Cập nhật: 12/12/2024.

Where to Find Quality Eyelid Revision in Ho Chi Minh City?

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Where can we find quality eyelid revision in Ho Chi Minh City? Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital is a great place to have eyelid revision for customers. With the outstanding advantages and beauty that eyelid surgery brings, not only women but also men want to have beautiful double eyelids.

However, the development of the cosmetic industry has also led to the establishment of lots of unreliable cosmetic facilities. These poor quality facilities have caused badly damaged eyelids to customers with skewed eyelids, big and small eyelids, …

Eyelid Revision in Ho Chi Minh City
Eyelid Revision in Ho Chi Minh City


Blepharoplasty is actually a very simple surgery and does not take too much time for the surgeon to perform as well as for customers to rest after surgery.

When you decide to “renovate” your eyes, you must have researched very carefully about the cosmetic facility you are about to have blepharoplasty. But after surgery, undergoing 5 days of recovery and threat, what waiting for you is not the flawless and beautiful double-lid eye.

In fact, it is undeniable that if your eyelids are damaged, it is probably over 80% due to the cosmetic facility you choose is not qualified from many stages such as doctor’s techniques, sterility during surgery, procedures…

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Doctors’ qualifications

According to cosmetologists, the first and most frequent cause of a failed blepharoplasty is the surgeon.

The doctor’s skill is a decisive factor in whether the surgery is successful or not. Because in fact, if the blepharoplasty technology, equipment, operating room, … are advanced, sterile according to standards, and the doctor is not qualified enough, the outcome would be dull.

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During the surgery, if the doctor is not qualified and skilled enough, typical complications shall be inevitable such as upturned eyelids, thick eyelid folds, misaligned eyelids, swollen eyelids, red, sore eyelids, bleeding.

In more severe cases, failed blepharoplasty can cause fracture of the cartilage of the eyelids, the muscle that lifts the eyelids, causing a complete collapse of the eyelids. If the surgery intervenes too deep, the levator muscle will be damaged, making the eyelids unable to open as usual, obstructing vision. In some severe cases, it can cause amblyopia or blindness.

Equipment and operating room are not sterile

As the demand for beauty increases, machinery and equipment shall be improved to be more advanced to meet the needs of customers. The outdated equipment and machinery shall cause great damage to your eyes.

Surgical tools and operating rooms are not sterile, which forms an ideal environment for bacteria to cause irritation and infection to the eyes.

These are reasons that will make your eyes swollen, red, hard to heal, and form unsightly scars for the eye.

Bệnh viện thẩm mỹ Gangwhoo

Outdated blepharoplasty technology

Blepharoplasty technology is extremely important to help you get rid of eye defects to recreate the eyes with a new, more flawless appearance.

But if you choose to have outdated blepharoplasty technology, you cannot get rid of eye defects such as flawed eyelids surgery, excess fat, sagging skin, … the eyelid folds become uneven and ugly.

The blepharoplasty procedure

A proper cosmetic procedure will ensure maximum safety, avoiding the worst scenario for the body. Just one step in the non-standard process will immediately affect the results later.

Those who are not qualified for blepharoplasty include people with hemophilia, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, severe diabetes. If the cosmetic procedure is wrong, it will cause danger to the body.

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Inappropriate eye makeover method

Objectively, if your eyelid is damaged due to the cosmetic facility, the cause of the damaged eyelid can also be from yourself.

The care after surgery is equally important. The failed blepharoplasty is partly due to unhygienic post-operative care. Eyes infected with bacteria, not cleaned carefully, which takes a long time to heal, and the eyes can get easily inflamed and painful for a long time.

Nowadays, there are many cosmetic facilities have consultants advise you on beauty methods, not doctors.

No one understands your body better than you and understands its mechanics but your doctor. Therefore, if you go to a beauty salon without being consulted directly by a doctor, you must immediately find another cosmetic facility to ask and consult the doctor for all your concerns.

sua mi mat hong uy tin hang dau tai tphcm 2021


After undergoing a failed blepharoplasty, the two eyelids become uneven, the eyelids get collapsed, the eyes get swelling and pain. It is even worse that there are scars in the eye areas.

In summary, here are the typical signs that you have undergone a failed blepharoplasty:

  • The eyelids get deviated.
  • Drooping eyelids.
  • The eyelids are not well-proportioned with the face.
  • Up-turned eyelids and cannot be closed.
  • Swollen eyelids, infected eyelids.


When you unfortunately undergo a failed blepharoplasty, what you need to do is:

  • Stay calm and consult a doctor immediately.
  • Find a prestigious cosmetic facility to have an eyelid revision.

Depending on the case, there would be a different solution:

  • In case the eyelids are large and uneven: The doctor of Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital shall remove the old eyelid folds and reform more appropriate eyelids with the overall face.
  • In case of prolonged redness and swelling of the eyes: If it is due to the customer’s health status, the doctor can only show you some ways to take care of your eyelids to recover quickly. If due to infection, the doctor of Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital will conduct pus injection and reshape new eyelid folds.
  • In case of drooping eyes, lethargic eyes: If the eyes are drooping, lethargic due to the levator muscle, the doctor at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital will reconnect and shorten the levator muscle. If the eyes are droopy due to a lot of loose skin and excess fat, the doctor will measure, calculate the percentage of excess skin and proceed to create a new eyelid fold according to your desires.

Khách hàng sửa mắt hỏng

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  • Step 1: Examination and consultation

The doctors of Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital shall directly examine the customer to understand how damaged eyelids are as well as customers’ wishes to advise specific eyelid revision methods.

  • Step 2: General health check

To ensure the customer’s health, Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital shall conduct a general health check for customers to see if their current health condition is safe for the eyelid revision or not.

  • Step 3: Measure and sketch the new eyelids

Before the eyelid revision surgery, the doctor shall examine the eyes, estimate how much improvement is, how much excess skin and fat that need to be removed, and how much the eyelid folds will be formed. Therefore, the doctor plays an important role, it is obligatory that the doctor needs to be highly qualified for the surgery.

  • Step 4: Sterilization and anesthesia

This is an extremely important step, especially for customers who are suffering from infected eyelids. With advanced technology, Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital guarantees the customer shall not feel any pain during and after the surgery.

  • Step 5: Start the procedure

Blepharoplasty is considered a simple minor surgery, which mildly affects the upper eyelid area. The doctor shall remove a part of excess skin, excess fat to rejuvenate the eyes. New eyelids are formed by shaping the eyelid folds with cosmetic thread. The new eyelid crease will coincide with the levator muscle fold.

  • Step 6: Post-operative care

Khách hàng sửa mắt hỏng


To have a quality eyelid revision, you must find for yourself a prestigious cosmetic facility.

Do not wholeheartedly believe in the images provided by the beauty salon you choose or what you hear from the consultant. Meet directly the doctor at the place for advice. But remember to get advice from many doctors. Then, consider thoroughly before making a decision.

Do not forget to carefully take care of your eyelids after surgery:

  • Do not rub your eyes, avoid touching the surgical area.
  • Do not eat spicy foods to avoid shedding tears.
  • Do not wear contact lenses, wear make-up around the eyes.
  • Do not let your eyes come into contact with water and dust.
  • Wear sunglasses when going out.
  • Take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor.

We hope you’ve had enough useful information for where to have quality eyelid revision in HCM City. If you have any further questions or concerns, please leave a comment below or come to Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital for the most thoughtful advice and guidance.

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2 thoughts on “Where to Find Quality Eyelid Revision in Ho Chi Minh City?

    • Gangwhoo Tri says:

      Dear Truc,
      Please check out our latest promotions for eyelid makeover procedures for October here .
      You can leave your contact such as Zalo/Whatsapp number so that we can reach out to you better or you can contact our Hotline: 0901.666.879 for free advice.
      Best regards.

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