Cập nhật: 11/12/2024.

60 Minutes of Non-surgical Liposuction – For A Perfect Body

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

What women desire most is not having a waist of a model but staying in shape. Family and works have kept women busy and forgetting all the exercises, making the belly fat accumulate more and more

The new year holiday is coming, where should women have effective and quick liposuction in Ho Chi Minh to confidently go out for holidays?

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“Greeting to holidays” with the non-surgical Lipo Ultrasound fat reduction

Lunar New Year is approaching, Ms. Thu Hoa (living in Ca Mau) is determined to make a beauty “revolution” to regain the slim body shape she used to have. Being recommended by a partner who used to be “in the same situation” with the non-surgical Lipo Ultrasound fat reduction at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, she booked an appointment at the hospital to have a weight loss service.

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Through examination and consultation at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital, Ms. Thu Hoa decided to choose the Lipo Ultrasound technology because of its outstanding advantages: Losing from 4-8kg, removing fat after only 60 minutes of procedure, including the stubborn fat. Especially with the endoscopic technology – non-invasive, removing excess fat at areas such as abdomen, buttocks, waist, arms, calves, biceps, neck, … customers can go home and do normal activities after the procedure.

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The Micro Focuses Ultrasound waves penetrate deep into the subcutaneous fat layer (about 4.5mm) to the excess fat areas. Here, excess fat is liquefied without heat and gently eliminated out under the witness of customers. The most outstanding plus of this technology aside from the customers can have normal activities right after the procedure, Lipo Ultrasound technology – non-surgical fat reduction also provides the necessary amount of Collagen, nourishes the skin to become smoother and firmer. Another benefit besides regaining the beautiful body shape, women will no longer have food cravings.

Lipo Ultrasound non-surgical fat reduction for women to regain their perfect body shape

After only 60 minutes of procedure, Ms. Thu Hoa said: “I can’t believe it, my “pig waist” is gone, like a miracle. I’ve been carrying this burden for over a year now, just 60 minutes of relaxing on the procedure bed, I’ve no longer been upset about my body again!”

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The outstanding advantages of Lipo Ultrasound non-surgical fat reduction:

Gọi tư vấn miễn phí
  • Instant fat reduction, with the temperature of the ultrasound waves, the most stubborn fatty tissue on the body will be destroyed: abdomen, thighs, waist, buttocks, hands, abdomen, and calves.
  • No surgical intervention, no pain, and no skin irritation.
  • Slimmer body after only 60 minutes of the procedure.
  • It is supportive care for diseases caused by fat.
  • The technology is tested by the US FDA to ensure the highest level of safety.
  • More importantly, you no longer have a food craving, the fatty tissues are softened and eliminated through sweat glands.
  • Suitable for busy office women.

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Why should you choose fat reduction services at Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital?

After being asked about the service, Ms. Thu Hoa shared: “As soon as I got off the bus, I saw two nurses from Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital waiting for me. After that, I was invited to hop on Gangwhoo’s car, after 5 minutes of driving, we arrived at the hospital. Entering Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital is like stepping into a 5-star hotel with luxurious, spacious, airy space, considerate service, and modern technology. The doctors enthusiastically answer all my questions. The nurses are cute and attentive. Especially, although Gangwhoo is an international hospital, the prices are for Vietnamese.”

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Gangwhoo Cosmetic Hospital follows an international standard model of a cosmetic hospital: Modern and comfortable; Machinery systems and equipment imported from developed countries; strict warranty policy complying with international standards; Thoughtful customer services.

Source: https://eva.vn/dang-dep/giam-mo-lay-lai-dang-thon-chi-sau-60-phut-thuc-hien-dieu-nay-ma-khong-can-phau-thuat-c277a459005.html

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