Cập nhật: 13/12/2024.

The 2022 acne treatment regimen

Theo dõi Gangwhoo trên

An acne treatment regimen by medical standard must be optimized for acne threapy. In other words, it must be based on the acne conditions of the patient to ensure an optimal treatment. Here are the acne treatment regimen provided by the Ministry of Health that you should check out.

What is acne?

Acne is a very common skin condition caused by the increase in the production of the sebaceous glands, the keratinization of the follicles, the hyperactive P. acnes bacteria, genetic factors, diet and routines, hormone disorders, stress, and the surrounding environment.

Acne comes in different sizes and forms like pustules, whiteheads, blackheads, papules, nodules, etc. They tend to appear on the face, chin, back, and chest.

Severe forehead acne condition
Severe forehead acne condition

The common goal of the acne treatment regimen

The acne treatment regimen provided by the Ministry of Health listed 3 main targets of acne therapy, which are:

  • Control and regulate the production of the sebaceous glands.
  • Prevent the keratinization of the follicles.
  • Suppress and eliminate the acne-causing bacteria.

The standardized medical acne treatment regimen

The acne treatment regimen provided by the Ministry of Health includes the use of ointment and pills medications.

Acne treatment regimen with ointment
Acne treatment regimen with ointment

Acne treatment with ointment

The acne treatment regimen of the Ministry of Health includes the following ointment:

Ointment with Retinoid

The medicines for acne treatment containing Retinoid can reduce the comedones, prevent inflammation, and forbid the formation of the comedones.

However, these medications come with side effects in the first period of using them or during the therapy. These include:

  • Skin dryness and redness.
  • Allergic skin.
  • Scaling skin.
  • Sunlight sensitivity.

Ointment with Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a type of substance that can get rid of bacteria in a wide area. Applying this on the skin will eliminate the P.acnes bacteria and the fatty acid of the glands. Moreover, the ointment will also help to reduce the comedones and prevent inflammation.

Benzoyl peroxide medications are made into 3 types – ointment, gel, and cleanser with a concentration of 2.5 – 10%.

Benzoyl peroxide ointment has certain side effects like sunlight sensitivity and skin dryness. Therefore, it is recommended to use this in the evening to avoid unwanted problems.

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Antibiotic ointment

Using antibiotics in acne treatment can get rid of the P. acnes bacteria and prevent inflammation directly by suppressing the activity of the neutrophil.

Antibiotic ointment comes in alcohol-dissolving fluid, gel, and lotion to subside skin reactions.

This can be applied simultaneously with other medicines like

  • Erythromycin 3%
  • Benzoyl peroxide 5%
  • Clindamycin 1%
  • Benzoyl peroxide 5%.

Azelaic acid ointment

Acid azelaic used in ointments can suppress the bacteria and prevent the formation of comedones. This is made as 20% concentration cream.

Some possible side effects are itchiness or burns on the spot that requires some attention.

(*) Note: You can combine multiples ointments to increase the effectiveness and get rid of acne entirely. However, you should not combine the cyclin and the retinoid ointment together. It is adviseable to consult a dermatologist beforehand.

Acne treatment with pills

Phác đồ điều trị mụn trứng cá bằng thuốc uống
Acne treatment regimen with pills

Another type of medication in the acne treatment regimen of the Ministry of Health is the pills. The pills used for acne treatment regimen includes:


For an acne treatment regimen with antibiotic pills, the dermatologist will give a prescription based on the acne condition of the patient. These are:

  • Doxycyclin: 100 mg/day for first 30 days, reduce to 50 mg/day for the next 2 – 3 months.
  • Tetracyclin 1,5 g: use for 8 days hoặc 0.25 g/day for 30 days or until the end of the therapy.
  • In case of the cycline group is not recommendable, macrolide antibiotic can be used instead.

Side effects:

  • Sunlight sensitivity when using Tetracyclin and Doxycyclin.
  • Digestive disorder when using Erythromycin.


Isotretinoin pills can suppress and control the production of sebaceous glands under the skin and stimulate the dekeratinization process. The doses for Isotretinoin pills are:

  • For aggressive use: 0.5 to 1mg/kg/day, for 4 months straight.
  • For long-term use: 0.2 – 0.3 mg/kg/day, for 2 – 3 months.

Isotretinoin pills can have many side effects like skin dryness, skin scaling, sensitive eyes, etc. Therefore, you will need to consult a dermatologist beforehand.

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(*) Note

  • Do not use Isotretinoin pills when being pregnant or breastfeeding as this can cause congenital abnormalities to the baby.
  • Do not combine with Tetracyclin pills as it can create pressure to the skull, forming tumors.
  • Do not use it for children under 16 years old.

Check out: Acne treatment with Isotretinoin


  • Usage: This is an Antiandrogens made from natural ingredients that can control the production of the sebaceous glands on the skin.
  • Doses: take the first pill after having menstruation for 21 days straight. Stop for 7 days. Use this for 3 – 6 months.
  • This type of pill has many side effects; therefore, consult a dermatologist beforehand.

Other medications

There are other medications and dietary supplementation that can be used in acne treatment regimen like:

  • Vitamin B2
  • Biotin
  • Bepanthen
  • Zinc (Zn)

The application of advanced technology in the acne treatment regimen

Aside from the use of ointment and pills, advanced technology can also be applied for acne therapy.

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Some popular acne treatment technology that is popular nowadays.

Light therapy

This method uses light with appropriate wavelengths to treat acne. Specifically:

  • The blue light will alternate the porphyrin of the bacteria and destroy the acne-causing bacteria.
  • The red light will increase blood circulation, allowing the nutrients to reach the skin better.


This is the most common acne therapy nowadays. This technique will get rid of the old keratin cells and ventilate the follicles to allow the nutrients to enter the skin better, stimulating the regeneration of new skin cells.

Comedones removal

Removing the comedones actively will lower the risk of inflammation of the pimples, stopping them from developing.

Comedones removal must be done by protocol with certified sanitary; otherwise, the risk of infection will be high and leave pitted scars. Therefore, don’t try to do it yourself at home.

Chemical peel

This technique involves some types of acid like Mandelic acid, Salicylic acid, Retinol, Trichloroacetic acid, etc. to scrub the dead layer of cells and control the sebaceous glands, treating acne effectively.

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Things to remember during and after having an acne treatment regimen

  • Maintain skin hygiene by washing your face with a facial cleanser 2 times a day (morning and evening).
  • Don’t touch your face with your hands as it will allow the bacteria to enter, worsening the acne conditions.
  • Avoid putting on thick makeup and using too many skincare products as it can cause the pores to be clogged, forming pimples.
  • Use sunscreen, especially in areas that had comedones removal to prevent damages from UV light.
  • Should not exfoliate immediately after therapy to prevent allergy.
  • Remove your makeup and don’t put on any skincare products when playing sports to prevent sweat from clogging the pores.
  • Lower the consumption of starch, sugar, saturated fat, hot, and fast food.
  • Eat more green vegetables and fruits, fish, green tea, and products with probiotics to allow the skin to have enough nutrients and generate new and beautiful skin.
  • Drink plenty of water (from 2 – 3 liters a day) to detox and moisten the skin, regulating the production of sebaceous glands and making it soft and strong.

Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital – the facility for safe and effective acne therapy 

Aside from the standardized medical acne treatment regimen, you can also choose to have advanced technology therapy to maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, allowing the face to be clean and smooth. For this, you can choose to have Skin Get – IPL technology at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital.

điều trị mụn trứng cá công nghệ Skin Get – IPL
Skin Get – IPL acne therapy technology

Skin Get – IPL at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital is a modern technique of acne therapy to treat pimples effectively after just one session.

Acne therapy results at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital

Kết quả điều trị mụn tại bệnh viện thẩm mỹ Gangwhoo
Acne therapy results at Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital

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In addition to acne therapy, Gangwhoo cosmetic hospital also provides a variety of skincare services and therapy. You can check them out HERE.

Final words

This is the knowledge about acne treatment regimen from the Ministry of Health. We hope what we shared to you today will be useful to you and help you to find an effective regimen for your skin conditions.

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