Cập nhật: 06/01/2025.

Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital: A Touching Story of “Saving” A Paralyzed Face

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Every customer who comes to Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital bears in themselves a sad story of having a body defect. For those who suffer from 7th nerve palsy (facial paralysis), showing clearly on their face every day.

“I don’t want my kids to undergo any surgery ever again”

Ngoc Minh (An Giang Province) underwent brain tumor surgery at the age of 20. Before she could be happy, her face was distorted, one side of her face could not move because of facial paralysis due to brain tumor disease. At the age of enjoying school life, having friends and love, she started in a closed life, afraid of crowded places, afraid of others staring at her face, afraid of smiling.
điều trị liệt mặt
She and her mother tried their best and everything was paid off (Before – After surgery)

For the last three years, her mother’s been to places to look for all kinds of treatments for her child but everything she found was a “NO” from the doctor. Even, after listening to a doctor who once operated on a brain tumor for her child, he said that she had to undergo surgery and an anesthetic for 4 hours, the mother just held her child’s hand “I don’t want my child to undergo any surgery again, any more anesthesia could weaken her health even more.”

Husband running everywhere to bring back his wife’s smile again

điều trị liệt mặt
Ms. Loan after 40 minutes of surgery

Ms. Doan Thi Loan has suffered from peripheral facial paralysis for 10 years. Her husband said: “10 years ago, after giving birth to our boy, she was so weak. In the past, she used to be energetic and smiled a lot. I went to Gangwhoo Hospital for advice, I was afraid that the doctor would refuse again.” Ms. Loan pointed at the bottom of her face “This is my last chance! I’ve had enough, I almost lost everything, I want to be able to smile again”.

Teacher Huynh Thi Phuong: “I want to be closer to my students and colleagues!”

facial paralysis
Her new face (Before – After surgery)

Time passes quickly, only memories remain…”. Perhaps the best memory of Ms. Phuong is when her smile was blooming on her face before undergoing surgery in the parotid gland 8 years ago. Now, standing on the teaching podium, she fell lacking confidence.

The path of finding her smile again is gradually closing. The “NOs”  from Doctor seemed to be enough to break down all hopes, her desire to regain her beauty is even stronger than before.

Getting your beauty and life again with Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

Prof. Dr. Park Sung Yong explains facial paralysis

The facial paralysis treatment method was researched and improved by Korean professors from Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital can bring unexpected results: Recover more than 70% of the face, as well as physical therapy to recover more than 90%.

Before the surgery, the doctor will anesthetize the customer by applying the exclusive Plus anesthesia. During the surgery, the patient was fully awake, had normal facial movements, and corporate with the doctor. By applying endoscopic techniques and make a small incision of 1-2mm, after only 40 minutes, the face can recover perfectly.

For facial paralysis caused by accident or surgery, doctors of Gangwhoo will apply the nerve splicing technique or splice the 12th nerve to restore the 7th nerve.

More severe cases such as facial paralysis for more than 3 years due to degeneration of nerves from diseases related to brain tumors or after surgery: craniocerebral disease, orthopedic, cosmetic, etc. The doctor will take the autologous thigh muscle to use as a material for correcting facial paralysis and correcting facial distortion muscles such as jaw angle, mouth corner muscle, nasal muscle, and cheek muscle.

Hạnh phúc của mẹ: Gương mặt con trở lại bình thường
Mother’s happiness: Daughter’s bright smile

All the efforts have paid off, seeing the child’s face after the surgery, the mother burst into happiness “You look so great!”

As for Loan, she happily called her husband via video call, her husband looked at her emotionally, “You look much prettier, eh!”

Teacher Huynh Thi Phuong constantly looked at herself in the mirror and whispered “I have never looked forward to meeting my students and colleagues like this!

It is because the heart is full of love for the unfortunate and dedicated to their works over the past 15 years, Gangwhoo Hospital’s doctors have constantly searched for methods to treat facial paralysis for customers. Now, the efforts of years of research have paid off with great smiles, life stories of facial paralysis patients who have found themselves again in the better future

Đánh giá bài viết

Tác Giả GS.BS Park Sung Yong

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí
bs park sung yong


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