Health and meet all the safety requirements. Therefore, make sure to do your research if you want to have safe non-surgical abdomen liposuction.

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is the number one choice nowadays. This place has plenty of services that can suffice customers’ needs. The hospital owns a team of exceptional surgeons and advanced infrastructure. Coming to Gangwhoo, you will receive detailed consultations and prices for each service.

The facility offers the most advanced abdomen liposuction technology that needs no surgery, causes no pain, and comes with great effectiveness. In addition, the service’s price will always be the best there is with promotions and discounts running every month. Gangwhoo is a trustworthy place that is highly recommended by many.

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Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

non-surgical abdomen liposuction

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We promise to fulfill all of your needs with absolute satisfaction. Come to experience the difference today!

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