Cập nhật: 09/11/2023.

Actor Thai Dinh Duong’s Amazing Transformation after Undergoing Beauty Makeover At Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital (P2)

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên
In the previous part, actor Thai Dinh Duong shared the ups and downs in his career. He also expressed his great passion for acting and his desire to change his appearance as a stepping-stone for his return to his passion for acting. After 10 days of beauty makeover at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, let’s see how this appearance has changed!

Actor Thai Dinh Duong’s Amazing Transformation after Undergoing Beauty Makeover At Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Actor Thai Dinh Duong’s Amazing Transformation

Image of Actor Thai Dinh Duong Before & After Undergoing Beauty Makeover
Image of Actor Thai Dinh Duong Before & After Undergoing Beauty Makeover
Image of Actor Thai Dinh Duong Before & After Undergoing Beauty Makeover
Image of Actor Thai Dinh Duong Before & After Undergoing Beauty Makeover

Before surgery, actor Thai Dinh Duong had a slightly low nose, a deviated nasal columellar, a short nose tip, and two uneven nose wings. These nose defects greatly affect the his appearance. After surgery, these defects have been completely corrected.

Now, his new nose shape is natural and well-proportioned with his overall facial appearance.

Actor Thai Dinh Duong with His New Appearance
Actor Thai Dinh Duong with His New Appearance

“My friend didn’t even recognize that I had undergone rhinoplasty.”

To form a new nose shape for actor Thai Dinh Duong, the doctor at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital used the Surgiform nano cartilage made by the US and is considered the best cartilage material nowadays. Along with the nano cartilage, the doctor combines it with the ear cartilage to form a natural, firm, durable, and well-proportioned nose shape.

The doctor also said after undergoing rhinoplasty, actor Thai Dinh Duong can confidently accept invitations to participate in action movie projects and practice sports as usual without having to worry about anything.

“Top of the top is when nobody knows you’ve just undergone plastic surgery.”

For an artist, having the best appearance when on the stage means showing respect to the audience. However, what matters is how to have natural beauty.

In the upcoming years, the beauty trend in Korea as well as in Vietnam will be based on natural beauty, considering natural beauty as the top criterion to evaluate the final results of plastic surgery. And Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, thanks to technology transfer from Korea, is proud to be a pioneer in the current natural beauty trend.

Actor Thai Dinh Duong sends his thanks to Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital

Being stunned by his incredible change, actor Thai Dinh Duong sent his sincere thanks to Dr. Phung Manh Cuong and Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital:

“I would like to thank Dr. Phung Manh Cuong for his advice and support before the surgery. And I also like to thank the doctor for personally correcting the defects on my face to help me have the perfect appearance like now.”

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí
Actor Thai Dinh Duong has finally got an extremely attractive new look after having beauty makeovers at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital. Hopefully, with this new look, his acting career will be more and more successful.

Part 1: Actor Thai Dinh Duong’s Amazing Transformation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital (P1)

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