Cập nhật: 22/12/2022.

Dr. Phung Manh Cuong explains the cranial nerve VII paralysis treatment

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Facial paralysis of cranial nerve VII paralysis Facial paralysis or cranial nerve 7 paralysis is a common condition that can not only affect the life but also the appearance of the patient. So what is the treatment for this condition? Let’s check out how Dr. Phung Manh Cuong explains the cranial nerve VII paralysis treatment.

Dr. Phung Manh Cuong explains the cranial nerve VII paralysis treatment

What is facial paralysis? How to spot the condition?

Facial paralysis is the condition that is caused by the peripheral paralysis of the cranial nerve 7 hence the name cranial nerve 7 paralysis.

The clinical symptoms of this condition can easily be seen like asymmetrical mouth, nose, lower eyelid, inability to close one eye, and crocodile tears.


What to do when knowing that you have facial paralysis?

When having the signs of facial paralysis (e.g: asymmetrical mouth), you will need to seek a medical facility to appropriate treatment.

Facial paralysis treatment will depend on the causes of the condition. When the condition is new, for the first 4 – 6 weeks, the treatment would be medications and warm compression. After the sixth week, acupuncture and physiotherapy will be added to improve the condition.

Treatment for persistent facial palsy

For over 2 years, treatment like medications or acupuncture will no longer be of effect. Surgical intervention is needed instead to improve the condition.

The facial paralysis treatment at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital

At Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital, with the advice from Korean experts, we have managed to research and apply the surgical technique for facial paralysis treatment. This topic is even presented at the International Aesthetic Surgery Conference and is highly appreciated by foreign experts for its safety, aesthetics, and effectiveness.

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

The facial paralysis treatment at Gangwhoo involves an endoscope and microsurgery equipment to reattach and recover the facial muscles to improve the condition of sagginess and facial functions, especially at the mouth and nasolabial folds regions. In addition to that, the saggy eyelid and asymmetrical eyes will also be greatly improved.


The advantages of having facial paralysis treatment at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital

Facial paralysis treatment at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital has the following advantages:

  • Minimally invasive. Local anesthesia is enough for the operation to happen.
  • Make use of the endoscopic technique. This ensures the precision of the operation and limits the invasion needed.
  • Cause no health, muscle, and nervous damages.
  • Don’t take up much recovery time.
  • Come with no risk of complications.

The recovery time after having facial paralysis treatment

After finished having the operation, the patient can instantly see the results. However, for the tendon and the muscle to fully recovered, at least 3-month is needed. During this time, the patient can live their life normally as long as they take the medications and take care of the wound under the doctor’s guidance.

After 3 months, the patient will be instructed on physiotherapy to restore the function of the muscle, bringing about the best effects possible.

The result of having facial paralysis treatment at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital

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Khách hàng điều trị liệt mặt tại BVTM Gangwhoo

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The story of Dr. Phung Manh Cuong

First-level specialist Phung Manh Cuong is the director of Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital. He is an expert with over 15 years of experience in plastic surgery. His topic is highly appreciated at the International Aesthetic Surgery Conference. With years of training in Korea, Dr. Phung Manh Cuong is exceptionally brilliant in rhinoplasty, nose revision, and facial paralysis.


  • Read more about Dr. Phung Manh Cuong HERE
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