Cập nhật: 15/12/2024.

What Popular Color Should You Choose After Having Dark Lip Lightening?

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Dark lip lightening is a beauty method that is applied to remove dark, pale, and ugly lips. However, not every color can give us a fresh look on our lips. Therefore, it is extremely essential to find out which lip color is suitable.


To have satisfying and suitable lip color, you need to know how to choose the correct lip color. Here are ways to help you decide the right lip color you want.

1. Based on your skin color

Everyone has a different skin tone and no one can choose the same lip color. For example, a girl with slightly tanned skin can not choose the same color as the white girls. Choosing the wrong lip color will make the face darker and out of balance.

For girls with pinkish-white skin, this is a great thing because this skin color can fit many different lip color tones. Women with pinkish-white skin can choose any color that they like such as peach pink, baby pink, orange-red, orange-pink, etc.

As for women with slightly pale skin, choose red lip colors, this will help balance skin pigmentation and the face will look fresher and less pale.

For women with dark skin, they should choose red lip colors (especially orange-red). This color makes the face brighter and looks outstanding. Avoid using pale pink tones, as this will make the face appear paler.

2. Based on your age

Age can also greatly affects which color should we choose from.

For girls in their twenties, colors like orange-pink, light pink will give a fresh look to their faces. In particular, these lip colors can women be more confident and active.

For those over 35, the signs of aging start to appear more and more. The red colors (rose red, red-orange) will help cover the defects of the lips, give the charm-loving look on the face.

3. Do not be confused between lip color and lipstick color

There are many women and sisters who mistakenly think that whatever lipstick color we like, choose that for lip color. This is completely wrong, especially for Asian women.

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Simple example: Earthy orange is a favorite lipstick color of many women because this color is currently trendy. But this color can only be suitable on makeup, when we remove the makeup but this lip color is still on, it will make our face darker, look pale, and lifeless. Because Vietnamese women have yellow skin, the earthy orange lip color is suitable for Europeans only.

For Vietnamese women, you should choose fresh lip colors such as red-orange, babe-pink, peach-orange, pink-orange.



To choose suitable and beautiful lip color, customers need to know how to choose the correct one. Here are the tips to help you choose a suitable lip color for the best result without any complications.

1. Fresh red

Is a first choice for the majority of women when thinking about having dark lip lightening. This color is not too dark and will not fade, it is suitable for those from 18 to 30, or those who have white skin and tanned skin. This color is more suitable for white skin.

With fresh red color, no makeup is needed to match the lip color. But you should remember that you might not be able to use other lipstick colors such as nude orang or nude pink. If you have dark lip lightening, it does not mean that your lips will be as bright red as applying lipstick. Unless you use ink colors that contain a lot of metal components that are not good for health. Quality fresh red ink is safer and show clearer red color.

Khử Thâm Môi Màu Gì Đẹp?
What Lip Color Should We Choose?

2. Pink-red

This is the most chosen lip color of women because of its sweet and charming look that shows the energy of the youth. Light red and pink tones are suitable for many skin tones as well as different ages. Therefore, if you are still struggling to choose a beautiful lip color, you can choose red-pink lip color.

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3. Orange-pink

This resemblances natural lip color, therefore, it is suitable for everyone from 18 to middle-age people, and this color is suitable for every skin tone.

After having orange-pink lip color, the lips will always look fresh even after waking up and without make-up. Orange-pink lips is very suitable for other lipsticks.

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4. Baby-pink lip color

Baby-pink lip color brings a sweet and innocent look to your face. This lip color is suitable for young people who like simplicity and gentle makeup style. For women over 30 who still love this lip color, they can do have a darker pink-baby color tone to create elegance in style.

Because baby-pink lip color is very light, so women with dark or tanned skin should not choose.

Read more: How long does the dark lip lightening take effect?

For women with bright skin, whose lips are darkened because of using a lot of lipstick containing lead, you can still choose baby-pink lip color. However, you need to have the procedure carried out by a highly qualified specialist to ensure the best result.

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5. Red-orange lip color

In the past 3 years, red-orange is becoming more and more popular among women and sisters. Red-orange is suitable for any type of skin, making the face look more youthful than ever. This lip color is also suitable for women from 25 to 40 years old.

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At Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, we have the most experienced and highly qualified specialists who have successfully performed thousands of dark lip lightening procedures and state-of-the-art machinery systems and equipment to ensure the best beauty services and results for customers. Therefore, we have served thousands of customers with the highest satisfaction.

At Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, our customers are also our friends on the journey to achieve the most flawless beauty. We always give the most sincere beauty suggestions to customers. In Vietnam, celebrities and artists are no strangers to the name Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital.

Direct contact to Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital for further consultation

  • Address: 576 – 578 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Hotline/Zalo: 0901 666 879
  • Email: info@gangwhoo.com 
  • Website: gangwhoohospital.vn
  • Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/GangwhooHospital
  • TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@benhviengangwho
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benhvienthammygangwhoo/
  • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/benhvienthammygangwhoo

We hope you’ve had enough useful information about the dark lip lightening service. If you have any further questions or concerns, please leave a comment or contact our Hotline: 0901.666.879 for the most thoughtful advice and guidance!

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