Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, under the permission of the Ministry of Health, organized Covid-19 vaccination for all the doctors, nurses and staff working at the hospital.
Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital organized Covid-19 vaccination for doctors, nurses, staff
Recently, Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital was assigned by the Ministry of Health to organize COVID-19 vaccination for doctors and staff of the hospital. The COVID-19 vaccine used is the UK-made Astra Zeneca vaccine, which has been tested and approved by WHO for widespread distribution.
During this vaccination campaign, Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital has assigned staff to have vaccines at different times to ensure the social distance regulations and strictly follow the COVID-19 pandemic prevention rules of the Ministry of Health.
Before injecting the vaccine, the doctors and staffs conduct medical submission, are examined, have body temperature tests, have blood pressure tests, medical history to ensure they are qualified for the vaccine.
Thanks to the strict vaccination procedure, the vaccination session went smoothly and no serious reactions were recorded after the injection.
The health of all hospital staff is carefully monitored and instructed to make a medical submission after the injection.
Doctors and staff of Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital donate for the COVID-19 vaccine fund