Cập nhật: 21/12/2022.

Milia Acne Around The Eye: Causes and 7 Ways of Treatment

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên
Milia acne around the eyes can greatly affects the appearance, and it is a quite common condition of many people. Tiny pimples around the eyes make us lose confidence. So what causes milia acne around the eyes and how to treat it? Please follow the article below for your answer.
Milia acne around the eye
Milia acne around the eye

What is milia acne around the eye?

Milia acne around the eyes is a quite common condition of many people. It can occur at any age or gender but is most common among young people. So what exactly is milia acne around the eye?

Milia acne around on the face is actually the sweat gland tumors, it is usually concentrated on the cheeks, under the eyelids. Milia acne is located around the eyes is clearer from people with darker skin. Furthermore, this condition will get worse as the patient gets older.

The milia acne will start to get denser and denser, bigger, thicker, and it shall spread to the surrounding skin such as eyes, face, neck, etc. The milia acne makes the skin around the eyes become rough, jagged, skin texture changes, and causes the patient to look older than their age.

Having milia acne around the eyes, many people feel self-conscious because they lack confidence when communicating with other people.

The causes of milia acne around the eye

The cause of the formation of milia around the eyes is due to the accumulation of sebum. When excess sebum accumulates, it forms small lumps and emerges on the surface of the skin. Unfortunately, we cannot get the sebum out of these milia acne as normal acne to make it go away.

Compared to other areas of the body, the area around the eyes is the most susceptible to the formation of milia acne because this is the most sensitive skin on the body. When your body imbalanced in nutrition, has hormonal disorders or is not hygienic, the eye area will be affected first.

The causes of milia acne around the eye
The causes of milia acne around the eye
The overactive sebaceous glands that lead to the formation of milia around the eyes are due to the following factors:

Hormonal disorder 

During puberty or in pregnancy, the hormones in the body are imbalanced which affects metabolism and the sweat gland. It will stimulate the sebaceous glands to work more strongly, the great excess of sebaceous glands that cause milia acne to grow on the body, especially around the eye area.

Unhealthy diet

Those who regularly eat unhealthy foods with a lot of fat, canned food, and processed foods have a higher risk of developing milia acne around the eyes.

When the body consumes a lot of fat, saturated Triglyceride fat, carbohydrates, cholesterol, preservatives, it will make the sebaceous glands more active, thereby making the milia acne around the eyes easier to form.

Sunlight, electromagnetic waves

The eyes are constantly exposed to the sun and electromagnetic waves from electronic devices can also form milia around the eyes.

Because the ultraviolet rays and electromagnetic waves can disrupt the structure of the skin, degrade elastin and collagen of the skin, which cause the skin to become dry, clog the sweat glands, that form milia acne.

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Using drugs that affect hormones

Some medicines with hormone-disrupting ingredients such as nerve drugs, heart disease drugs… also affect the activity of the sebaceous glands, causing the formation of milia acne around the eyes.

Improper skincare

Using poor quality cosmetics or not suitable for the skin is also the cause of milia acne on the skin in particular and acne in general.

Milia acne treatment

Milia acne that grows around the eyes is essentially the sweat glands tumor. When newly formed, the milia acne is small in size, has a rice-grain shape, small, and white.

Later on, the milia acne can spread all over the face. If not treated early and properly, the milia acne will increase uncontrollably in number.

The following instructions will show you how to treat the milia acne around the eye:

Drink more water and increase minerals intake

Drinking enough water is very important for the skin, especially for sensitive skin such as around the eyes. If the body is supplied with enough water, the skin will have enough moisture, so that the sebaceous glands will be under control. Furthermore, drinking lots of water helps to eliminate toxins from the body that makes the skin healthier.

In addition, it is also necessary to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because they provide lots of essential vitamins and minerals for your body and for your skin. And these foods also contain a lot of water, so vegetable juices can be used instead of filtered water.

Sauna bathing for milia acne treatment

Sauna bathing is an effective way to treat milia acne around the eyes, and it’s easy to do at home. The core of milia is cysts containing keratin. Skin care products that contain a lot of moisture can affect the pores and cause the milia acne to pop out. To remove milia, you should steam your face twice a week with lavender or juniper essential oil.


  • Wash your face thoroughly and dry your face with a towel.
  • Add a few drops of lavender and juniper essential oils to a pot/pot of hot water.
  • Cover your head with a towel, bring your face close to the hot steam at an appropriate distance.
  • Steam for about 10 minutes and then wash your face with cool water.
  • Apply moisturizer.
Sauna bathing for milia acne treatment
Sauna bathing for milia acne treatment

Treat milia acne with green tea leaves

Green tea has high antioxidant content and is effective in controlling oil and inflammation. Therefore, green tea is a popular method to help reduce and treat milia acne around the eyes.


  • Brew a handful of green tea leaves (about 100g) with 150ml of boiling water.
  • Wash your face clean and dry your face with a towel.
  • Wait for the green tea to cool down.
  • Use a cotton swab, clean cloth, or cotton pad soaked in green tea to apply to the skin.
  • Apply regularly every day.

(*) If you don’t like this method, you can wash your face with diluted green tea water twice a day to reduce oil secretion, prevent clogged pores, reduce milia around the eyes.

Treat milia acne with fresh garlic

Garlic has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Applying fresh garlic on the skin to treat some skin problems is a long-standing folk method. In which, the treatment and prevention of milia around the eyes with fresh garlic brings remarkable efficiency.


  • Preparation: 3 fresh cloves of garlic, pure honey.
  • Peel the garlic cloves and then put in a pestle and pounded, then add 1 spoon of pure honey and mix them well, then add the mixture into a cup.
  • After washing your face, use the mixture of garlic and honey to apply on your face
  • Lie down and relax for 15 minutes and then wash them with cool water.

Treat milia acne with perilla leaves 

Perilla leaves are not only a good spice to treat a cold, but they also have many effects on the skin. Specifically, perilla leaves have anti-inflammatory, oil-control, and bactericidal effects, so they help limit the formation of milia acne.


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  • Preparation: 100g fresh perilla leaves, white salt, pure honey
  • Wash the perilla leaves, soak them in diluted saltwater for about 5 minutes, and then crushed with a teaspoon of salt.
  • Add 2 spoons of pure honey to the perilla leaves and salt mixture.
  • Wash the skin and then use the mixture to apply on the skin with acne (carefully in the eye area).
  • Keep the mixture on the skin for 15 minutes, then wash your face with clean water.
  • Apply 2-3 times/week.

Treat milia acne with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can control oil secretion on the skin, has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be applied to the skin to reduce milia acne.


  • After washing the face thoroughly, use a cotton swab soaked with pure apple cider vinegar to apply on the skin with milia acne.
  • Wait about 15 minutes, then wash your face with clean water.
  • Apply 2-3 times/week.

Treat milia acne with green bananas

Perhaps you do not know about the ability to treat milia acne around the eyes of green bananas, right? In green bananas, there are a lot of antioxidants and antibacterial compounds that have anti-inflammatory effects, which can kill bacteria that cause milia acne and heal wounds quickly.


  • Take a green banana, remove the banana peel and crush the flesh.
  • Use a mixture of green bananas to apply on the skin with milia acne, remember to wash your face beforehand.
  • After about 15 minutes, wash your face with clean water.
  • Apply 2-3 times/week.
Things to remember when applying milia treatment
Things to remember when applying milia treatment

Things to remember when applying milia acne treatment

  • Treating milia acne around the eyes is a long process, so you should be persistent in implementing new milia acne treatments to achieve highly effective results.
  • Remember to wash facial skin, moisturize the skin regularly to control the activity of the sebaceous glands, thereby preventing the risk of milia acne formation.
  • The skin around the eyes is very sensitive, so when applying methods to treat milia acne around the eyes, you should test with other skin areas first before applying methods to the skin around the eyes.
  • Build a healthy diet with lots of green vegetables, fresh fruits and drink lots of water. Limit your intake of processed foods, canned foods, fast foods, and foods that are high in fat.


We hope you’ve had enough useful information about the milia acne around the eyes. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital for the most thoughtful consultation and advice.

Related article: Skin Treatment at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

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