Cập nhật: 06/01/2025.

Calf Liposuction – Slim Down Your Legs Easily

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

Calf liposuction is a cosmetic method that can be applied to make your legs slimmer and firmer. This method applies liposuction technology without surgical intervention, so it is completely painless and has no risks of scarring. Thanks to this method, customers can confidently wear beautiful dresses every day.

Big legs, fat calves are common nowadays due to the absorption of too much nutrition, unreasonable diets without exercise, which cause the calf to become bigger and fatter. Big legs not only cause difficulty in walking but affect the beauty of a girl.

No more dangerous surgery, now only with calf liposuction, you will quickly regain your beautiful legs. This cosmetic technology can ensure customers’ safety and has been successfully applied to millions of women every day.

What is calf liposuction?

Calf liposuction is a non-surgical cosmetic method, applying Korean technology to give quick and painless results without leaving any scars. By using specialized equipment, the doctor will suck all the excess fat out of the body, tightening the skin and make the legs slimmer and firmer.

According to experts, by applying calf liposuction, we can give very good results, reducing 8-10 cm the leg size after just 1 procedure. The surgery does not involve much invasiveness to the body, does not affect the tissue areas to ensure customers’ safety.

Through the automatic liposuction device, the fat blocks located in the calf will be broken down from the original structure, liquefied, and sucked out. In addition, this method also involves stimulating collagen production to enhance skin elasticity and slow down the aging process.

The advantages of calf liposuction

The calf liposuction method at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital offers the following advantages:

  • Get rid of excess fat in the calves, reduce the size of calves.
  • Tighten the skin, make the legs firmer and slimmer.
  • Non-surgical, non-invasive, and safe.
  • Quick procedure and short recovery time.
  • Modern technology and state-of-the-art equipment.

The 5-star calf liposuction procedure

Those who have big legs with lots of fat accumulation need to undergo calf liposuction as soon as possible. This method not only helps to regain the slimmer calves but also prevents dangerous diseases.

At Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, calf liposuction is a complicated technique so it is often performed with modern machinery and equipment. The procedure takes place in a sterile operating room and is directly performed by specialists to ensure customers’ safety.

  • Step 1: The doctor will directly examine the fat accumulation in the customer’s calves and the calf sizes before liposuction. Then the doctor will explain the calf liposuction procedure in detail.
  • Step 2: The customer must have a general health check including blood tests, urine tests, blood pressure measurements, ultrasound… to determine whether they are eligible for the surgery or not.
  • Step 3: The doctor will anesthetize the customer so that they will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure.
  • Step 4: The doctor will use a marker to mark the fat blocks that need to be removed. Then use endoscopes and create a small incision. Then the doctor will slowly insert the suction tube to destroy and liquefy the fat blocks, then suck fat out of the body.
  • Step 5: After liposuction, the doctor will tighten the calfskin, and stimulate collagen production and tissue cells. Finally, the incision will be closed with cosmetic threads.
  • Step 6: After the procedure, the customer will stay at the hospital for about 1-2 days for further monitoring. During this process, the doctor will regularly examine and advise on reasonable diets at home, and schedule for following check-ups.

Liposuction price list at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

ServicePrice (VND)Discounted price

2-side Cheek Fat Removal

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

Endoscopic 2-side Cheek Fat Removal


Laser Endoscopic Double Chin Lipo

15 – 17.000.000

RF Endoscopic Double Chin Lipo


Nasolabial Fold Fat Grafting


Temple Fat Grafting


Forehead Fat Grafting


Fat Grafting For Facial Rejuvenation


Fat Grafting For Facial Rejuvenation & Filling


3D Arm Lipo


3D Thigh Lipo

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí

3D Abdomen Lipo

20 – 40.000.000

Mini Abdomen Skin Tightening


Calf Liposuction


Tummy Tuck & Waist Creation


Why should you have calf liposuction at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital?

Customers who have large, fat, and sagging calves need to have calf liposuction at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital. Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital is one of the most prestigious Korean hospitals in Vietnam in the past few years.

Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital has the top doctors with years of experience and high qualifications in cosmetology. On top of that, Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital also has state-of-the-art machinery systems and equipment as well as new technology to ensure customers successful results as desired.

In addition to the non-surgical calf liposuction, customers will have various choices of beauty services. All defects in the body can be overcome in a short time without having to exercise hard and have strict diets.

In short, calf liposuction is a modern cosmetic method that ensures quick results without causing any danger to customers. Only with 1 procedure of calf liposuction, you will have slimmer and attractive legs and be more confident in life.

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