Cập nhật: 19/12/2024.

Bleeding After Tartar Removal – Causes and Solutions

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên
Bleeding after having tartar removal is the most concerning problem among customers, which makes them wonder whether having tartar removal harms their teeth or their health. Please refer to the following article by Dr. Binh – A dental specialist at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital.
Bleed After Having Tartar Removal?
Bleed After Having Tartar Removal?

Can bleeding happen after having tartar removal?

As we all know, the technique of tartar removal (scaling) is only the use of specialized dental tools to remove the calcified food debris that sticks to the teeth.

During the tartar removal (scaling) process, if no anesthesia is used, customers will feel a little pain when the dentist scales the tartar where it accumulates a lot. At that time, it may bleed but usually immediately stop after the customer rinses their mouth.

After returning home, there may be some bleeding again, but it only lasts for up to 1-2 hours. At the same time, the customer may feel sensitive or mild soreness that only lasts up to 12 hours if the tartar removal (scaling) technique is performed correctly.

The causes of bleeding after having tartar removal

Even though the tartar removal procedure is very simple, complications such as bleeding or soreness can still occur. According to research, the causes are mainly as follows:

The Causes of Bleeding After Having Tartar Removal
The Causes of Bleeding After Having Tartar Removal

Dental diseases

Teeth with diseases such as gingivitis, tooth decay, pulpitis… are often very sensitive to external influences.

Therefore, the impact from the scaling tools will stimulate the response of the disease, making you feel more pain.

Weak tooth

For teeth with thin enamel, the tartar removal procedure will affect the dentin, causing sensitivity and soreness.

For those who have strong teeth, the enamel layer is thick enough to prevent the external forces on the dentin when having tartar removal (scaling). Therefore, in these cases, there is absolutely no bleeding or sensitivity.

Tartar removal techniques

For dentists who have just graduated from school and practice, it is not uncommon that there are is bleeding or soreness. Because the dentists are not experienced enough, they sometimes use too much force or perform the wrong technique, which damages the soft tissues around the teeth.

The dentists may scale the tartar layer too much, and mistakenly scale the gums causing bleeding or severe pain.

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Solutions For Bleeding After Having Tartar Removal
Solutions For Bleeding After Having Tartar Removal

Are bleeding and soreness after having tartar removal dangerous?

Based on how long the pain lasts, the level of pain, and the causes of bleeding after having tartar removal. The severity of bleeding can be determined as follows:

Soreness and bleeding last no more than 12 hours – no dangerous

For those who have weak teeth, even if they see a good dentist, it will still be a bit painful for them when they go home. However, this condition will not last more than 12 hours.

Risky if the bleeding and soreness lasts longer than 12 hours

If at home, the soreness and bleeding last longer than 12 hours after having tartar removal without stopping, you need to see a dentist immediately.

It is possible that in the procedure of tartar removal (scaling), the dentist had overdone and caused damage to the gums quite a lot, causing continuous bleeding. On the other hand, if after 1 day you eat normally and still feel pain, you need to see a dentist for a reexamination.

Solutions for bleeding and soreness after having tartar removal

Even though may be bleeding and soreness after having tartar removal, you can deal with this condition simply.

Solutions for bleeding after having tartar removal
Solutions for bleeding after having tartar removal

Bleeding after tartar removal

If the bleeding still happens after having tartar removal, you can temporarily treat it by rinsing your mouth with physiological saline or diluted saltwater. At the same time, press the bleeding areas with medical cotton.

After performing all of the above instructions, if that bleeding continues, you should contact and return to the dental clinic where you had tartar removal (scaling) to have treatment.


  • Apply warm or cold compresses
  • Brush your teeth properly 2 times/day
  • Avoid eating food that is too hot, too cold, or too spicy.
  • Avoid eating that is sticky, hard to chew, hard…
  • Eating more food that is rich in calcium, minerals to compensate for the lost tooth enamel.

On top of that, you can use natural ingredients such as garlic and ginger to apply to your tooth, which can reduce the soreness and pain after having tartar removal (scaling).

If the pain or soreness prolongs, you should meed your dentist to have timely treatment.

Direct contact to Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital for further consultation

  • Address: 576 – 578 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • Hotline/Zalo: 0901 666 879
  • Email: info@gangwhoo.com
  • Website: gangwhoohospital.vn
  • Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/GangwhooHospital
  • TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@benhviengangwhoo
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benhvienthammygangwhoo/
  • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/benhvienthammygangwhoo

We hope you’ve had enough useful information about the tartar removal service. If you have any further questions or concerns, please leave a comment or contact Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital or our Hotline: 0901.666.879 for the most thoughtful advice and guidance!

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