Dr. Phung Manh Cuong warns about the dangers of silicone injection in beauty makeover
Recently, the news has covered a story about a group of adults buy and inject liquid silicone into their own bodies, leading ulcers and acne all over the skin. They can’t even open their mouths to speak or eat.

From this, it can be seen that many people are still unaware of the bad effects of silicone onto the body. Today, Dr. Phung Manh Cuong at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital will clarify the matters to you. Stay tuned.
Dr. Phung Manh Cuong warns about the dangers of silicone injection in beauty makeover
Dr. Phung Manh Cuong warns about the dangers of silicone injection in beauty makeover
The complications of silicone injection is very severe. These complications generally will not appear immediately after the injection. However, after a few years, they will be greatly severe.
Being a plastic surgeon myself, I have witnessed many customers with severe complications when having silicone injections onto the face like swelling, bruises, and sagginess. There are also terrible cases of cells alternation, infection, skin cancer, or necrosis.

Dr. Phung Manh Cuong explains the way to handle complications of facial silicone injection
When the silicone gets injected into the face or any parts of the body, it will not stay in one place but rather spread to the surrounding regions. Therefore, you can not extract the silicone out of the body individually but you will have to have the structures that have got silicone infection to be severed. This process must be done carefully not to cause any damages to the nerves or the blood vessels.
For this patient, it takes me 2 silicone removal to have nearly all of the silicone removed from her face.
Dr. Phung Manh Cuong suggests a safe beauty makeover technique
the most alarming thing nowadays is that liquid silicone injection still exists in the industry under the name of filler injection. Many still come to low-quality cosmetic facilities and spas to have silicone injections. This is very dangerous as the injection of any substance into the body must be performed in a strict procedure by an expert according to the Ministry of Health.
I hope that you can consider your choice carefully before choosing a facility to have your beauty makeover to avoid getting fraud of silicone injection and future consequences.
The story of Dr. Phung Manh Cuong
The first-level specialist Phung Manh Cuong is the Director of Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital. He has had over 15 years of experience in plastic surgery. His topic is highly appreciated at the Internation Aesthetic Surgery Conference. With years of training in Korea, Dr. Phung Manh Cuong is exceptionally brilliant in rhinoplasty and nose revision.
Read more about Dr. Phung Manh Cuong HERE.