Cập nhật: 06/01/2025.

Dawn Whyte on her journey to rediscover herself in Vietnam

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Ms.Dawn Whyte, a 60-year-old lady from Australia, would like to share about her journey to rediscover herself in Vietnam. Will the her wish be fulfilled at the end of this journey or will it be a trip full of disappointment?

Dawn Whyte on her journey to rediscover herself in Vietnam
Dawn Whyte on her journey to rediscover herself in Vietnam

Ms.Dawn Whyte an all in gamble on coming to Vietnam

Despite having had 60 years of her life well lived, Dawn Whyte never felt her age described herself well. She loves beauty, adores art of all form and fiercely self expressive. Within her the soul of a young woman burns vigorously.

But time is cruel, for all the youthful enthusiasm she has the signs of aging weigh down on her skins. Her neck sags and her arms drapes as she move. Everytime she sees herself in the mirror, she cannot find the woman within looking back at her.


ms dawn whyte da co nhao chung nghiem trong en

And so she did her research, and decided on Vietnam over Australia for her plan. She had placed all her hope and faith into this trip and flew all the way for a chance at rediscovering herself.

A worthy trip and Dawn Whyte’s total makeover

Với chuyến đi đến Việt Nam cô Dawn Whyte đã có sự chuẩn bị và tìm hiểu kỹ lưỡng. Tại Gangwhoo cô thực hiện 4 dịch vụ cùng 1 lúc mà không ngần ngại. Vì cô đã có một niềm tin khi xem hình ảnh và lời chia sẻ của những người cũng đến từ Úc khi thực hiện tại Gangwhoo.

On her trip to Vietnam, Dawn Whyte has made substantial preparation and done her research. Coming to Gangwhoo Hospital, she had 4 separated surgeries in a single visit. She shared that she had faith thanks to the pictures and the stories shared by Australian coming to Gangwhoo as well to rejuvenate themselves. She is also very happy about the pricing,

Thanks to her thorough preparation both mentally and financially, everything went on smoothly without a hitch. She arrived at the airport, came to the hospital and managed to get all her surgeries done all in the same day.

chuyen di dang nho cua ms dawn en

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Thanking to the sophisticated techniques of our surgeon and the latest technology, the surgeries was done without her feeling any pain or discomfort. She was also well cared for by nurses and interpreters.

She was really amazed at the technical expertise of her surgeons. Each surgeries was done by a different surgeon, but they all showed utmost mastery of their profession.

Dawn Whyte share her thoughts, praising the doctors: “Their skills are top notched, the techniques are superb, the work done is skillfully and professionally. I can feel the meticulousness through each surgical incisions and sutures.”

ms dawn chia se en

Gangwhoo’s parting gift for Dawn Whyte: a deep dive into Vietnamese culture

This was her first time coming to Vietnam, but she had an extremely good impression. She appreciate everyone being friendly, thoughtful and professional. The day after surgery, she felt comfortable and walked quite normally without any discomfort

ket qua sau cang da en

As a parting gift, Gangwhoo arrange for a trip deep dive into the heart of culture of Vietnam, a chance to experience the people, the history and the sights beyond her initial plan.

The trip includes Thien Hau Pagoda and Ho Chi Minh Museum. These two places are both steeped in history, housing many memories and relics of Vietnam past. Allowing her to immersed in the tradition as she performed many traditional rituals of Vietnamese.
The trip also has her enjoying many Vietnamese cuisine both traditional and modern.


All in all, it was a lovely trip to further deepen her impression of Vietnamese people and culture.

Ms.Dawn Whyte happily shared: “Vietnamese cuisine is delicious, and the trip is just wonderful. You guys are so professional and it is so nice to have such good interpreters on every step of the way.”

At the end of her journey Ms. Dawn Whyte rediscovered her inner beauty and an appreciation for the Vietnamese culture through a memorable trip as well.

Connect with us through our Hotline: 1900 5128 for a FREE CONSULTATION if you are interested in any service.

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