Cập nhật: 13/12/2024.

Gangwhoo – Prestigious Facelift Hospital For Overseas Vietnamese

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

During the current Tet holiday, many overseas Vietnamese women were present at Tan Son Nhat airport to celebrate Tet in their hometown. The most special reason is to “take advantage” of a long vacation to have cosmetic surgery done at Gangwhoo – the No. 1 prestigious facelift hospital for overseas Vietnamese in Vietnam.

Tet is the time when many women far from home choose to return to reunite, visit relatives as well, and celebrate the new year 2024.  Especially, there could not be a more suitable time for overseas Vietnamese to take advantage of this opportunity to have cosmetic surgery in Vietnam.

If in the past, beauty was simply skin care, now this demand has gradually been “upgraded” to a new level. The rejuvenation facelift service quickly became a “phenomenon” when the application of modern technology from science and technique to cosmetic procedures was born, helping this beauty method gain more popularity.  shortens implementation time but results are noticeably more sustainable.

At Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, thanks to the application of advanced machines, equipment, and techniques transferred from abroad into cosmetic procedures, the facelift service at Gangwhoo has quickly created a reputation as “Facelift hospital for overseas Vietnamese” and is currently the leading beauty product sought by countless domestic and foreign customers for “rejuvenate yourself”.

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Why do overseas Vietnamese customers choose Vietnam to perform facelift?

Although living in modern and equally developed countries in the field of cosmetic and plastic surgery. But when talking about the reason for choosing Vietnam as a destination. Most overseas Vietnamese confided that the cost of face-lift surgery abroad is very expensive. That’s why the choice to return to Vietnam can be said to be two in Once you not only celebrate Tet with your family, but also enhance yourself and save on cosmetic costs.

Besides, Vietnamese cosmetic surgery is growing day by day, not inferior to foreign countries, and is on the rise. That is the reason why many overseas Vietnamese choose Vietnam for beauty treatments. Especially at Gangwhoo Hospital, with countless attractive promotions, it has attracted many customers to continuously book appointments even though they have not yet departed for their home country.

Gangwhoo – Facelift hospital for overseas Vietnamese in Vietnam

As a cosmetic unit that meets all 83 criteria set by the Ministry of Health in Vietnam, Gangwhoo Hospital is an address that many customers trust and choose as a place for facelift surgery when returning home to celebrate Tet. Especially at this time, Gangwhoo Hospital is welcoming a large number of customers back home.

Located in a “prime location” near Tan Son Nhat airport, transportation is extremely convenient and easy so it can save time. Not only that, Gangwhoo also has a free airport shuttle service so customers don’t need to worry about having trouble getting to the airport.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

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Applying modern facelift technology

  Face lift at Gangwhoo Hospital is currently being chosen by many customers, especially before welcoming the new year. In order to bring customers great experiences and diverse choices, Gangwhoo Hospital has advocated researching and applying many modern cosmetic methods such as:

  • Smas facelift
  • Facelift with Collagen thread
  • Facelift with Dimond thread
  • Facelift by using Thermage technology
  • Facelift by using Hifu technology
  • Laser facelift

With modern technologies applied by Gangwhoo Hospital, customers who are experiencing age-related skin aging from the ages of 30 to 50, especially customers over the age of 50, will quickly improve the defective condition. The skin will quickly become firm, and prevent aging from returning.

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The team of Vietnamese and Korean doctors is full of enthusiasm for aesthetics

The doctor in charge of facelift and rejuvenation cosmetic surgery at Gangwhoo Commercial Hospital always puts all his enthusiasm into cosmetic cases to bring customers the best results. Not only are the doctors with over 15 years of experience, the hospital also focuses on investing so that every doctor has the opportunity to participate in training in leading countries in plastic surgery.

A special point of the skills of the team of experts at Gangwhoo is the modern facelift technique, which leaves absolutely no ugly scars after surgery. Many overseas Vietnamese and foreign customers are extremely satisfied and have not had any complaints about the service or skills of the experts and doctors at Gangwhoo.

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“Unlimited” preferential policy for overseas Vietnamese guests

For overseas Vietnamese customers returning home to celebrate Tet and performing facelift services at Gangwhoo, the hospital also offers many preferential policies specifically for this group of customers. In order to create conditions for overseas Vietnamese to experience services with the best policies, Gangwhoo offers a number of incentives and attractive services such as:

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

– Opportunity to participate in the extremely attractive IPHONE 14 PROMAX lucky draw program.

– 20% discount when overseas Vietnamese use surgical facelift service

– Opportunity to participate in a 2-in-1 campaign combining cosmetic surgery and traveling

– The hospital supports the pick-up of overseas Vietnamese guests, right from the moment they land at Tan Son Nhat airport.

Photos of facelift customers at Gangwhoo Hospital

Mrs.Butler – A foreign customer who had a facelift at Gangwhoo shared: “I don’t understand why people always feel that I’m angry and upset even though I’m very cheerful and happy. It wasn’t until I consulted with the doctor that I realized it was due to facial muscles. During the facelift, I hope to be younger and my face will also reduce the anger caused by the previous facial muscles”.

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Another customer from Australia – Mrs. Helen said that she was completely convinced after looking at the results from customers who had previously undergone facelift surgery at Gangwhoo Hospital. No matter what country you are in, there are still good doctors and not-so-good doctors, but at a truly reputable cosmetic hospital, there will always be the clearest evidence to show that, which is transparency in service and objectively evaluating and satisfy service participants.

After performing rejuvenation using the facelift method, customers will quickly say goodbye to sagging, wrinkled skin and instead have a face 5 to 10 years younger. To learn more about the hottest beauty service at the hospital for facelifts for overseas Vietnamese, please contact Gangwhoo via the information below!

Address: 576 – 578 Cong Hoa, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, HCMC

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

24/7 switchboard: 1900 5128

Hotline/Zalo: 0901 666 879

Email: info@gangwhoo.com

Website: https://gangwhoohospital.vn/

Fanpage: www.facebook.com/benhvienthammygangwhoo

Tiktok: https://tiktok.com/@benhviengangwhoo

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benhvienthammygangwhoo/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/benhvienthammygangwhoo

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