Cập nhật: 12/12/2024.

Ergonomix Endoscopic Breast Augmentation – The Most Advanced Technique

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Ergonomix breast augmentation is the advanced technology that is used to improve the size and shape of the breast, allowing the ladies to own a sexy and beautiful pair of breasts.

Ergonomix breast implant
Ergonomix breast implant

What is Ergonomix endoscopic breast augmentation?

Ergonomix endoscopic breast augmentation is the technique that makes use of an endoscope to place the Ergonomix Nanochip implant inside the breast cavity to boost the size of the breasts. By using an endoscope, the surgery will be done precisely and quickly without affecting the sensation of the nipples and other parts of the body.

The implant used in Ergonomix endoscopic breast augmentation is the Ergonomix breast implants that are manufactured by Motiva. Thanks to 7 protective layers to protect the gel inside, the implant cannot be ruptured or leaked even when under tremendous force, making the Ergonomix breast implant a favourable option. In addition, the Ergonomix breast implant is also equipped with a smart chip to store the information of the customers, allowing the condition of the implants to be easily determined.

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The advantages of Ergonomix endoscopic breast augmentation

Ergonomix endoscopic breast augmentation is considered to be the most quality and advanced breast augmentation technology nowadays thanks to the superior features that the implants provide.

  • The Ergonomix breast implants can withstand 8 times more damage than the other types and they are 100% filled with gel. Therefore, when facing the tremendous force, the implants will not be ruptured or leaked.
  • The use of Ergonomix implants will allow the breasts to be natural and soft thanks to the surface of the implants having 8000 contact points per square centimetres. For this reason, the implant will stick closely to the pectoralis, allowing it to alternate its shape by the movement of the body.
  • The smart chip will allow the customers to check on the information and the condition of the implants inside the body.
  • The Ergonomix implant is manufactured by Motiva, a reputable company in the world with a permanent warranty for its products.

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The procedure of Ergonomix endoscopic breast augmentation

Step 1: Consultation

The doctor will diagnose the condition of the breast to provide a suitable augmentation technique and the fitting size for each case.

Step 2: General health assessment

The doctor will also need to run a series of examinations to ensure that the patient is qualified for the surgery before the operation can begin.

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The tests are cardiac tests, blood tests, pregnancy tests, X-ray, etc.

Step 3: Anaesthesia

Before the surgery can take place, the patient will be sedated to ensure a painless feeling during the entire operation.

Step 4: Ergonomix endoscopic breast augmentation

To perform the Ergonomix endoscopic breast augmentation, the Ergonomix breast implants will be inserted inside the breast cavity through 1 of these 3 incision sites:

  • Peri-areolar: This will allow the implants to be placed inside the breast cavity, lowering the chance of misplacing the material.
  • Inframammary: This technique is suitable for people with a natural breast fold. It will allow the breasts to be perfectly well-shaped and round.
  • Trans-axillary: This is the most applied technique thanks to the fact that the incisions will be well-hidden at the armpits. The glands will not be damaged and the ability to breastfeed will be kept as it won’t affect the sensation of the nipples.

Step 5: Aftercare

After having the surgery, the patient will be taken care of in the hospital. The doctors will monitor the vial readings of the patient. The customer must follow the instructions of the doctors to allow the healing process to happen quickly with great effects.

The breast augmentation price list at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital

*Updated price list of May 2021*

Laparoscopic Breast Augmentation – Gsoft Implant 2,149
Laparoscopic Breast Augmentation – Nano Implant Without Chip3,159
Laparoscopic Breast Augmentation – Nano Implant With Chip3,639
Laparoscopic Breast Augmentation – Ergonomix4,710
Laparoscopic Breast Augmentation – Arion3,650
Nipple lightening (Free cream)650
Nipple Reduction on both sides870
Areola Reduction on both sides1,080
Accessory Breast Removal (1 – 2 breasts)1,520
Gynecomastia treatment1,730
Breast Reduction1,940 – 2,790
Breast Lift1,940 – 2,790
Laparoscopic Buttock Augmentation – Polytech4,280
Laparoscopic Buttock Augmentation – Ergonomix3,000 – 4,290
Breast Fat Grafting2,150
Buttock Fat Grafting3,000 – 4,290

Why should you choose Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital to have Ergonomix endoscopic breast augmentation?

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is one of the leading facilities in breast makeover. Choosing Gangwhoo to have Ergonomix endoscopic breast augmentation is a safe and best choice there is.

  • The team of doctors are well-trained, experienced, and qualified to perform surgery.
  • The infrastructure is sanitary and clean while the environment will offer a comfortable feeling for both the customers and the staff.
  • The equipment is constantly updated to the latest there is.
  • The procedure is done strictly by the Ministry of Health standard.
  • The implants are imported directly from the reputable manufacturer.
  • The result is visible immediately while the cost is reasonable for all.

The results after having breast augmentation at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital 

nang nguc

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

If you are having the need to upgrade your breasts to achieve a better and more sexy look, head to Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital to make your dream come true today!

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